Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

SHINING – SOUL REIKI is channeled by Hari Andri Winarso.


Shining – Soul Reiki is a excellent and unique reiki system who works as the karmics healing, karmics clearing, or karmic removal. Shining – Soul Reiki is the re-patterning of old/negative beliefs and programs learned during childhood and passed on from generation to generation that keep us from achieving what we want in life. We are unaware of many of these beliefs and programs. Through the Shining – Soul Reiki we can conquer physical illnesses, lift depression and anger, clear abundance issues and open the door to more love in our lives.

The Shining – Soul Reiki transmutes your highest priority polarized karmic contracts which are; decisions, truths, concepts, alignments, oaths, vows, unresolved emotions and attitudes held consciously and unconsciously that hinder your life. 

The Shining – Soul Reiki has 3 levels :


1. Shining – Soul Reiki 1 : At this level, you will works with Emotional Trauma Karma Removal and Victimization Karma Removal , and use the symbols of that

-EMOTIONAL TRAUMA KARMA REMOVAL : It's profound on the physical, emotional, mental and the frequency of the Human Energy field. If you have gone through a traumatic experience, you may have struggled with upseting emotions, frightening memories, or a sense of constant danger that you just could not shake. Or perhaps you felt numb, disconnected and was unable to trust other people …


-VICTIMIZATION KARMA REMOVAL : This is focused solely on the transmuting of Victimization thoughtforms, programming and beliefs from the human energy field. Shining – Soul Reiki begins this clearing first by transmuting the personal associated with victimization. As long as we look outside of our Self to find out who we are, to define ourselves and give us self-worth, we are setting ourselves to be victims.


. 2. Shining – Soul Reiki 2 : At this second level, you will works with Codependency Karma Removal and Ancentral Karma Removal, and use the symbols of that

-. CODEPENDENCY KARMA REMOVAL : Codependency Karma are within every human being on the earth. There is a misperception that co-dependency is related only to alcoholic, drug and abusive families.

-ANCENTRAL KARMA REMOVAL : Patterns of self-sabotage, isolation, chronic illness, depression, addiction, challenges in relationship or an inability to prosper can all be traced back to unhealed ancestral wounding. Ancestral karma is programmed into our DNA. It causes us to unconsciously recreate situations which have occurred, sometimes many times, in our family line.


3. Shining – Soul Reiki3 : It’s the Master Level, on this level you will use the Master symbol to give / pass the attunements for anothers.

-SPIRIT / SOUL CLEANSING BREATH (JOSHIN – KOKYU – HO) : Spirit / Soul Cleansing Breath (Joshin – Kokyu – Ho) is a technique which will reduce stress, purify mind, body and spirit. This technique will also enhance your ow energy.




There is set fee from founder and it is 26 usd for each level.

Please do respect the energies and time and work that went into channeling this system and bringing it to you,


If anybody is interested to receive this energies and attunements, message me inbox, we can arrange lower fee.

Namaste, Amba





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  • I'm excited for this!
  • Lost a ton of stress and Weight. My twin flame took the two symbols... and ran outside... losing breath !  Huge liberation for us even with hundred of reikis...  letting go out so much Old consciousness... <3

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