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Scariest Places on Earth (Savannah, Georgia)

Uploaded on 11 Dec 2009
Take a trip to the deep South, and discover spooky places to visit

Scariest Places on Earth (Palermo Italy)

Uploaded on 11 Dec 2009
Thousands of mummified bodies lie preserved in Sicily. Cappuccin Catacombs is a place like no other

Scariest Places on Earth (New Jersey Devil episode)

Uploaded on 28 Nov 2009
In remote wooded area in Jersey, there is a myth of a devilish beast roaming the countryside. Is this a hoax? You be the judge.

The Scariest Places on Earth - Waverly Hills Sanitarium

Published on 30 Mar 2012
The Scariest Places on Earth - Waverly Hills Sanitarium ,

I do not claim copyright to this video, for entertainment purposes only.

Waverly Hills Sanatorium - Louisville, Kentucky Evidence - 2010 Darkness Radio

Uploaded on 9 May 2010
This video was shot at Waverly Hills during the Darkness Radio/Ghost Adventures paranormal conference. We were on the 1st floor what we think was the "arts and crafts" section of Waverly when this anomaly appeared on our cameras. Billy also captured this anomaly flying around him and an EMF "PUMP", a device the emits energy for ghosts to use . This anomaly seemed to be interacting with us by coming closer when asked to. After seeing it on a larger screen it definitely has a different shape to it than the usual "orbs". It reminds me of a fishing lour or Army soldier toy parachute.

A little about Waverly Hills Sanatorium...

The Waverly Hills Sanatorium, located in southwestern Louisville-Jefferson County, Kentucky, opened in 1910 as a two-story hospital to accommodate 40 to 50 tuberculosis patients. In the early 1900s, Jefferson County, Kentucky was ravaged by an outbreak of the "White Plague" (Tuberculosis).

The plague prompted the construction of a new hospital. The hospital was named the Waverly Hills Sanatorium. Although it was considered the best site for treating the disease, the procedures were primitive and grisly. The doctors experimented, removing organs and trying to find a cure.

Tuberculosis ravaged the mind, and caused some patients to go insane. More than 6,000 patients died during the time that the Sanatorium was open. The infamous "body chute" was used for transporting bodies to the graveyard. Doctors thought this would prevent the spread of the disease, and leave the patients from seeing death. The hospital closed in 1962, due to an antibiotic drug that lowered the need for such a hospital. But it remains a landmark, and allegedly one of the most haunted hospitals in America.

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