Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

Akashic is Sanskrit for ‘’primary substance’’.

They have been referred to by different names such as: The
Book of Life, the Cosmic Mind, the Universal Mind, the
collective unconscious, the collective subconscious, and the
Soul Records.

It is the past, present, and future knowledge of all things.
It is the universal filing system which records all thoughts,
words, and action. It is the repository of all human experience,
a record of all events.

Some say the akashic records are similar to a Cosmic or
collective conciousness.They are records of talents and knowledge.
They are not actual books or scrolls, though many people see
them as such when they access them, but they are actually an
energetic vibration. It is this energy vibration that translates
into images, forms, symbols, imagery, and language that the
mind can understand.

Every person can access their own records.

Access to others records is gained through access to the
Higher Self of that person –or-by one’s Higher Self going to
Higher levels of spirit for access )with permission.

The Akashic Records Will closely resemble
What it is you first Envision it to be.




To receive the attunement just find a quiet place when you will not be disturbed for half an hour, and say out loud or silently

I am now willing to receive the energies of Lord of Akashic record Akasha sent for me by Amba

thank you 3x

Namaste, Amba

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