Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

The last symbol manifesting through axiatonal lines activated and at the stage of Christ oversoul merging in the physical being. The symbol appears on the forehead anchoring all higher chakras and cosmic light through the spine and all chakras, planes and dimensions into the physical body and inot earth. The symbol itself activates by visual interaction and trying to understand it. many cultures has described it as Ankh, Woodapple leaf on Shiva ling, Tibetian Knot of Eternal wisdom and many more. Interact and state your perspective of what it is.

There are many outcomes it creates and that depends on the persons perspective and choice at current state of evolution. The symbol is EFFECTIVE enough to bring new choices iN life to the observer. It just needs a view to clear all chakras help clear psychosomatic disorders, MANIFEST HIGHER HEALING AND ascension lights, heal depressions n many stages of LIFE PATH...

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