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My Beloved Readers, the key to being truly successful and to achieving your 22 levels of initiation is putting all your eggs in God's basket! 

W h a t    I t   M e a n s   T o   T r u l y   P u t   Y o u r   E g g s   I n    G o d ’ s   B a s k e t

Most do not do this, while a great many others think they are doing this but are in self-deception and self-delusion with no judgment on this point! To truly put all your eggs in Father/Mother God's basket, one truly has to "Know thyself" and know and understand the true nature of God/dess. Even most Spiritual leaders do not truly know this for they do not truly know themselves. They think they do, but they do not. This is because the negative ego mind is running them and they do not realize it.

To truly put all your eggs in Father/Mother God's basket, every aspect of one's conscious and subconscious thinking and feeling must be examined. The supreme microscope must be taken out to examine every thought, every motivation, every personal agenda, every fear, every belief system, and every feeling.

Every attachment needs to be looked at and changed to a preference. Everything, and I mean everything, must be placed on Father/Mother God's altar. Everything that happens in life must be blessed and one must thank God/dess for it. Everything must be surrendered to God, even one's very life! 

G o d   M u s t   C o m e    F i r s t

All false gods, symbolic idol worship, symbolic alternative lovers, little gods, pearls of lesser price, little doors must be transcended. One must remain evenminded at all times and transcend negative ego duality. God must be put first before His/Her creation. This means one must live from involved detachment and not attachment or detachment. One must let go of all lower-self desire.

Putting all your eggs in Father/Mother God's basket cannot be achieved unless you are first right with self and then right with God/dess and the Ascended Masters. Only then can you be right with others and all other things.

God must be put before human love. God must be put first before your children. God must be put first before one's creations. God must be put first before desire for power, fame, money, sex, vanity, false pride, self-aggrandizement, desire for Spiritual leadership, desire for Spiritual gifts or talents. God must be put first before parents or family. 

Most Spiritual leaders and even Lightworkers think they have done this but they have not. God must be put before all personal agendas, and selfish motivations. This cannot be achieved without being totally of the Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess Consciousness in an integrated and balanced way. One has to be like Job in the Bible where one blesses and thanks God even if one loses everything. Even if one is deathly ill and is going to die!

R e m o v e   S e l f i s h n e s s   A n d   S e l f - C e n t e r e d n  e s s

One's every thought, feeling, word, piece of energy, breath and action must be given to God/dess. All remnants of selfishness and self-centeredness must be removed. All remnants of Earthly negative ego ambition must be removed. All negative feelings and emotions must be removed. All jealousy, envy, competition and comparing must be removed. All separation and fear must be removed. All of these things are just signs of not putting all of one's eggs in Father/Mother God's basket.

The Master Sananda/Jesus said, "I did not come to bring peace but a sword." One must be willing to let go of all relationships and one's entire past for God/dess. One must be willing to not give into temptation. One must be willing to demonstrate to God that you love Him/Her more than all of creation and more than human love, more than animal love, more than comfort and security, more than all of these on all levels.

F i n d    R e f u g e   O n l y   I n    G o d

One puts all their eggs in God's basket when they find refuge only in God. When they are willing to live on the edge and trust only in God and not on things outside of self. When one does their Spiritual mission and does not run away from it as Jonah did at first in the Bible. When God is the only thought and focus in one's consciousness to the person's highest potential.

That is why it is said in the Bhagavad-Gita, that the last thought on their mind is where one goes when one dies! It is not really just the last thought, although that is partially true as well! It is also the accumulation of all one's thoughts over an entire lifetime which really governs where you go and what level or dimension or frequency one rises to. For consciousness cannot be separated from one's initiation and Lightbody level.

In total humbleness and humility if there was one thing I did more than anything else in my life that contributed to achieving my 22nd level of initiation and 22nd level of Lightbody, was that I put God/dess first! I put all my eggs in His/Her basket. I not only gave my self and life to God, I gave every moment and piece of energy to God to my highest potential. As the saying goes, talk is cheap. Many talk a good talk but don't really practice what they preach. I had tremendous obstacles to overcome, as we all do. My will for God, my love for God and my Spiritual desire for God was so great that I was willing to cut out everything. Again, that is what Sananda/Jesus meant when he said, "I did not come to bring peace but a sword!" Sometimes we are forced to give up family, friends, professional and business relationships! Often in following our Spiritual path we make enemies. Not because we are trying to, but because the negative ego run minds of others interpret our sincere following of God in the opposite way it is intended.  

O f t e n   I n   F o l l o w i n g    O n e ’ s   S p i r i t u a l   P a t h ,   O n e   M a k e s    E n e m i e s

In following God we are not often understood by others for they do not have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. At higher levels of Spiritual leadership many are attacked by petty, negative ego run, jealous, competitive, inferior feeling people who are caught in the superiority and inferiority complex! 

Look at the cup Sananda/Jesus had to drink from. He knew far in advance he was going to be crucified, yet he did it anyway! We must be willing to be crucified by the world if that is Father/Mother God's Will.

One must be willing to give up all friends, family and relationships, if necessary. This is not always necessary; however, it will be necessary if one puts them before God.

D e m o n s t r a t e   S i n c e r e   L o v e

One must prove and demonstrate their sincere love for God through all Spiritual tests and lessons. By also completing all assignments perfectly to one's highest potential given by Spirit and the Ascended Masters. To everything that happens in life one must say "Not my Will but thine oh Lord, thank you for the Spiritual test and lesson."

S p i r i t u a l   L e a d e r s h i p   A n d    R e s p o n s i b i l i t y

To put all your eggs in God's basket, one must be willing to step into Spiritual leadership and take on responsibility. One must have compassion for others' suffering and see all of creation as just one being that is God/dess and not see others' happiness or suffering as different from one's own.

S e e k   G o d   A n d   H a v e    T r u s t

One must seek God and His/Her Kingdom and trust in God's promise that all things shall be handed unto thee. The only way to ever be truly successful is to follow this Biblical adage! One must think, feel, attune to, focus on, put one's attention on, speak, act, breathe and create only that which is of the God, Christ, Holy Spirit, and Mighty I AM Presence Pattern. 

B e   A   S p i r i t u a l   W a r r i o r

Putting all your eggs in God's basket means being the supreme Spiritual warrior. It means being persevering, focused, disciplined and relentless in one's efforts towards God. It means one should never think a thought, create a feeling, use a piece of energy, speak a word, breathe a breath, take an action that is not of God, or create anything in the outer world that is not totally of God.

R e s p o n d   A p p r o p r i a t e l y

It means in every situation of life one responds appropriately as God would have you respond. It means putting God before mammon! It means God is your only interest in life. It means being absolutely on fire for God every moment of your life. It means letting go of all appetites, bad habits, addictions, gluttony, hedonism, lower-self desire, carnality, pornography, cussing or swearing, using God's name in vain, attachment to five senses. It means letting go of all roles, except those which God wishes you to perform. It means one has no life other than serving God and the Ascended Masters. It means that you live your life like a drowning man or woman wants air, as Yogananda said so beautifully. It means taking responsibility for living your puzzle piece that God selected for you and not trying to steal another person's puzzle piece. It means fulfilling your Spiritual Contract and mission on Earth and leading a Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess Life! 

A l w a y s   F o c u s   O n   G o d

It means practicing the Presence of God every moment of your life to your highest potential. It means to focus on God/dess every moment of your life to your highest potential. It means you keep your mind steady in the Light, and you don't take your focus and attention off your Superconscious Mind, Mighty I AM Presence, and God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, and the Ascended Masters. It means being totally steady in your efforts so you become as relentless as the ocean waves crashing to the shore and as relentless and steady in your efforts as the rising and setting of the Sun and moon each day.

B e   O n   F i r e   F o r   G o d

Putting all your eggs in Father/Mother God's basket means you literally have no interest in life in anything and I mean anything but God/dess!  Everything else becomes meaningless. Then it is not hard to live in this world but not of this world.

N e v e r   B e   I d l e

Putting all your eggs in Father/Mother God's basket means never being idle, for an idle mind is the devil's workshop! It means you are always building your 22-story edifice, temple and church unto the Lord! It means being content, but never satisfied until you and all of creation have returned back to the 352nd Level of Divinity.

D e d i c a t e   Y o u r   L i f e   T o   A   H i g h e r   P u r p o s e

It means dedicating your life to a higher purpose and living for Father/Mother God's ascension and not your own. It means living for the ascension of the Planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multi-universe and Omniverse, not just your own physical ascension. 

S e e    G o d   I n   A l l

It means seeing only God in all ways and all things. In every person, animal, plant and mineral! Seeing everything that happens in life as a Spiritual test and lesson, giving you the opportunity to practice Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses /  Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess Consciousness in an integrated and balanced way.

S t r i v e   T o   S e e   L i k e   G o d    S e e s

It means striving to see like God/dess sees, from an Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness synthesis perspective! It means dedicating your life to service and making service the only reason you are really here. It means making your life about giving not getting. It means being in the highest integrity in everything you do. It means humbling yourself before the Lord when you make a mistake, and apologizing for it, and not running away or trying to hide your mistakes. It means being God-pure in everything you do like Sister Mary.

B e   A   S e r v a n t

It means living your life to glorify God and not self. It means living your life as a servant of God and the Ascended Masters and your brothers and sisters in Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess! It means climbing your personal Mt Everest Spiritual mountain and achieving your 22 levels of initiation and Lightbody and not letting anything in this infinite universe stop you.

B e   F a i t h f u l

It means being faithful unto death and S/He will give thee a Crown of Life! It means living your life in such a manner that when you are done God will say, "This is my Son or Daughter with whom I am well pleased!" What can be greater than this my friends?

D o n ’ t   W a s t e   T i m e

It means not wasting time in frivolous pursuits. It means not getting caught up in mass consciousness. It means not wasting your time on things that are impermanent, and only spending time on things that are permanent and last for eternity! It means every day trying to make Spiritual progress up the Spiritual mountain and Heavenly ladder.

C a r r y   Y o u r   C r o s s   W i t h   E v e n m i n d e d n e s s

It means carrying your cross with evenmindedness and a smile, no matter how heavy it is! It means learning to allow God and the Ascended Masters and those you love to help you carry the cross. Everyone has a cross to bear! It means learning to transcend negative ego duality and remain evenminded in profit or loss, pleasure or pain, sickness or health, victory or defeat, or with praise or criticism. In all things remain the same, as Krishna who was a past life of Lord Maitreya stated so beautifully.

N e v e r   G i v e   U p

It means being the supreme Spiritual warrior in life for God and winning your own personal battle of Armageddon and making it to the top of your personal Mt Everest if it is the last thing you ever do. It means never ever giving up. It means as the Universal Mind said through Edgar Cayce, enduring long suffering if that is one's fate. Now in truth one cannot always control pain and discomfort; however, suffering is of the mind! For when one puts all one's eggs in God's basket, one lives in a transcendent state of consciousness and reality. For example, Sananda/Jesus was tortured and died on the cross and yet in truth this was his and maybe the world's greatest triumph in the history of the Earth. Sananda/Jesus had pain, but not suffering! Suffering comes from lack of transcendence and Spiritual perspective.

So when one puts all of one's eggs in Father/Mother God's basket, one is willing to make sacrifices and endure long suffering, but not suffering in the sense of the consciousness identifying with it! 

F o c u s   O n   G i v i n g  ,  N o t   G a i n i n g

Putting all your eggs in God's basket means one is willing to live a saintly life, focused on giving not gaining. One does not follow the rules of the Earth or the priorities of mass consciousness. A great many New Age Spiritual leaders honestly believe they are serving God, but in truth they serve money, fear over money, thirst for power, desire for fame, superiority, self-aggrandizement, personal vanity and false pride.

B e    H o n e s t
Putting all your eggs in God's basket means being devastatingly honest with self, striving to polish the diamond and making yourself spotless before the Throne.

H o l d   T h e   L i n e
Putting all your eggs in Father/Mother God's basket means holding the line and not giving in to all that opposes your God purpose. It means being a master and not a victim, a cause not an effect. It means using your personal power and self-mastery only to serve God/dess, your brothers and sisters and unconditional love. 

B e   S p i r i t u a l l y   V i g i l a n t   A t   A l l   T i m e s

It means being Spiritually vigilant at all times for God and His/Her kingdom. It means seeing the Heavenly Ideal at all times and having innocent perception, yet also living in the real world and having Spiritual discernment simultaneously. 

B e   T r u e    T o   Y o u r  s e l f

Putting all your eggs in Father/Mother God's basket means above all else to thine own self be true, and your true self is your God Self and own Mighty I AM Presence and Monad! It means using every day to Spiritually grow as much as you can and serve as much as you can! The higher you go Spiritually the less one focuses on Spiritual growth, for one realizes serving and giving is the fastest way to grow.

D o n ’ t   G i v e   Y o u r   P o w e r   T o   T h e   P h y s i c a l    B o d y

Putting all your eggs in Father/Mother God's basket means not giving your personal power to your physical body and its comforts! This does not mean you don't respect it and take care of it, but you don't indulge it and coddle it. Mother Teresa had heart problems. The Dalai Lama has hepatitis. When one puts all their eggs in Father/Mother God's basket one is not a hypochondriac and one does not seek personal comfort as their primary goal in life.

T a k e   R e s p o n s i b i l i t y   F o r   T h e   E a r t h

Putting all your eggs in Father/Mother God's basket means taking responsibility for the Earth and bringing Heaven to Earth, and revamping Earthly civilization! It means sacrificing one's personal Spiritual evolution to help the world which is God/dess, which is your self! It means trying to leave a lasting Spiritual legacy on earth that will continue to benefit the world long after you are gone!

A c t   L i k e   G o d

Putting all your eggs in Father/Mother God's basket means developing a flawless character and acting like God, like Christ, and like the Holy Spirit in all that you do! It means clearing away all your psychological baggage, negative ego, imbalance, limited lens thinking, limited lens seeing, Spiritual blindness and deafness! 

D o   Y o u r   P a r t

Lastly putting all your eggs in Father/Mother God's basket means doing your part to your highest potential to fulfill God's Divine Plan on Earth, and help God achieve His/Her ascension and complete His/Her Cosmic Day and In-breath and Out-breath (of God) of Brahma! 

My Beloved Friends, if you live your life in such a manner and you seek God and let go of all other interests and cut out everything in your life on every level including people if necessary, then you will find Him/Her! For as Sananda/Jesus said, "Seek and ye shall find! Knock and the Door shall be opened!" 

T h e   I n n e r    A n d   O u t e r / E a r t h l y  P la n e   I   A M    U n i v  e r s i t y

This, My Beloved Friends is what the inner and outer Earthly I AM University will help you to fully achieve and realize. There are millions of pitfalls and traps along the way and this is why only a handful out of every life wave of 10 billion Souls makes it! The I AM University on the inner and outer Earthly plane has been created for the first time in the history of the Earth to increase the number! It is a training that is unlike anything which has ever been offered to the Earth before. You are literally being offered right now in this very moment the Spiritual opportunity of all opportunities and of all creation, if you but have the eyes to see and the ears to hear! 

Enroll now both in the inner and outer Earthly I AM University, for this is the fastest and most efficient, and most integrated and balanced Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness training that exists on this Planet, to help you to become a 12th to 22nd degree initiate! I can humbly channel and write about this so clearly, because I have humbly achieved that which I speak of. When you find true Spiritual gold, and not fool's gold, stop digging! It is no accident you are reading this lesson and chapter right now! Spirit and the Ascended Masters have guided you to the answer you have been looking for your whole life! The light has come! Your prayers have been heard and answered. If you truly wish to fully realize Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness, Christ, the Holy Spirit, your Mighty I AM Presence and become an Integrated Ascended Master then enroll now and start this training. It will bring you a peace that passeth understanding. It will bring you to the Promised Land of Milk and Honey! The I AM University created by Spirit and the Ascended Masters is the Integrated Synthesized Full Spectrum Prism consciousness Holy Grail for the Aquarian Age for all religions, all Spiritual paths, all mystery schools, all races, all cultures, all channels, all Spiritual teachers, all Spiritual texts, all saints and sages! It is the return of the Christ, the return of the Buddha, the return of the Buddha/Maitreya, the return of the Imam Madhi, the return of the Avatar in Group Consciousness form, the return and externalization of the Ascended Masters on Earth. It is the return of the Messiah, not in myself for I am but the humble messenger and the I AM University has nothing to do with me, it is the return of the Mighty I AM Presence and the return of Christ, and the return of the Avatar for the Aquarian Age, which is the group consciousness Avatar who are specifically:

God/dess, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Melchizedek, Mahatma, Archangel Metatron, Archangels and Elohim, Melchior, Helios and Vesta, Lord Buddha, the Universal Mind and Universal Heart of God, the Mighty I AM Presences, Oversouls, Superconscious Minds, Allah Gobi, Lord Maitreya, Mahachohan/Saint Germain, El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda/Jesus, Djwhal Khul, Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians, the Ashtar Command, the Mother Earth Lodge, the Goddess Lodge, the Spirit-attuned Extraterrestrial Lodge, the Western Esoteric Lodge and Eastern Masters Lodge and the entire Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy of Ascended Masters and Celestial Beings! 

So do not miss the group consciousness training through the inner and outer Earthly plane I AM University that you can achieve and realize through enrolling in the I AM University. It is literally the single biggest opportunity of all your past lives and this life combined! As I said, it is the answer to all your prayers, the Spiritual gold you have been seeking and the next evolutionary quantum leap in your Spiritual journey as my good friend Kuan Yin likes to say! 

So take advantage of this, for a training of this profundity comes by once in an eternity. Nothing has ever been given to the Earth like this in the last 10.5 million years! This is a new revelatory dispensation of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Mighty I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters and Angel's teachings for the New Aquarian Age. Do not miss this Spiritual opportunity for in total humbleness and humility you will find nothing like this on Earth, because it is not from Earth! It is God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Mighty I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, Elohim, and Spirit-attuned Extraterrestrial teachings for the Aquarian Age! God, Spirit and the Ascended Masters have answered your prayers. Praise be to God!

So Let It Be Written! So Let It Be Done!

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