Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

Founded by Brenda “Silverwolf” Hanlon


How do you know if you, or someone you know, is an Indigo Child or Adult? The Indigo phenomenon is the next step in our evolution as a human species. We are all, in some way, becoming more like the Indigo people. They are here to show us the way, and so the information can be applied more generally to all of us as we make the transition to the next stage of our growth and evolution. The Indigo Children have been incarnating on the Earth for the last 100 years. The early Indigos were pioneers and way-showers. After World War II, a significant number were born, and these are the Indigo adults of today. However, in the 1970s a major wave of Indigos was born, and so we have a whole generation of Indigos who are now in their late twenties and early thirties who are about to take their place as leaders in the world. Indigos continued to born up to about 2000, with increasing abilities and degrees of technological and creative sophistication. The Indigo Adults are composed of two groups. Firstly, there are those who were born as Indigos and are now making the transition to Crystal. This means they undergo a spiritual and physical transformation that awakens their "Christ" or "Crystal" consciousness and links them with the Crystal children as part of the evolutionary wave of change. The second group is those who were born without these qualities, but have acquired or are in the process of acquiring them through their own hard work and the diligent following of a spiritual path. Yes, this means that all of us have the potential to be part of the emerging group of "human angels"




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  • thank you Amba 

  • Thanks AMBA

  • Thank you. :)

  • Thank you Am ba this described. Me perfectly now if you all can help fully awaken me and help me leArn to heal and overcome this darn darkness that has literally stalked me my whole life it would be great! In tears because this literally described me exactly down to the horrible situations aliens everything. Why hadn't I found this out before six months ago?!?! Is this why my hands n feet burn at times for no reason?
  • Dear AMBA thank you !

  • Much gratitude :)

  • Many thanks Amba!

  • Thank you dear Amba xx

  • Thank you AMBA.

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