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Some Common Mineral Terms with Examples




Striated is a term used to describe the crystal strucure some minerals possess.The striated simply means length-wise little rows/ridges.This occurance , amoung others, are often in Tourmaline, Beryl and Epidote





Points is just the name given to a crystal with just one end  terminated(to a point)




That Phantoms are still a little mystery. A crystal had already formed when an influx of newer Quartz mineral was present and grew oaround the other one.I seen a lot of "phony" ones for sale in Arkasas so be careful.You can usually look up through the bottom to tell.Also, if the black/grey coloring looks a little too uniform.




Druzy is just the term for the thin layers of tiny, sometimes micro-crystaline crystal.They usually are about all the same size and height. A common occurance of these may be in cavities. Azurite druzy's Malachite quite often.Some Petrified Wood has Druzy coatings of nearby minerals.




Sceptor This is one I mined in SW Montana.All 6 sides/facets reduced down to a straight, narrow stem attached to the host rock. Mine has a small crystal over it but you can still see it.




Double-Terminated, or called DT's in the field, just have developed 2 terminated points; one on each end.The circu,stances have to be that these crystals usually form in cavities and solidify without being attached to the host rock. They are the best "amplifier"  of energy gemstone.You can put a positive charge on one end, it reverses the polarity, and has a negative charge on the opposite end.They were usued in 2-way radios, the old transistors and , still today, run some of our watches.Most of the major Quartz deposits we have in the US were orgionally explored for the war effort.





These are a particular inclusion that forms in what looks like miniature trees instead of streaks.Agate, Opal, and some other minerals often have these denrites through them.One note of caution: If you acquire Dendritic Opal, DO NOT LEAVE THEM IN WATER. Most Opal is bout 23% water and most collectors keep their Opal in water.This not only stablizes the mineral content, but, in most cases makes the "flashes of color" mor noticble.However with Dendrites, some are Maganesium and that mineral is water soluable.I keep those in a light-colored Virgin Olive Oil.It does the same thing as water but the Manganese doesn't dissolve in the oil like it does it water.




Cluster, or family as I call them-


This is where more than one crystal are still attached to the same host rock base forming a group.




Inclusions- These are when other minerals were present when forming and cutting through anopther mineral. Rutilized Quartz would be an example of this formation.It simply means narrow streaks of the mineral Rutile are projecting through the Quartz. Tourmalated Quartz is on the same principle except the inclusion is Tourmaline instead of Rutile







Pseudo- This term is referring to when a certain mineral during it's formation picks up some crystal structure properties from an accompanying mineral. For example, Iron Pyrite has a cubic structure , as well as several others. Sometimes when minerals are solidifying and other minerals are present, this will occur.There might be a mineral referred to as such n' such , "after pyrite". This could mean that the minerals composing the stone had other minerals present during solidifcation, which altered it crystal structure; hence, another mineral forming the cubic structure of Pyrite.


Tabby. Crystals usally have the same facet width on all sides but ocassionally two opposite sides will form a lot wider than the other sides.The are tabularshaped, hence the nickname "Tabby".


Petrified wood-This is a term for wood whch has had some of it's molecules replaced with surrounding minerals. There are other sub-names such as "agatized wood" but that simply means that Agate replaced the wood & Opalized wood because the mineral present was Opal.

  May add more at a later date.

By Glenda Hughes

This is a general term for many  "too round" rocks which erode from Lava where they formed in gas pockets.The eample I am showing isn't round but their "kidney-shaped" geodes are quite common in the Brazil deposits.Some are hollow with crystals forming within and others are solid. You break open the hollow ones with the crystals and saw in half the solid ones, then polish the sawed edges.Geodes often have been given other nicknmes from different locations.For example, in eastern Oregon, they're called Thunder Eggs   

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