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GRUPUL 1 - 01.Keter Etz Chayim

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GRUPUL 1 -- GRUPUL DE BAZĂ (Cuprinde elementele fricii, valorii de sine şi este important pentru evoluţia voastră în ansamblu) Keter Etz Chayim -- înseamnă "...

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  • "Hard to believe, but lurking in your DNA are many energies that are quantum. They're interdimensional attributes of biology clearly given to you by the Pleiadians over 50,000 years ago."

    Kryon, September 26, 2008

  • Benefits we can add

    • Greater energy. The increased number of electromagnetic connections within your body will enhance the natural flow of energy throughout all your physical systems.
    • More clear connection to God/spiritual guidance. The activation of the 12 DNA strands is a reconnection to your true Divine Self.
    • Connection to all living things. This means ALL living things - plants, trees, animals, devas, nature spirits, Gaia.
    • Connection to other dimensions. You'll be able to connect more easily to higher dimensions for spiritual wisdom. You are a multidimensional being, residing in many dimensions other than this, the third dimension. What you call your Higher Self is often you, in another dimension.
    • The Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation is a powerful process that is similar to a guided visualization or meditation in which you serve as an active participant. It includes the activation of all 12 strands of your DNA, PLUS the activation of the 12 interdimensional layers that surround the DNA, PLUS your Akashic Record which resides on your DNA.

  •   Thank you, for your interest Christoffer.

    I will continue, adding my own translation of the meaning and potential of other groups.

    Netzach Merkava Eliyahu - is the ascent, the level of master/ spirit guides and represents the wisdom of Masters/Spirits guides

    Group 2

    - Group of the HUMAN DIVINITY 

     Urim Ve Thummim - describes the immense power and light

    Aleph Etz Adonai - depicts God describes the tree of life.

    Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh - means "I am what I am" and is the magic level

     Group 3

    - The Lemurian Group Hoa Yawee Maru - is the Lemurian level.

    In Lemurian this level is called Hoa Yawee Maru - means "native language of DNA" and in Hebrew is called Kadumah Elohim- means "divinity revealed".

    Akee Yawee fraction - is the "Akashic Records" level.

    In Lemurian this level is called Akee Yawee fractions and means "Record Master / Masters" and in Hebrew is called Rochev Ba'a'ra'vot and means "Light Bearers".

    Shechinah-Esh - means "Flame of expansion"

    Group 4

    - the DIVINE GROUP

     Va'yik'ra - means "call to divinity" and is a level of action

    Micha Chochmah Halelu - means "Divine Feminine Wisdom" and is the level of pure compassion

    El Shaddai - means "God" and is the level of "God within", the highest vibration of all.

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