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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3678 Use This Key, December 20, 2010

God said:

Above all, let go of the fear of disapproval from others. Would that approval were common in the world. Alas, approval has been hard to come by. Acceptance has been hard to come by. Disapproval is easy to find. It’s a dime a minute. When you have good motives, approve yourself. Throw away some things but never your good heart toward yourself. Your approval means something. Others’ approval may or may not.

You are growing and changing with or without approval or disapproval. Those who disapprove may be well-meaning, yet who is there in the world to tell a red rose to become a purple iris, or a yellow dandelion to become a blue-flowered chicory? Who can presume?

Desire to be all that you want to be, and let it happen. And may others do the same regarding themselves.

A tailor can make clothes to fit another. No one can make you to fit another’s ideas. They can try their heads off, yet you are you, and you are growing the best you know how and as fast as you can. You know the way to grow just as your body knew all along. You have ways to grow that are yours. Your ways don’t have to be someone else’s. They don’t have to be anyone else’s.

You can only follow your own inner promptings. You cannot always groom yourself according to someone else’s desires for you. Too many people in the world are hard to please, too hard to please.

And when it comes to your approving others, have a light touch. Others are not your business. Everyone is My business. Approve rather than improve.

This goes for your children as well. The most auspicious way to improve your children is to approve of them. Telling it like it is may not always be in the best interest of the child. Rather than thinking of improving your child, think of the ways you can encourage him and swell his heart. Oh, he will improve. He will improve very well.

Reprimand is reprimand. Encouragement is encouragement. Do not tell your child so much the road to follow. Show him. Even the best-intentioned parent has to withhold his suggestions. Your child is going to follow you. He will embody you. Let him have his space even to misbehave. You don’t have to notice. You are not a policeman giving as many tickets as you can. Hands off as much as possible.

It is important that you love your children, your family, your friends, from your inner heart as I love you. It is My desire to inspire you. And so I ask you to Inspire all. Fill hearts. Let all hearts know you are behind them. Be behind them and not on their back.

This is easier said than done, I understand. Yet this is a great key I am giving to you.

This will open the Heavens. It will certainly open doors to and from your heart. Use this key. Be what you want others to be. Don’t pick on any one, not even yourself.

Open wide your heart. Love is better than criticism any day of the week. If criticism comes in a salt shaker, use it very sparingly, maybe once a week, no more. Choose your occasions.

You are a key. You are an opener. You are the key to open other hearts. It is a blessing to open hearts. It is a blessing to be a messenger of love. From the recesses of your heart, love. Turn the key of your heart now.

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Heavenletters #3675 You Are Love, December 17, 2010

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3675 You Are Love, December 17, 2010

God said:

You have stolen My heart. That is, I am taken with you. From the first moment of Eternity that you occurred to Me, you stole My heart and made it yours. Of course, you cannot steal what is already rightfully yours. So I will say that you got caught in My heart, occupied My heart, stirred it, filled it. You are the love of My life. You have entered the interstices of My heart from the beginning of non-time. You have fostered Me. There is no one-way. There is reciprocity. There is love inescapable. There is love.

There is Our love which winds through days like morning glories. We are caught up in a tide of love, an everlasting tide of love that sweeps across the Universe. Love has been made manifest. You are the manifestation of My love.

Do you still feel that you have to chase it, chase love, as if you were unloved, or not loved enough and have to find some on your own? Love will come to you. It will come to you of its own accord. Love is a natural outgrowth – or ingrowth – of life on Earth.

Earth without love does not exist. Love has many ways of turning itself around in order to be noted. Yet love is not a prima donna. Love flows in a stream of itself. It laps everywhere. You are a river of love, or a necklace of love, a lei of love, an infinite chain of love, or alighting butterflies of love. This is butterfly season.

Put away your nets. You don’t have to capture love. You have only to reveal love to yourself. Love is the path of your heart. Love is like radar, and love is like a country lane, and love is what We are, what I AM and what you ARE. It is an inescapable path that We are on. There is no abandoning the path of love that We are already on. Love is the only path that there is, and We are on it, you and I, hand in hand, heart in heart, love meeting and melting, molten gold of love. We are heartful of love, mindful of love, filled to the brim, overflowing with love, saturated with love, opening with love. No need to forage for love.

Love needs no driver’s license. Love goes at the right speed. Love is universal, and it is unique. Love is everything. It is the salt of life. Everything is better with love, love at the head of the table, love, the main course.

Love is like seedlings you have planted. The seeds sprout. They keep popping up and reaching the sun.

Love is not around the corner. Of course, love is at every corner, and, yet, there is no waiting for love. You are already on the bus of love. You are already rounding the corner. There is no corner on love. All have it, no one owns it. Love is not piecemeal.

Love is wholemeal.

We can always factor in love. Love is the energy of the Universe. Love is the light of God, no two ways about it. Love is your fulfillment. Love is your everything.

The love to count on is the love in your heart, streaming through your awareness. You love more than you know. You love Allness more than you know. True, you are a spark of love, yet this spark of love that you are encompasses the whole world and all of Heaven. You are love infinite. You are blazing love, lighting up the stars. You are love.

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Heavenletters #3671 The Nature of Freedom, December 13, 2010

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #3671 The Nature of Freedom, December 13, 2010

God said:

Rather than ask questions, give love. Is it so hard to give love? Must an inquisition come first?

Somewhere along the line, you learned that pride comes before all else, that ego, disguised as pride, is foremost, that dignity counts more than love. You too often let your mind decide love for you. Your mind judges if you are giving love in the right place, and how much love you should give given the mind’s counting factors. And, so, you are mindful of yourself and what you have to gain when, all the while, love is the heart’s domain, when giving is the heart’s domain. According to your heart’s giving is your heart’s wealth. Only a heart giving of itself has room to receive. Only a loving heart is wealthy.

A heart of love is not a stinting heart. A heart of love does not count pennies. A heart of love cannot be a miser and be a heart of love at the same time.

You are concerned about ego, or you are giving love. Which is it?

Ego pats your back. Love strengthens from inside.

You know that I am a big proponent of love. I sing its praises to the High Heavens. I extol love. I proclaim it.

Is more love in the world needed? Then you must promote love. I am not talking about love in neon lights. I am talking of simple acts. I am not talking of long romance or special personal relationships. I am talking of giving love wherever you are. It is a courtesy to give love.

If you see an unruly child in a store, here is an opportunity for you to smile at the child. If you see a cross mother who has lost patience, do not frown at her. Of course, she should be kind and loving and not cross. So then be you kind and loving, even if it is without a word. Do not condemn even silently. Do not condemn.

There is no one in this world who can’t use a little blessing from you. Surprise someone. Surprise everyone. Surprise yourself.

Surely you have your own problems. What of that? That is not the point. The point is that you are here on Earth to give love. You are not here to focus on your problems.

You are here to love. Loving doesn’t mean to condone. It means to give a little sweetness to others along the way. You are not indentured to someone because you give. You are free to give, that’s all. If you can help someone carry a package up the steps, why wouldn’t you? You didn’t think of it? Why didn’t you think of it?

You are a humble servant to all on Earth. That is not humiliating. When you see a need, you fill it, and so you raise yourself higher and higher. He who puts a pillow under someone’s head has heightened the world.

Have your eye out for opportunities to leave a trail of love like pebbles on your path.
When you feel bereft, that is prime time for you to give a gift of yourself, not in pride, but in humility, not in need but in the spirit of giving.

No longer overlook even one opportunity to give as you pass by another being. Be like a soft summer breeze. As you open your heart, you open others’ hearts. You open the heart of the world. You welcome life. You venture forth in life. Grab hold of life. As you grab hold, you release your hold, and you give love, and that is the nature of freedom.

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