Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
- Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
- Location: The City of Shamballa
- Latest Activity: Jan 21, 2024
The LightWorker™ Acitivation of the Medicine Wheel is the first one in a series of LightWorker™ EarthMedicine Empowerments, mainly channelled and written by Lisa “Ladywolf” Center.
The circle of life is reflected throughout Nature; the Moon, the Sun and Motherearth. There have been “circles” found all over the world. Are they vortexes where healingenergy can be given and received? Are they maps to the heavens through representation ofthe Moon and Sun? Are they nothing more than huge calendars? The Native Nations ofNorth America created many wheels that are still present today. It is said that if youfollow the Sacred Hoop and consider the lessons you learn there, it will change you. It isthe Medicine Wheel that connects us to ourselves and the rest of the Universe.
You will want to make sure you have quiet time for yourself in a place that is sacred toyou. This attunement is most powerful when it is done outside. You begin withthanksgiving to The Creator, Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon. It can be evenmore powerful to you if it is done during the time of day when you were born within theFour winds. If you were born in the East you might want to begin your activation atdawn. You can offer tobacco in gratitude. South: Begin at midday and offer sweet grass.West: Begin at dusk and place offerings of sage before you. North people can call in theiractivation around midnight and offer cedar to the North Wind.State your intention to Mother earth that you are now willing to walk your sacred hoopin balance with all life. Call the four directions to you and ask them to help you return tothe place where your soul will encounter the highest spiritual growth.
Please read the manual
Thank you!
Light and blessings infinite!