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Heavenletters #3683 Bells Are Ringing, December 25, 2010
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3683 Bells Are Ringing, December 25, 2010

God said:

Bells are ringing. Peals of love are ringing. At this celebration of love, bells are ringing in hearts. Christmas Day is a celebration of love. It is a Christ day. It is a Buddha day. It is a Moses day. It is a Mohammed day. It is all the days of celebration by whatever name they are given. One holiday is for all. Whatever the holiday’s name, it is for all.
What did all the Great Ones teach? They taught the peace of love as it stirs in every heart. Christmas Day is a deeper more brilliant Valentine’s Day. Call it what you will.

Let every day in every country round the world be a celebration of love. Love is true victory. The heralding of love is true victory. Hail to the King of Love whoever and wherever he may be. Love is the kingdom for all. Love has no borders, beloveds. Nor should you.

Release all those borders braced in your mind. They do not honor you. Borders do not. Boundaries do not. Limitation does not.

The Great Ones lifted shackles from the world. In a nutshell, this is what they did. They unbounded the bound. They released the world from its heretofore bonds. Man was to be free to love, as you are free to love. No more are in the name of protection are borders that limit and delimit citizens of the world to be instituted. This is My world, and it is your world. No one is to fence it in. The world is not property to be corralled. The world is to be an open state of love. No one is to be tethered. No one is to be told: “Here, but not there.”

This is My land, and I proclaimed it for all. Be a citizen of love, and open the doors of your heart and of the world.

You are here in the world to love. You are not to imprison anyone, certainly not your own heart. Do not be trained to be callous of human rights, not your own, not others’. You were born the same as any man, and you have the same rights as any man.

Today, proclaim your right to love. Regardless of what others do, you have the inalienable right to love. Even if you are in a dungeon, you have the right to love. You have the right to be who you are, and that means the right to love. No one can take that right away from you.

You are the only one who can take that right away from you. It is natural for you to love, and, under all circumstances, your call is to love.

The Holy Christ did that his lifelong. Where he saw children, he loved. Where he saw animals, he loved. Where he saw unkindness, he loved. When he saw the lack of mercy, he loved. Wherever he walked, he loved. He was a man of love, and so shall you be.

Christ and all the other Great Ones were not fools to love. Not to love would have been foolish. Not to love would have been to deny their Godhood. They upheld their Godhood. They were men who loved as I do love. They did not disdain those whose vision was less than theirs. Nor must you disdain those less fortunate in love than you. Keep your heart free to love. Because another imprisons his heart does not mean that you are to do the same. Free your heart, and other hearts will be so freed.

The Great Ones’ love continues. It never stopped. Their love is entering your heart now. Let it in. Let it stay. Be ever grateful that you are one who can love, for that is what you are called on to do. Every man is called on to love. I call on you to love whatever day it is. Be love.

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Heavenletters #3685 On the Road of Life , December 27, 2010
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3685 On the Road of Life , December 27, 2010

God said:

What do you say, beloveds? What is in your heart to say? What would you like to tell Me today? What of your sorrow and what of your joy, and what of your perceived gains and your perceived losses would you like to discuss with Me? What are you coping with, and what are you not coping with?

Let your heart be a balm to the world and to yourself. A heart doesn’t need to do somersaults. A heart can be calm. You don’t have to desire excitement. You don’t have to have ups and downs. Have equanimity instead.

Life seems to give you both sides of the coin. It does not seem possible to have one without the other. And yet you can feel smooth and not rough. You can be on an even keel. Wouldn’t you like to be? Perhaps not. I am not sure that you have been seeking evenness. You may even have been seeking commotion and emotion.

Of course, life is not a still-life painting. You ruffle through life, and, yet, you can be unruffled through it all. Like a deck of cards, you may be shuffled, yet you are the light of life, and you can shine in all circumstances. What more is there for Me to say?

When you know you can choose to be a beacon light on the road of life, why on earth would you choose anything less? It must be you have chosen upset and disconcertedness, if that’s what you have.

You may have felt that discomfort is foisted on you when, all the while, it is you who makes choices. As the world sees it, you don’t choose the weather. Perhaps you do. In any case, you can decide whether you go out in it with an umbrella or without an umbrella or stay tucked in bed under the covers, or, you can choose to think: “What is all this fuss about getting wet? I always, inevitably, get dried off by new sun or dry towels. The weather of life is not the making of me.”

You are not to be the plaything of the weather any more than you are the spinning toy top of life. Life may spin, yet you are someone who can stay still. Like a great ship, you can stay the course. You can ride the waves of life and come out smiling. That is My advice to you today. Come out smiling.

What is life but surfing in the ocean? You want the waves to come, and you want to ride over them gladly and gracefully. Take life in the same spirit, and have fun with life. Life is a mile a minute. Faster than any wave, life doesn’t have to overcome you. Be side by side with life. Life is your buddy. Life is your pal. Kiss life’s hand. While you are in a body on Earth, life is your best friend, apart from Me, that is.

Always, regardless of the weather, you have Me. You have Me.

To have Me means you have means. I am your Resource. Avail yourself of Me. I am yours for the asking. I am the Genie of your heart, and, yet, you are the accomplisher of your wishes. Often I will slide your desires fulfilled under your door, and there you are, smiling from ear to ear. And when your fulfilled desires take time in coming, you still don’t need to pause in life to recoup, as it were. Run along with life, and sample its wares. It doesn’t matter what metal a pot is made in, you can still cook in it. You can cook great meals in any pot. No matter what life may be at any moment, you can live it and live it well. Given that choice, why wouldn’t you?

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Heavenletters #3689 Great Intentions, December 31, 2010
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3689 Great Intentions, December 31, 2010

God said:

Since time does not exist, there has never been a New Year. Another way to look at it is that there has always been a New Year about to begin.

In any case, in terms of the world, this is the eve of a New Year. And this is an auspicious year, for it is the beginning of a new non-time in the world tonight. You have always been on the cusp of beginning. So what are you beginning this year?

Join with Me in great intentions for the world that desires great things. Join with Me in great intentions for an aspiring world. There is no good reason why the world cannot be what you and I desire it to be.

We can have anything We want. The fact is, the world appears according to the thoughts in the world. Understand the mettle of your thoughts, and desire more, and desire higher.

Unless the world is the way you want it, you haven’t desired enough. Desire more. Set the intention of the world. Point the rudder. The world can only be what you say it can. Say that the world is beautiful, God-serving, generous, kind, loving, and that’s what the world will be. The world is what you say. The world will be as you say. You are the limit-setter, or you are the one who raises the bar.

The world is new every day. Every day you have a new shot at it. Make this year a year of glad tidings. Make this upcoming year the year you have always wanted, not just for yourself, but for all. As you desire for what you may consider the least of My children, is the crop you plant. Take others into account. Although there is One Ocean, many ships sail across it. May all ships sail to their hearts’ content. May this year be a blessed journey for all.

You may think that world affairs are up to someone else. If you think that, you have forgotten the power of thought including your thought.

Your thoughts are powerful. Celebrate then. Celebrate the new dawn of fulfillment of all desires. Celebrate ahead of time. That’s what you do on New Year’s Eve. Celebrate in your heart. Celebrate a good life on Earth for all. Celebrate all that is possible.

Tonight, you are setting the tenor for upcoming days and nights that blend into what you call a year. You know that a year is only a minute, don’t you? Where did the last year go? You were just celebrating it.

You were just getting used to writing 2010, and now you have to get used to writing 2011. Illusory time does march on. Its pace is fast.

Even though time does not exist, you are writing it. There is no time at all, and yet there is Eternity. There are scribbles on Eternity. There are flash floods and droughts. What has there not been in life in the world?

And, now, what would you like life to be? That is the question. Want life to be all that it can be. Want you to be all that you are. Let the true inner you come to the surface. Let the inner and surface become one and the same. Let there be no deterrent to life on Earth being all that it can be. You are the leader of life. You are not just a passenger.

You are the driver. You are the one who sets sail across the Universe.

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Heavenletters #3692 The Image You See, January 3, 2011

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3692 The Image You See, January 3, 2011

God said:

You participate in life, and you observe. You are the watcher who watches yourself.

When you are angry, you believe someone has perpetuated anger upon you, yet anger is a card you deal yourself.

The most prevalent anger is vanity. Anger arises from ego and says: “How dare they? They can’t say this or do this to me or overlook me or disdain me like this. I won’t let them get away with this.”

This anger comes from your lack of sense of self. You insist that others must give you what you do not give yourself. And so, when someone speaks amiss or acts amiss, you flare up and are sure that others have to retract their words or actions and turn their lack of regard of you onto themselves. You insist on this. “They can’t get away with this,” you say. “They can’t take me so lightly. I am a person. They had no right.”

Yet you were the offender of yourself, and now you are the arbitrator of the others who did not give you the homage you must feel you need so badly. You make a fool of your own self to right a perceived wrong.

You make a fool of yourself and slip into a place of futile anger. You box with yourself in a mirror, and you are furious with the image you see. You like to think you are standing up for yourself when it is your ego that has perked up its ears. Ego whispers to you that you must defend yourself. “Retaliate,” anger says.

It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Offense is also in the eye of the offended.

First of all, you do not need the regard of another. Regard or lack of regard don’t mean much. Both are a dime a dozen. Both regard and disregard are illusory. Value yourself enough not to be caught up in that which does not truly concern you.

And so, a customer service representative, for instance, who doesn’t know you at all, gives you poor service and so the misrepresentative of service, in your eyes, becomes your enemy. What does their poor service have to do with you that you take affront? Because they don’t know better or bother to do better, what does that have to do with you who are only a voice on the telephone? That’s all the other is as well, a voice on the phone, someone sitting there and not doing a great job. Must you take it personally? Must you get up in arms? To what gain? Your anger does not show strength. It shows weakness. Anger is your weakness, not someone else’s. When someone else gives poor service, you do not have to give a poor return.

Shoddy service representatives, representing a company or representing themselves, are not the making or undoing of you. When you flare up in self-righteousness, are you representing Me at all?

How well are you doing your job? How well are you representing Me?
Instead of lowering yourself, raise yourself. Instead of promulgating war, promulgate peace. You do not have to continue something that creates or continues strife. You are not lowering yourself to rise higher. Did you think you were?

You don’t have to continue on the phone with a customer service representative, nor do you have to hang up on them. You can get off.

I speak of customer service representatives because it is so easy to see that, truly, they have nothing to do with you. When it comes to those who are closer to you, the same is true, and yet it is harder to see. Nevertheless, others’ dissatisfaction is theirs, and yours is yours.

Put down your fists, beloved.

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