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Heavenletters #3706 See The Light, January 17, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3706 See The Light, January 17, 2011

God said:

I summon you to Me. I summon you now. You are ready for a vacation, aren’t you? You are ready to make less of life and more of Me, and more of yourself. You are meant to be a free-spirited Being who is light of heart. Come, let Me lift you. Be My dancer who amazes even Heaven with your grace.
Well, of course, nothing will amaze Me, and yet you are amazing. If you can have so amazingly blinded yourself to your true worth, what is there that you could possibly not do? The world is your oyster, beloveds, for you are a Divine Being. You are not less.

True, there is the human side of you that disappoints you, and yet you really are Divine. Despite the fragileness of your human side, you are strong. You are almighty. There is no obstacle that can vanquish you. You are lifted upon the wings of angels, and you are flying high.

What a flyer you are, what a soarer, what a Divine Being. You cannot be less. All your protests to the contrary, you cannot be less than what I say you are. You cannot be less than what you really are.

You can have demonstrations of less, yet what are demonstrations but will-o’-the-wisps? Because you demonstrated something doesn’t mean you are what you demonstrated.

When you play a part in a play, you play it. That you say the lines and perform the actions of the character doesn’t make you that character. It makes you someone who reads a part. And that is what you have done in life, played the part of someone who is not really you. You play-acted. You tried it on for size. On Earth, you have many times been playing a role. You have been play-acting. You have been playing a game, and you took it for real. Anything less than divinity is not real. Anything less than love is simply not true. It is a simulation.

In Truth, there are no bad guys. No matter how bad-seeming, there is a core of light within everyone. Way too often, that core of light is covered up, and darkness shows. Nevertheless, light unrevealed is beneath the darkness revealed. Absence of light is not so. Light is so.

Despite appearances, you and everyone else has a heart of gold. Your heart is made of Mine. When less than My light shows, you have been dissembling. You have been living a lie. Your DNA is good. You have everything within you to fulfill My dream of peace on Earth. Fulfill My dream now.

Whatever hat you have been wearing, unless it reveals you as beautiful, it has been a lie, an outright lie. The worst you can be is pretending that you are less than what I tell you emphatically that you are. You can act in a waywardly fashion. You can be a phenomenal actor. You can convince yourself, and you can convince the world that you are unworthy, and yet you are growing out of it.

You cannot expect Me to change what I see and what I say, for I speak Truth. What you may have convinced yourself of is exceedingly not Truth. Change the picture you have of yourself. Change your tune. Leave the myths you have been telling yourself and the world. You have defamed yourself, and you have deluded the world. Turn toward the Light, beloveds, and then see the light.

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Heavenletters #3703 Your Star in the Sky, January 14, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3703 Your Star in the Sky, January 14, 2011

God said:

There are two ways to take life. One is very seriously, and the other is without attachment. I bet you never thought of the opposite of serious as without attachment. That’s what taking life seriously is about however – attachment to it. That is when life becomes very serious, all serious. Perhaps another way to say seriously is to say tensely. Holding onto an idea of what life must be and what it must look like is attachment, and bound to bring tension.

Life does not have to be like a wild safari fraught with danger. Life can be a ride up and down the river of life. It can even be paddling in a canoe, or sailing on a paper sail boat. It can be a whistle while you walk in the park of life where there is much mingling and activity, yet still the walk an amble.

Adapt an ambience to life. Give life all you’ve got at the same time as you let it be, waterfalls and changing weather, and varied terrains. As you walk through life, you don’t race. You don’t drag your feet. And when you stumble, you simply set off again on this blessed unknown journey.

Have you had the idea that the journey you are on must be proscribed? The journey you are on is the journey you are on. It is a unique never traveled before journey, and it is yours. It is no one else’s. It is yours. It is bound to have surprises and unknown turns. Life cannot be known until the moment it appears. You are a traveler on the road of life, and yet you are not a wayward traveler. You are on the journey you set out for. Regardless of its twists and turns, you are on your journey.

You don’t have all the say of it. There are too many factors in this life on Earth for you to have a designated map. However, at any turn in the road, life can change in a flash, and you can decide much of the turn. You can welcome life, or block it, or fuss about etc. to whichever degree you choose. You have been doing that right along, and now, today, you can welcome what life offers you. You can lean in the direction you want to go.

It is not necessarily that you are exactly ready for all that life holds, yet you can welcome the known and the unknown just the same. Are not the known and unknown the elements that make up life? It is as if you have two reins in your hand, and you do not hold on more tightly to one rein than you do the other. Hold the reins lightly, beloveds. You and life can be affable. You can get along good-naturedly.
Let go of resistance, and follow your star in the sky. You have a star. It is there. Even when you don’t know which star is yours, it is there beckoning you. Certainly, your star could be any number of bright sparkling stars, yet one is yours.

The stars are calling to your heart. Your star pulls you along sometimes as if you were a sled, and sometimes your star lets you race uphill and downhill. You have your own route. Consider your star the energy of life that holds you firm and also lets go of you. There is the Will of the Universe, and there is your free will, and sooner or later the twain will meet.

You will enter into a divine route where only love exists and you soar. It is inevitable that you come to this path and stay on it. No longer do you vacillate. You will reach up to the stars, and the stars will swing you as in an embrace, and you will sail through the galaxies right to where you want to be and always were before you got caught up in the illusory changeable and forgot.

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Heavenletters #3710 For God's Sake, January 21, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3710 For God's Sake, January 21, 2011

God said:

A heart is soft and pliant. No heart is meant to be hardened, any more than bones are meant to be soft. What a price is paid to have a cold heart, a reckoning heart, a debilitated heart. Be advised to soften your heart, not harden it. Be advised to warm your heart, not cool it. What are hearts for but to love and love well?

If you have sewn your heart closed, remove the stitches now. Open that beautiful heart of yours.

Open the avenues of your life on Earth this round. Let your heart bleed if you must. Get that circulation going. Let your heart be a whiz-bang of a heart. Let it be molten gold. Let your heart melt other hearts. Let your heart be a warming oven.

A heart that does not allow love is cold. In the matter of hearts, cold is cruel. Meanness means smallness. Be big-hearted. Be giant-hearted. Have the biggest heart in the world.

The Great Ones opened their hearts wide, and they let everyone in. If they could do it, you can do it. You can intend your heart to be the Statue of Liberty and welcome all to its shores. Why haven’t you already? What has stopped you? Some kind of reluctance, I suppose. Some kind of fear, I suppose. Better that you fear a closed heart over an open one. What a terrible thing to close a heart, yours or anyone else’s.

And have you not only closed your heart but also, in the process, closed other hearts as well?
Bear in mind that the Great Ones were not push-overs. They were not fools. Their great hearts did not lead them astray. Their great hearts led them more fully to Me. We had a mutual attraction, just as you and I do, only they walked right in My door. They did not even knock. They knew the welcome mat was out for them, as it is for you.

What is the difference between you and the Great Ones but that they dared, and you do not yet dare.

You hold back. They did not hold back. They ventured forth. Somewhere in their lives, they made a decision to go forward, and then the arms of the Universe lifted them up higher and higher. I spoke through their open hearts. I spoke through their love. They were higher than the high, and yet they were not above the world. They lived in it. They enacted My dreams. They walked the Earth for Me.

For whom do you walk the Earth?

What are you afraid of, little lambs?

Come walk the Earth in My Name. Come walk the Earth with Me. Follow Me, and others will follow you right to My door.

Enter My heart, beloveds, and claim what is yours. Is there something else you must do? Where am I in your list of priorities? Just a little opening of your heart lets Me and the Universe and every soul on Earth deep into your heart where everything is possible.

As you open your heart, you open the veil that has kept the extant world in dimness. Enough dimming the light. Enough darkness. Open to a world of all possibilities.

It is even possible that you are My True Love, and I am Yours. It is more than possible. It is inevitable. We are betrothed, and it is inevitable that Our banns will be announced. It is inevitable that We shall become One in your reality, beloveds, right where you are right now. For the love of God, you are Mine, and I am Yours, and there is nothing more to be. We are Greatness, and you have come to Earth for My sake.

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Heavenletters #3713 Who Is Responsible for Your Life, January 24, 2011
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3713 Who Is Responsible for Your Life, January 24, 2011

God said:

There are no hapless victims. Certainly, it seems that there are hapless victims. What about a battered wife, you may ask? Wasn’t she stunned to be battered? She didn’t see it coming.

Beloveds, even the one who marries a batterer, on some level, chose it. On an unrecognized level, she chose. She chose to be in this role. She wouldn’t choose it, yet she did, just as the batterer chose. He is not a hapless victim either. He had choices to make and made them.

And for all those who are married to men or women who are less than what they had expected and would not consciously choose again had they known, they chose. They might not choose their partner now, but they chose then. They chose to go down one road and not another.

If you are one of those who would not choose now what you chose then, take the responsibility for your choosing. You did choose. You may have hypnotized yourself, blinded yourself, closed your eyes, would not look, yet you chose. You chose to hypnotize yourself. You chose not to see. You chose to be fooled. You chose. No one made you choose as you did. You may say, “If only I had known…”

I am saying that you did see, you did know, you had forebodings although you did not let yourself acknowledge what you saw and, yet, deep down, knew. You saw what you wanted to see. You saw your seeming dream. And then you saw the dream under the dream. You saw what you had chosen. No one chose for you.

In terms of marriage, you may say you chose what your parents wanted. Or you may say the bride or groom wanted you so much and they were so strong, they chose you, and it was their determination that made your choice. Well, then, you chose their determination. That was your choice.

You can wonder forever why you chose as you chose. It has been said that there are no mistakes, no accidents. At the very least, you chose as you chose because you chose.

If you must put responsibility somewhere, get on with it and put it on your shoulders. No matter what transpired, you chose.

Chalk up hard times to experience. From every experience, you gain. Unwillingly, even painfully, you gain. You do not have to be worse for wear. You can make the choice to come out like a shining gilded rose. Your choice.

And sometimes you have hard choices to make. If you cannot let life keep going on as it is, then you have hard choices to make. Easy choices are not always the best. You may have to try a hard choice now. There may be no easy choice.

You can stay as you are and let life propel you, or you can take the rudder of your life and steer yourself through the rapids. You cannot wait for a prince on a white charger to come rescue you. Change the configuration of your life yourself. Set the course of your life.

Acknowledge your responsibility. This is a great step forward. From acknowledgement of your responsibility, change can come. If everything around you is someone else’s responsibility, then you have made yourself a victim and irresponsible.

You have also chosen your children, and they chose you. Are they not reflections of yourself? You may not want this to be true and can’t believe it, yet it is true. They may have chosen what you would not choose, and yet they are still a reflection of you.

Change the parameters of your world. Change what has to be changed. Change yourself, and when you seem to be unable to change yourself, then make the changes that need to be made. In some cases, We are talking about survival. We are talking about preventing disaster.

When you feel that life cannot keep on going on the way it is, you are often right. It may well be necessary to choose something now before choice is wrested from your hands. Your choice.

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