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Celebrating Rites of Passage

Rites of Passage are celebrated for such events as Puberty, Adulthood, Marriage, Elder/Crone, and Rebirth. Sometimes we find that a Rite of Passage needs to be celebrated in our lives, in order for us to let go and move on to the next level. By performing a Ceremony, we give ourselves permission to move forward. Our subconscious mind will then adjust to this change, assisting us in letting go of the old behaviours, issues, and patterns, so that we can claim and step into who we are right now. Creating a Ceremony for our Rite of Passage brings closure to our past, moving us ever closer to who we would become in this lifetime. Celebrating a Rite of Passage celebrates all that we have done, while helping us to embrace all that we will do in the future.  

When I began my own healing journey a few years back, I was advised that, once began, the process would take away all that I was, by helping me to understand and come to terms with everything in my past. I would essentially be given a chance to start my life over. The down side is that once you do start your life over, you do not ever want to do anything that caused you problems in the past. For example, drinking, drugs, involving yourself in your family member's issues and taking them on yourself. You are required to Walk your Talk from that moment forward. To become the person you wanted to become, but couldn't because of your past issues. When those issues are healed, it is time to move on, to become the new you.

I was also told that we only get one chance to do this whole starting over thing. The Creator will wash away the old for you, but He will only do it once. Make the most of it, and don't F it up by resorting to past behaviour patterns. Otherwise, you may never receive assistance from the Spiritual Realm again. Now, I'm telling you that this is what I was told when I began my own healing journey. I don't know if it's true, or if it was just a scare tactic, but I had to act as if it were true, for my own good. It is still in my own best interests to not resort to past behaviour patterns, no matter the case.

These past few days, I've been fed healing affirmations on my way to and from the Dreamtime. Last night was no exception. It could be the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse today, that are determining the type of information I'm being fed, and it does seem that way, especially knowing how eclipses affect us. They assist us in bringing about necessary endings in our lives, be it behaviours or toxic people. Adding the Full Moon to that, we have the fullness of our awareness of these necessary endings. Suffice it to say that I was shown the necessity of endings last night, and the potential for using Rebirth (the Rite of Passage) to assist in these endings, while being given the strength and confidence necessary to pull it off. Ergo, today I will celebrate my own Rite of Passage.

The healing journey I chose to take, was geared towards liberating me from abuse, and the psychological effects it had on my life. For a while now I've realized that I am past all of that, yet, I'm still surrounded by people who have similar issues in their lives. It's easy to become mired in the old behaviour patterns, when faced with their issues, and not take the time to mentally (and psychically) distance yourself from them, especially when you live with it everyday. These issues remain a part of your life, until you remember to Celebrate your own Rite of Passage. It's not enough to heal. You must also step up, step away, and step into who you are now, and who you would become.

By no means do I consider my healing journey to have finished. I don't think it ever will, as long as I am on this plane. I will always seek healing wisdom, I will always look within to find my own culpability in anything that happens. I think I will always have to remind myself to not take anything personally. I'm still alive, therefore, I'm still learning. But to take it to the next level, a Rites of Passage Ceremony is required. You cannot learn the next set of life's lessons, if you still mentally see yourself in the same place. The Rites of Passage Ceremony will help you to move on to the next level. It will prepare you for what is to come.

So how do we celebrate these Rites of Passage?

How do you want to celebrate them? If it's your Ceremony, and it's for you, then you must do something that is meaningful to you, something that will help you to move forward. We've burned the old so many times, that it seems irrelevant to do so again, yet, maybe that will be a part of your own Ceremony. It can't hurt! Releasing old behaviour patterns is the step before Rebirth. Then you step into what I like to call, The In-Between Time. This can be a gestation period, while you await Rebirth. A time when you are learning new behaviour patterns, new ways of being, acting, speaking, listening, and reacting. Then you must break the shell (on your egg) and burst forth into your new life. The Ceremony is the breaking of the egg. How you choose to break it, is up to you.

Giving thanks for all the blessings and lessons you've received, should be a part of any Ceremony, especially one of this type. Give thanks to those who assisted you on your journey, for the lessons they brought to your life. Give thanks to your Spirit Helpers who assisted you along the way. This includes Totem Animals, Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, friends and loved ones on the Other Side, and any other Spiritual being (God, Goddess, Katchina, etc) who helped you. Also acknowledge your own part in this process. Just as you must accept responsibility for everything you've done wrong in your life, you must also accept responsibility for all of the positive change you've created in your own life. You did it, you chose to do it, you worked hard and you earned it.

Maybe you'd like to include a few positive affirmations, that celebrate the new you, or reaffirm who you are right now, who you've become. This can also help you to step into who you are now. The most important thing is to leave old behaviours behind. This can be made easier by reaffirming who you are right now. Maybe you can make a list of preferred behaviours that eliminate the need for the old behaviours, and keep the list near you for a few days, to keep reminding yourself that you have changed.

Embracing Change is an important step in our lives. To become all that you can be, you must let go of all that you were, everything that you held dear, to clear a space to re-evaluate your life and begin the process of change, of healing. Before you reach the other side of the changling process, the healing journey, your life will be filled with new beliefs, new favorite objects, new possibilities, new ways of doing things. You will literally be given a new life. For everything you let go of, you will receive much, much more in return! You may want to include in your Ceremony something that acknowledges these new things in your life, these new behaviours, these new gifts, by honoring them for the blessings that they are.

I'm a living example of how anyone can change their life for the better, of how anyone can heal their life. To say that I am grateful for this, does not begin to express the many emotions I feel, the extreme thankfulness, the feeling of being blessed, for getting a new chance at life. Granted, I chose each and every lesson I've learned since I was born, and I wouldn't change a thing, not the method, nor the outcome. It was my Path, I walked it the way I chose. Now I walk my Path proudly, knowing I've earned my own Rite of Passage, my own Rebirth. The Wheel turns, and another chapter in my life has begun. Life is good!

I want to thank each and every one of you who have been with me during my healing journey, for your kind words, for your encouragement, for your lessons. I couldn't have done it without my online support system. When the time comes for your own Rebirth, may it bring you the joy it has brought me.

I'd like to leave you now with a Rite of Passage video, only I have no clue as to how to embed a video! I'm going to attempt it, but just in case it doesn't work, I'll also include the link!

(Apache) Girls Rite of Passage on Youtube

Many Blessings to all for a wonderful Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse! May it treat you well!

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