Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

As you step into Higher Initiations, more and more apects of you start manifesting or in other words you become aware of your other aspects.

One of it is a ability to choose your further Life Purpose. By 12th Initiation all beings are almost complete your purpose, then renewing begins. New aspects come forward, new gifts show up and new Purpose gets you Calling.

You can also choose to get Multidimensional trainings before you choose further Service. WHile I only continued with Kriya yog, i keep getting into new trainings at times.

For me, i was busy with Magnetic Resonance codes and sessions which almost completed last week and then the Rapture (its defined and a state of complete emptiness and joy filled with flow and radiance of universal energies).

In past month tours i have met some trainers and speakers. One of them invited me for a Resonance work with Oriental (said to be the Master Training centre of all past Ascended masters). and Resonance allows access of all possible magnetic imprints from that system This probably was the reason of so much flow of new gifts for our entire group.

One of it is having a very Intelligent field of  energy Healings/ or entire Healing Team of Masters. Its just 2-3 days this began and i am sharing it with other members too.

The only prerequisite is to have taken all past sessions or atleast upto the 13 session i.e. the Void. 

Once the Team is installed, the healer can request for new Masters with other abilities. Normally new energies join as required.

To heal with this system, all you need to do is Request your team.

Everything from Healing, clearing,surgery, psychological/psychiatric counselling, energy balancing, reimprint, regeneration, muscular and skeletal resetting, negative pattern clearing, opening of chakras and meridians, clearing infections, everything needed is done by the team.

All you need to do is, Ask!

For now, there is no codes in this program. If you are done with past Codes of Ascension, you can message to fix your time for this activation.

The first person we tried a healing was me, my friend asked her team to heal my leg inflammation or neural pain. while the energy reached my back and for 1 hour did something like surgery and resetting my spine and shoulders. then worked on liver and perinium. 

The second person our group members relative with Hearing loss. was treated for entire night, next morning she showed partly restoration of hearing. plus the team left a message for another session.

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  • Thank you. :)

  • ,click View Events under Sukhendu to see each code in detail or search each code in search bar at top of site

  •  please put link to past 13 sessions thank you

  • I am a bit do not understand how to take these codes?

  • THANK YOU SO MUCH SUKHENDU FOR INSTALLING MY TEAM. for others who are reading this comment ystdy night i saw this post , Sukhendu was online & i requested for my team. He advised  me to lie down 30 mins, i decided to retire to sleep during process. I started to feel strong energy shifts within minutes, i requested for improving health for myself & family. I felt like somebody was really hearing my requests & even probably was ready to hear more of my issues, i felt really good & relieved. For more than one hour i just requested all that came into my mind like balancing & harmonizing my energies, chakras ,meridians, protection,grounding, clearing fears,anger hatred, restlessness, unwanted beliefs, thoughts memories ,karmic ,this life & past lives, vows contracts all small & big things for myself & loved ones for 24/7 day & night for coming days. Sleep wasnt so great could be due to healing & saw some unusual dreams. Morning after waking i was somewhat tired still could feel energy shifts & bit restless & in between time whatever came into my mind i mentally requested to healing team , by 12 pm was more settled, but wanted more rest so took a nap, still saw some dreams some not able to understand. After waking up felt good. One main thing which i like to know Sukhendu is about karmic healing, to my understanding negative karma can manifest into illness(or any kind of problems in our life) including they can block the healing progress to small or big extend. No doubt masters have all of advanced powers & capabilities, but would they be willing to clear or reduce intensity of our bad karma that we are currently facing (or in near future). I always had this question while taking all these energy & ascension work. Whats ur opinion, it would be really helpful to everyone if you could post a channeled message from any of the Masters

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