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Heavenletters #3689 Great Intentions, December 31, 2010

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3689 Great Intentions, December 31, 2010

God said:

Since time does not exist, there has never been a New Year. Another way to look at it is that there has always been a New Year about to begin.

In any case, in terms of the world, this is the eve of a New Year. And this is an auspicious year, for it is the beginning of a new non-time in the world tonight. You have always been on the cusp of beginning. So what are you beginning this year?

Join with Me in great intentions for the world that desires great things. Join with Me in great intentions for an aspiring world. There is no good reason why the world cannot be what you and I desire it to be.

We can have anything We want. The fact is, the world appears according to the thoughts in the world. Understand the mettle of your thoughts, and desire more, and desire higher.

Unless the world is the way you want it, you haven’t desired enough. Desire more. Set the intention of the world. Point the rudder. The world can only be what you say it can. Say that the world is beautiful, God-serving, generous, kind, loving, and that’s what the world will be. The world is what you say. The world will be as you say. You are the limit-setter, or you are the one who raises the bar.

The world is new every day. Every day you have a new shot at it. Make this year a year of glad tidings. Make this upcoming year the year you have always wanted, not just for yourself, but for all. As you desire for what you may consider the least of My children, is the crop you plant. Take others into account. Although there is One Ocean, many ships sail across it. May all ships sail to their hearts’ content. May this year be a blessed journey for all.

You may think that world affairs are up to someone else. If you think that, you have forgotten the power of thought including your thought. Your thoughts are powerful. Celebrate then. Celebrate the new dawn of fulfillment of all desires. Celebrate ahead of time. That’s what you do on New Year’s Eve. Celebrate in your heart. Celebrate a good life on Earth for all. Celebrate all that is possible.

Tonight, you are setting the tenor for upcoming days and nights that blend into what you call a year. You know that a year is only a minute, don’t you? Where did the last year go? You were just celebrating it. You were just getting used to writing 2010, and now you have to get used to writing 2011. Illusory time does march on. Its pace is fast.

Even though time does not exist, you are writing it. There is no time at all, and yet there is Eternity. There are scribbles on Eternity. There are flash floods and droughts. What has there not been in life in the world?

And, now, what would you like life to be? That is the question. Want life to be all that it can be. Want you to be all that you are. Let the true inner you come to the surface. Let the inner and surface become one and the same. Let there be no deterrent to life on Earth being all that it can be. You are the leader of life. You are not just a passenger. You are the driver. You are the one who sets sail across the Universe.

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Heavenletters #3696 The Garden of Pride, January 7, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3696 The Garden of Pride, January 7, 2011

God said:

However you do things in life, there are other ways for you to do them. There are other platforms to come from. Because you have always been a certain way doesn’t mean you must continue being the same way. I ask you to adjure from saying: “That’s how I am. That’s how I will always be.” Why would you close the door on life? Why would you let so much in, and no more, and feel virtuous about it? I have seen those who sometimes are smug in telling someone off, for instance, as if that were a proud thing to do. How can that be a proud thing to do? Why would anyone wish to be proud of that?

You may want change in your life, yet you may want change without your changing. Let Me put it this way. You want change in your life, and, at the same time, you don’t want to have to change. You may want new gifts from life, and yet want everything else as before. It is your life I am speaking of. Life is meant to be a flowing stream, not a stationary object.

What is so hard about letting a little change in? I am suggesting you change your mind about something. I am suggesting you let the past go. Past ways are of the past. They have not always held you in good stead.

In a sense, when it comes to certain areas of life, you have been rigid. You have been for one thing and against another. You have held prejudices. You have said: “I will never change my mind about this.” And you have held on to an opinion as if an opinion were a rare antique to be polished. An opinion is just an opinion. Opinions do not have to be permanent. Your stance in life does not have to pretend to be permanent. If you feel you have been casting pearls before swine, you have some changing to do.

You do not always have to be at the peak of the mountain. Gain a wider frontier. Be humble rather than prideful. If you play baseball, learn how to pitch more gainfully, learn how to catch more gainfully. Take a chance on change.

Even when you are unwilling to budge, odds are that life will pull the carpet out from under you. Life is patient, yet it does not stay still. True, you are a creature of habit, yet you are more than that. Do not purse your lips quite so tightly. Do not be quite so sure that you know all the answers.

Rather than be smart, be kind. Rather than show off, don’t show off. When you put someone down and make him or her feel small, you don’t make yourself big. Rather, you are showing your size. Add to your arsenal of ways to reveal yourself in the world.

When it comes to kindness and thoughtfulness, you are on the right track. Do not close out life by squashing anyone else.

Kindness and thoughtfulness do not mean that you put up with everything. It’s just that you don’t always every minute every time put yourself first. There is some truth to the idea that the one who comes last comes first when he who comes last is not inordinately proud of himself. Do good deeds, and disappear from the garden of pride. Be virtuous without pinning medals on yourself.

You don’t have to have the last word. You are not to punctuate life. You are to serve.

You are not to capitalize on your assets in life. You are not to make a big thing of them.

Be kind and courteous. Be considerate of your fellow man. If this means changing your ways, then, by all means, change your ways. Be the sun that shines. Add to the happiness of your corner of the world.

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Heavenletters #3699 Free Will and God’s Will, January 10, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3699 Free Will and God’s Will, January 10, 2011

God said:

When you hire people to work for you, it is good to give them ownership of their work. Wise employers will give their employees all the tools they need to work with, will give clear instructions, and then let the employees own what they do. Own, in this case, means to take their work to heart and have the opportunity to do more even than they are asked. They can run with it. They can exceed expectations. Wise employers give their workers the opportunity to soar.

That is how My Heavenletter translators operate. No one stands over their shoulders.

No one edits their work. There is no one around to do that, and that is a good thing because this way translators’ hearts can go full-blast. It is their prerogative. Having prerogatives is a good thing. It gives you a wide range. It gives you great opportunity for growth. You are not hemmed in. You can solo. You can take off in your airplane.

This is the same as how I give you free will. I give it. I don’t give you just a little bit of free will. I give you free will. You can soar with it. You can use your free will to make the world a more loving place, or you can take liberties with free will. It is your free will to do with as you choose. You can choose even weakness. That is your choice. You can choose neglect if you so will. You can choose to hurt others and yourself. You can choose anything you choose to choose.

Although all My children are entwined, you nevertheless can solo. Others can go higher than you or lower. You can choose right or left, up or down. You can choose havoc. You can choose blessing. You can choose havoc and blessing. It is up to you what you choose. You have free will. You have been given carte blanche.

You can choose from the menu as you wish. You can write in alternative menus. You can do anything you want. What you choose, beloveds, is your own reward. Of course, reward is not always even-steven. Nor is discomfort. Yet, given the long view, somewhere somehow it evens out. And there is always the expression: Virtue is its own reward. There is great merit in this expression. To do that which nourishes the world feels good. It is that simple. Nourishing the world feels better than catering to your single-minded ego.

By and large, choices made are their own reward or punishment. Your will garners a solid foundation, or it is based on flaunting ego. Of course, you can get away with lesser choices. The world has been doing that for a long time. Like a fugitive who has been getting away with murder, free will that takes advantage of others does not feel good. Even though the one who lowers the world gets off free, there is a shadow that follows him. His foundation is rickety. He has perhaps made a lesser choice for the assurance of some gain, and yet the gain is short-lived and not worth the price of choosing small.

Dissembling gains no honor. You may pretend to think well of a choice, yet you have a hollow victory. It has no substance. For a moment’s gain, you give up too much. You give up your heart of love. You give up your soul for a potage.

Now your heart and life are to become one. Within yourself, free will and My Will become One and the Same. My Will exalts you, and you are exalted.

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Heavenletters #3703 Your Star in the Sky, January 14, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3703 Your Star in the Sky, January 14, 2011

God said:

There are two ways to take life. One is very seriously, and the other is without attachment. I bet you never thought of the opposite of serious as without attachment.

That’s what taking life seriously is about however – attachment to it. That is when life becomes very serious, all serious. Perhaps another way to say seriously is to say tensely. Holding onto an idea of what life must be and what it must look like is attachment, and bound to bring tension.

Life does not have to be like a wild safari fraught with danger. Life can be a ride up and down the river of life. It can even be paddling in a canoe, or sailing on a paper sail boat. It can be a whistle while you walk in the park of life where there is much mingling and activity, yet still the walk an amble.

Adapt an ambience to life. Give life all you’ve got at the same time as you let it be, waterfalls and changing weather, and varied terrains. As you walk through life, you don’t race. You don’t drag your feet. And when you stumble, you simply set off again on this blessed unknown journey.

Have you had the idea that the journey you are on must be proscribed? The journey you are on is the journey you are on. It is a unique never traveled before journey, and it is yours. It is no one else’s. It is yours. It is bound to have surprises and unknown turns. Life cannot be known until the moment it appears. You are a traveler on the road of life, and yet you are not a wayward traveler. You are on the journey you set out for.

Regardless of its twists and turns, you are on your journey.

You don’t have all the say of it. There are too many factors in this life on Earth for you to have a designated map. However, at any turn in the road, life can change in a flash, and you can decide much of the turn. You can welcome life, or block it, or fuss about etc. to whichever degree you choose. You have been doing that right along, and now, today, you can welcome what life offers you. You can lean in the direction you want to go.

It is not necessarily that you are exactly ready for all that life holds, yet you can welcome the known and the unknown just the same. Are not the known and unknown the elements that make up life? It is as if you have two reins in your hand, and you do not hold on more tightly to one rein than you do the other. Hold the reins lightly, beloveds. You and life can be affable. You can get along good-naturedly.

Let go of resistance, and follow your star in the sky. You have a star. It is there. Even when you don’t know which star is yours, it is there beckoning you. Certainly, your star could be any number of bright sparkling stars, yet one is yours.

The stars are calling to your heart. Your star pulls you along sometimes as if you were a sled, and sometimes your star lets you race uphill and downhill. You have your own route. Consider your star the energy of life that holds you firm and also lets go of you.

There is the Will of the Universe, and there is your free will, and sooner or later the twain will meet.

You will enter into a divine route where only love exists and you soar. It is inevitable that you come to this path and stay on it. No longer do you vacillate. You will reach up to the stars, and the stars will swing you as in an embrace, and you will sail through the galaxies right to where you want to be and always were before you got caught up in the illusory changeable and forgot.

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