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Got a milk PUStache? Celebrities are smearing their lips with pasteurized pus, reveals shocking new video
Friday, April 06, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of


(NaturalNews) All the celebrities and sports figures who participate in the "Got Milk" ad campaigns are actually showing their faces smeared with pus cells, reveals a startling new Food Investigations video produced by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center ( Narrated by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, the video reveals little-known documentation from the dairy industry that proves the industry allows up to 750,000 pus cells per ml of pasteurized milk. This means that an 8-ounce of glass of conventional pasteurized milk may contain up to 180 million pus cells.


The short video is viewable at:


Or on YouTube at:


PUS -- or "somatic cells" -- are the result of infection in dairy cows. These infections are caused by unsanitary dairy operating conditions that lead to infected mammary glands of cows. Pus cells are the same type of cells found in a pimple or "zit juice." In 2011, the dairy industry debated lowering the allowable level of pus cells (somatic cells) to just 450,000 per ml, but it chose to keep the levels at 750,000, allowing for more infections and more pus in the pasteurized milk sold at grocery stores everywhere.


The Consumer Wellness Center ( has calculated that a typical "milk moustache" may contain as many as 2 million pus cells, meaning that all the celebrities, movie stars and sports stars who allow their images to be used by the processed dairy industry are quite literally showing their faces smeared with pus from dairy cow infections.



A look at the dairy industry, without the marketing spin

This non-commercial video, which also features undercover footage showing the brutal treatment of cows in factory-like conditions, is intended to shed light on the unsanitary practices of the conventional (pasteurized) dairy industry while contrasting that with the substantially cleaner and more humane practices of certified organic RAW dairy producers.


The raw dairy industry is currently under assault in America as armed government agents in California, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have conducted violent raids on raw milk producers, destroying their milk inventory and charging them with felony crimes for producing and distributing raw milk.




Dairy industry promotes fraudulent health claims

As this video shows, the conventional dairy industry is also making fraudulent health claims in its "got milk" ads, including falsely stating that drinking milk will give you "bones of steel." A multitude of variations on this theme frequently appear in dairy industry ads.


According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, such claims automatically turn milk into an "unapproved drug," meaning the FDA should now conduct armed raids of all conventional dairy producers, seize their inventory, and arrest their owners and operators to be charged with felony crimes for selling unapproved drugs. At least that's how the FDA treats any other nutritional product that makes such strong claims of granting the human body near-magical health benefits. Try to sell an herbal product making the exact same claims and you'll quickly find yourself threatened with arrest by the FTC or FDA. (


In fact, pasteurized dead milk has never been approved by the FDA as a treatment for fragile bones, so there is no legal basis under current FDA regulations by which the dairy industry could make a claim that drinking milk will increase your bone strength to the tensile strength of steel. Yet, to no one's surprise, both the FDA and the FTC take no action whatsoever against the dairy industry for making these fraudulent health claims and selling what the FDA typically calls "unapproved drugs."


In truth, calcium alone does not build strong bones, and pasteurized milk is not even the best source of calcium. The pasteurization of milk destroys its digestive enzymes such as lactase, causing the milk to be far more allergenic and difficult to digest, which may explain why so many people suffer from lactose intolerance, digestive disorders, sinus congestion and acne when consuming pasteurized milk products.


Watch this video now at or track coverage of this topic at which is one of the last remaining independent news publishers in the nation that dares to document and report the government's oppression of small, local dairy farmers who produce unpasteurized (fresh) milk.


Also, see our Raw Dairy Infographic that explains the differences between pasteurized milk and certified organic fresh (raw) milk:


Watch the video at:


Or on YouTube at:


Learn more:


Same state regulators that oppose raw milk because of 'safety' concerns voted to reject lowering pus cell count maximums in conventional milk

Friday, April 06, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer


(NaturalNews) Pasteurized, homogenized, conventional milk is not getting any safer, thanks to a National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) committee that last year voted against proposed new measures that would have reduced the maximum allowable pus cell count in conventional milk from 750,000 cells per millimeter (cells/mL) to 400,000 cells/mL. And some of those who voted against the proposal, which would have improved conventional milk quality and safety, are some of the same individuals that openly oppose raw milk sales because of supposed "safety" concerns.


The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), a cooperative of American milk producers that represents dairy interests, reports that in a 26-25 decision, the voting delegates, a group composed of state regulators that oversee milk safety rules in their own states, voted to strike down the proposal. This decision, which obviously benefits filthy, large-scale milk production operations at the expense of public health, will result in the continued processing and sale of pus-filled milk, which is the tangible result of infections and diseases that commonly afflict conventional milking cows.


"Since it's been nearly 20 years since the current standard was established, we believed it was time to make changes that improve the nation's milk supply," said Jamie Jonker, Vice President of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs at NMPF, which supported lowering the somatic cell count limit. "It's regrettable that this approach isn't the one taken by NCIMS."


The NCIMS "Council II" was reportedly responsible for voting on this issue. And as you will notice, this council is filled with representatives from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), public health and safety officials from numerous states, and even representatives from large-scale dairy producers. Based on this list, it is no wonder that the majority voted against rules to improve the quality and safety of conventional milk, as such mandates would require cleaning up a toxic industry that basically thrives on existing poor safety standards.


You can view a list of the Council II members here:


Meanwhile, those who voted against conventional milk improvement requirements are some of the same folks that claim raw milk, regardless of how it is produced and no matter how much safety testing is involved, is inherently dangerous and unsafe for the public. The unscientific, double-standard very clearly illustrates everything that is wrong with the modern, toxic food system and the so-called public health agencies that allow it to thrive.


Be sure to check out this NaturalNews "infographic" that compares organic, raw milk to conventional, pasteurized milk:


Also, watch the Consumer Wellness Center's new "Got a milk PUStache?" video that exposes the pus cell count content of pasteurized milk. The short video is viewable at:


Or on YouTube at:


Sources for this article include:


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