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Something that i like to share with you all. Below are the words of the publisher.  Enjoy ! 


This is something from the book "Ask Your Angels". It's an angel invocation in the form of a chant. It goes like this:


Eee Nu Rah
Eee Nu Rah
Eee Nu Rah Zay

It was given to the authors by angels in C-sharp but can be chanted on any note that feels right to you as many times as it feels right to you. It means

"I bring all of myself,
mind, body, emotions, and soul,
together in the presence of the angels".


Personally, I have had the best results with this chant by performing it as I fall asleep. It has caused the angels to influence my dreams many times. Good Luck!


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  • thank you!

  • Hello!! Laurentiu Marius Baicu,

    Thank you very much for sharing this with us!


  • Here is some feedback to this mantra:

    "This actually worked really well for me. I had posted it, and then couldn't remember what the actual words were - but it was late and I didn't want to get on the computer and look it up... so I just visualized the page and said... remember that? My intention is that I am repeating that mantra in the right way. Then, I went promptly to sleep. Had a really awesome dream that went to the root of one of my current issues... and I am convinced that the mantra is what did it. Has anyone else tried it?"

    "I had sort of a cool angel experience last night! I was in that "twilight" period right as I was going to sleep and wasn't even thinking consciously about angels, when all of the sudden I heard an angel tell me that her name was Mushashu. Pronounced Moo-Shaw-Shoe. I am going to have to do some research on that online and see if I can find anything about her! Luckily, I was amazed and shocked enough by the happening to turn the light on and jot it down. In fact, I sort of forgot it even happened until just now at 6:30 p.m. when I was looking at today's angel posting. I had to go to my bedroom and find the piece of paper I wrote it on. How cool!!!

    I'm looking forward to doing the chant tonight when I go to bed and see what happens!"


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