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Our Twin Planet X: Are You Sirius?

Early on in the search by NASA for a near-earth object that was perturbing the orbits of our solar system’s outer planets, technically so-called trans-Neptunian objects (TNO), it was considered to be a wild-goose chase at best. Astrophysicists united in the denouncement of Percival Lowell (1855-1916) that a “tenth” planet existed almost immediately after he put forth the hypothesis one hundred years ago. A graduate of Harvard University in mathematics, scholar of the Japanese culture, language, and philosophy of life, Lowell wrote numerous books including The Soul of the Far East (1888). The son of a wealthy Boston family, he also financed the construction of the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona on so-named Mars Hill, and proposed in later years that life had in fact existed once on Mars. As far as I am concerned, our solar system and universe are teeming with intelligent life so this is a moot point. The only ones that I see that have not solved that mystery—or at least published it—is NASA. I’ve talked to many NDErs that have sped past the red planet and saw the ruined remnants of a previous civilization en route to the deeper regions of the galaxy. (See Appendix B) Although controversial in Lowell’s lifetime, the gravitational evidence for a Planet X continued unabated and is now confirmed as fact by the new data recovered from NASA’s Pioneer 10 and 11 series of spacecraft. These heavily instrumented scientific probes examined the motions of the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus. Interestingly enough, even though orbiting at the extreme opposite ends of our solar system, in what should be a uniform space, these craft detected huge anomalies in gravity. It is clear that gravity is not a constant throughout the cosmos, rather waxes and wanes like the light of the silvery moon, ebbs and flows like tides of a cosmic ocean made of water: liquid light waves? That opens up a whole new vision for life forms co-habiting our own space if not time zones. Time is a concept that we need to grapple with for a bit before we proceed. For example, Leah Haley, an abductee mentioned in Marc Davenport’s 1992 book Visitors from Time, was spoken to by a friendly “voice” while flying on board a spacecraft, which told her: “Time is no more linear than the earth is flat. Time is like a Slinky [the springlike child’s toy]. It can be bent, stretched, contracted and overlapped. Because of this, choices we make today can affect not only our future but also whether or not certain aspects of our past ever occurred. Actually, time as we know it is nonexistent; its space that’s important.” University of New Hampshire Professor of Physics Paul J. Nahin writes in his encyclopedic Time Machines: Time Travel in Physics, Metaphysics, and Science Fiction that time is negotiable when you enter a wormhole. “For our purposes here—the creation of wormholes in space-time—we have to imagine much more: the folding of four-dimensional space-time through a five-dimensional hyperspace.” Travel through time requires that we learn how to fall down the worm—or “rabbit”—hole that Alice did en route to Wonderland. More than anything else this gives a person freedom of choice beyond, or in accordance with their wildest imagination. I cannot stress this point too much. This is the cutting-edge conclusion and bottom-line revelation in quantum physics says British physicist David Deutsch in The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes—and Its Implications: “When we make a choice, we change the future from what it will be in universes in which we choose differently. But in no case does any particular snapshot in the future change. It cannot change, for there is no flow of time, with respect to which it could change. ‘Changing’ the future means choosing a snapshot we will be in; ‘changing’ the past means exactly the same thing.” So, we cannot run and hide anymore: Stick our heads in the sands of time. We must reconcile our ideas about time to really grasp what we mean by the physical and the spiritual worlds: Earth and Heaven. “Humanity is at the point of breaking through the actual limited vision it bears of time; some day it will be a common experience to live in a state of simultaneity,” wrote Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet in The Gnostic Circle (1975). Egyptologist Rene´ A. Schwaller de Lubicz (1887-1961) would not be surprised at this proclamation for he dedicated his life’s work to understand the mediating role Egypt played between our planet and our twin in Sirius. Neither would Egyptologist Wallis Budge that linked both Sirius and Orion with Earth through spiritual rays of light emitted from these two star groups that “vivify gods, men, cattle, and creeping things … out of the seed of the soul.” Murry Hope, author of The Sirius Connection: Unlocking the Secrets of Ancient Egypt, quoting de Lubicz’s remarkable discovery that our Julian year based upon a cycle of 365 days is nearly identical to that of a year in Sirius: “Sirius is the only star among the ‘fixed stars’ which allows this cycle. It can therefore be supposed that Sirius plays the role of a center for the circuit of our entire solar system.” Is Sirius the power center for our consciousness? I also note that Sirius is 20 times brighter than our Sun; the brightest star in the night sky. It is known as the Dog Star because of its location in the Canis Major constellation and lore has it that Sirius is the patron star of Isis, and married to Orion. This information will become significant once I introduce the “fiery” NDE visions of Louis Famoso and the starring role that Orion will play in our pole shift; the wobble then tilt of our North-South axis that could also be associated with the return of Planet X. Though astronomers struggled with this idea for a century, Planet X was called by various names in the myths of antiquity including Planet of the Cross, Gods, or Empire. Also it was called Hercolubus, Marduk, Nemesis, or Nibiru. Beyond my speculation, I was stunned when I learned that Sirius B, a white dwarf with the mass density of our Sun but the physical size of our Earth, orbits Sirius A every 52 weeks. I mean to ask, is this not the master timing fork that synchronizes our own earth-solar orbit to that of 365 days and 52 weeks? Obviously it was a factor in how earlier Egyptian, Greek, and Mayan civilizations, for examples, saw our own world as interconnected to the larger cycles of planets, suns, and galaxies. Robert Temple, author of The Sirius Mystery: New Scientific Evidence of Alien Contact, examined Egyptian symbolisms and agrees “Sirius was, astronomically, the foundation of the entire Egyptian religious system. Its celestial movements determined the Egyptian Calendar, which is even known as the Sothic Calendar.” British Museum Egyptologist Wallis Budge (1857-1934) declared in a lecture, “The mention of Orion and Sothis (Sirius) is interesting, for it shows that at one time the Egyptians believed that these stars were the homes of departed souls.” Maurice Cotterell, author of The Mayan Prophecies, The Supergods, and his latest, The Tutankhamun Prophecies shares the same conclusion. “The evidence is clear: the Egyptians from the earliest times were preoccupied with the movements of stars and planets. … The Egyptians encoded into their architecture the Osiris myth, leaving an important message for modern man: on death, like the souls of Osiris and Isis, the soul really can become a star.” Hermes Mercurius Trismegistos, a.k.a., Thoth, the myth goes on to tell us was confronted by a magnificent being of light that called himself “Poimandres,” as reported by Cotterell in The Tutankhamun Prophecies. While meditating in the desert a “great dragon” [DNA] appeared, telling him that it was “the mind of the universe, the creative intelligence, and the absolute emperor of all.” Then, Poimandres clarified: “Behold the great mystery of the stars, for the Milky Way is the seed of souls, and from it they drop into the material world.” However, this blew my mind: Robert Temple pointed out in his aforementioned books that Alice Bailey said that “the Great White Lodge of Freemasonry was based in the Sirius System and that it is always beaming helpful rays to the poor people of Earth who wallow in appalling ignorance, violence, and oppression.” That’s a tautology, a self-evident truth, if one watches CNN News; but I had a shocking experience while writing this book that made me sit-up straight and pay more attention to the claims of “secret societies.” One sunny afternoon when I was home alone, which is rare given that I usually have a house full of adult kids and grandchildren, my phone rang and after I said “Hello,” a soft male voice spoke: “You are a member of the Great White Brotherhood.” Then click, there was silence. Other than the message itself, I thought the pitch of the voice was extremely unusual if not alarming. It sounded human yet somewhat metallic, tinny; maybe a speech pattern of a robot? I cannot help but believe that is likely given the news article today in London’s The Daily Telegraph written by Tim Shipman in Washington, D.C. titled “Pentagon hires British scientist to help build robot soldiers that ‘won’t commit war crimes.’” In part, he writes “The US Army and Navy have both hired experts in the ethics of building machines to prevent the creation of an amoral Terminator-style killing machine that murders indiscriminately. By 2010 the US will have invested $4 billion in a research program into ‘autonomous systems,’ the military jargon for robots, on the basis that they would not succumb to fear or the desire for vengeance that afflicts frontline soldiers. A British robotics expert has been recruited by the US - 39 Navy to advise them on building robots that do not violate the Geneva Conventions. Colin Allen, a scientific philosopher at Indiana University has just published a book summarizing his views entitled Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right From Wrong. Dr. Allen told The Daily Telegraph, ‘“The question they want answered is whether we can build automated weapons that would conform to the laws of war. Can we use ethical theory to help design these machines?’ Pentagon chiefs are concerned by studies of combat stress in Iraq that show high proportions of frontline troops supporting torture and retribution against enemy combatants. Ronald Arkin, a computer scientist at Georgia Tech University, who is working on software for the US Army has written a report which concludes robots, while not ‘perfectly ethical in the battlefield’ can ‘perform more ethically than human soldiers.’” Of, course, robotic technology is feared as well, as this article above concludes, “Noel Sharkey, a computer scientist at Sheffield University, best known for his involvement with the cult television show Robot Wars, is the leading critic of the US plans. He says: ‘It sends a cold shiver down my spine. I have worked in artificial intelligence for decades, and the idea of a robot making decisions about human termination is terrifying.’” Or maybe it was the voice of a being that had first been processed through a language translation device? I don’t know what it was or why that happened to me; it remains a mystery. But I can’t help believing that we are always under observation and given clues by our “robotic” watchers as we become enlightened to our origins and destiny. Perhaps from a mirror-image world to ours that has its own interests in survival at heart? I mean what we do to our strands of DNA in terms of programming our genes we do to these twin beings as well—simultaneously—via harmonic resonance? Is it the case that we have a “robotic” body double on a Planet X in Sirius? Anyway, I mentioned this telephone oddity above to a colleague, Fred Mills, in Atlanta, Georgia as I was writing this section and he pointed out that Harvard University’s bad boy, Timothy Leary, Ph.D. (1920-1996), the hippie-dippy LSD guru, claimed to be enlightened to our future by a telepathic “hallucination” he dubbed a “Starseed Transmission.” I smiled too as I learned that I had studied psychology at the University of Alabama, as he did, and my son, Jayson, graduated from his own graduate school alma mater: Washington State University. All trivia aside, here is my point: Leary was meditating with a group of inmates within the confines of Folsom Prison, where he was incarcerated on a marijuana conviction at that time, when he, and the others, were told by a “voice” residing in the star system Sirius, supposedly, the following items of interest: • It is time for life on Earth to leave the planetary womb and learn to walk through the stars. • Life was seeded on your planet billions of years ago by nucleotide templates which contained the blueprint for gradual evolution through a sequence of biomechanical stages. • The goal of evolution is to produce nervous systems capable of com municating with and returning to the Galactic Network where we, your interstellar parents, await you. • Life on planet Earth has now reached this halfway point, established itself, and evolved through larval mutations and metamorphoses to the seven brain stages. • Assemble the most intelligent, advanced, and courageous of your species, divided equally between men and women. Let every race, nationality, and religion be represented. • You are about to discover the key to immortality in the chemical structure of the genetic code, within which you will find the scripture of life. The time has come for you to accept the responsibility of immortality. It is not necessary for you to die. • You will discover the key to enhanced intelligence within the chemistry of the nervous system. Certain chemicals, used wisely, will enable your nervous system to decipher the genetic code. • All life on your planet is a unity. All life must come home. • Total freedom, responsibility and interspecies harmony will make the voyage possible. You must transcend larval identities of race, culture, and nationality. Your only allegiance is to life. The only way you will survive is to make the voyage home. • We are sending a comet to your solar system as a sign that the time has come to look to the stars. • When you arrive back home you will be given new instructions and powers. Your sperm ship is the flower of terrestrial life. As soon as the company is formed and the voyage begun, war, poverty, hatred, fear will disappear from your planet and the most ancient prophecies and celestial visions will be realized. [Bold emphasis mine] (See Crazy maybe; but I wonder if these ideas are crazy enough to be true. Alan F. Alford of Walsall, England, boldly declares that “Ancient sages believed that the future destiny of mankind lay in a return to the Source, i.e. to God and Heaven. The death of the body, they said, did not mark an end but rather a critical mid-point in the human existence. Those who had the secret knowledge could retrace the path to the Heavenly Source and enter the gates to the lost paradise. The knowing soul would then unite with its primeval body-double and materialize in a remarkably Earth-like world.” (See Again, is our body double in Sirius? Is that the source for the robot idea? More and more I see that myth is a symbolic way to focus us on reconciling within our mind’s eye what seems to be opposites. For instance, I see that religion is based upon a scientific code, an astro-theology that seeks to motivate us to look-up into the night sky for our “twin” origins in order to capture what software engineer Laird Scranton relayed in The Science of the Dogon: Decoding the African Mystery Tradition as the “principles of twinness and the pairing of opposites.” He adds that the Egyptian goddess Isis, the personification of the star Sirius, and her twin sister Nephthys, a.k.a., Lady of the Temple, represented the obvious bipolar conditions in mankind; “male and female,” “light and birth,” “darkness and death,” … maybe even the classic: slave and master? These same traits of two are also attributed to Sirius A and B. Furthermore, mystic Alice Bailey stated in her writings Initiation, Human and Solar, “In the secret of the Sun Sirius are hidden the facts of our cosmic evolution, and incidentally, therefore, of our solar system.” Let me say forthrightly that there is much to learn from the pagan mystery schools and other secret society rituals that originated in Atlantis, as far as this story goes. These ides were then passed on to the Egyptians through its survivors, with fragments of these facts forming fables as well as the sacred scripture teachings in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam today. It is the nursery rhyme like the being Humpty Dumpty, a broken, shattered picture of reality that now begs all the “king’s men” of these faiths to glue it back together again. All spiritual traditions are pure green! In blunt terms, the keys to the executive washroom let alone the Kingdom of God elude the orthodoxy to this very day for the reasons that are becoming known. The leadership was focused on the control of the people and not their salvation from ignorance of God. Recall the ban on owning a copy of the Holy Bible? What ugly and sweet secrets were being kept from the parishioners by the priests become pariah, feeding upon the information reserved for the powerful? I have never been big on conspiracy but the facts are screaming. Scholar of esotericism Kenneth Grant makes it overtly clear that Sirius is a topic that simply will not go away quietly and wants to be pondered anew in his biographical book Aleister Crowley & The Hidden God (1973). Grant unveils: • The one place in Crowley’s writings where he gives the meaning of the initials A:.A:. is in his magical record (Cefalu, 1921) where it appears as ACTHP APLOC. This is a corrupt Graeco-Coptic form of Argenteum Astrum (the Silver Star) yet it is the true occult key to the nature of the order, which is not expressed by the correct Latin version of the name. Argos derives from arg or arca, the female generative power symbolized by the moon, the womb-shaped argha used in the mysteries, synonymous with the queen of heaven. Arghya (Sanskrit) is the libation cup; Aster Argos is the lunar or ‘silver’ star. The lunar component is represented by the eye of Isis, and her star is Sirius, the dog-star (Set). The order of the Silver Star is thus the order of the eye of Set, ‘the Son behind the Sun,’ represented astronomically by the star of Isis, which is Sothis (Sirius). • The constellation of which Sirius was the chief star was once named the Phoenix [this constellation probably corresponded to the complex of stars now known as Cygnus and Aquila]. This was the secret name of Baphomet (Crowley) as the supreme head of the O.T.O. [the Ordo Templi Orientis or Order of the Temple of the East, so called because the east is the place of sunrise. The reference is not, however, to the physical sun, but to the eye of Set, astronomically imaged by Sirius.] He assumed the god- form of this bird (an emblem of the Sothic year or cycle) because it reached the meridian (i.e. attained supremacy) at the moment of the rising of Sirius, or Set. • The Silver Star (A:.A:.) is Sirius. As Hoor-paar-Kraat, whose formula is silence and strength, he is the undying god, beyond our solar system. Horus is the ‘son’ of this god and the sun (or father) of our solar system. Horus is thus Hrumachis (son of) the star, Sirius. Sirius, Sothis or Set- An, thus represents the supreme, the eternal light. The star is therefore the key to the present aeon of Horus, for it represents the energy of Satan that will permeate the earth during the present cycle. [Bold emphasis mine] Note: Please see that Satan is an “archetype,” “energy” or “power.” That is, there is an occult agenda, a hidden power drive to rule the world, but it is a cabal comprised of like-minded people, not a single being. Yet we will see the Christian Church for an example begin to control its flock by promoting a demon in every non-Christian and a devil behind every sinister act. Not once will it turn to a mirror and see who is pointing the finger at them. Again, we are in a tug-of-war, spiritually, as well as physically between those that operate on the love of power versus the power of love. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12) Tranceformers: Shamans of the 21st Century byJohn Jay Harper

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