Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.


We are sharing with you now the Love from the Divine Mother’s heart as we pour forth this Unconditional Love through and around you now. We step forth to support you through your journey. We are the Angels and the Archangels. We are winged emissaries who have chosen to merge through the One Heart to assist others in their homecoming through the open heart. We care for the children of the Earth and the childlike nature within you that is your soul. We bring elixirs to you at this time and ask you to receive them through your breath. Breathe deeply with us now and allow all to relax and be nurtured by us, allowing your soul to relax within you. As you receive the elixirs, we offer you understandings that may support you to receive through the highest benefit for your being. We offer this in a form of an explanation and connection to the archangelic rays. These are the rays that birth the new children to the Earth, and these ones come in colour rays. We are here to assist you to understand and receive these rays, as these rays hold the healing and alignment energies for all souls on the Earth. We offer the following eleven rays to assist you and as you read each one, a chalice of these rays will be poured forth through you. Beloved ones know that each of these rays brings in a soul family – a large soul pod of new children. 

  1.           The White Archangelic Ray that births the Crystalline Children.
The Crystal Children come to Earth to connect all beings to the Godhead directly and to purify, birth, renew and regenerate the Earth. These ones come from far away realms beyond the stars that you see in the heavens above. They are telepathy and communicators through the inner planes and through the feeling body, and without sacred space, they tend to take on the emotions and thoughts of all the beings around them. This creates their soul to wish to not fully be on the Earth. The White Archangelic Ray is the ray that assists them and also assists you to hold the connection to the Godhead within. Breathe deeply now and receive this and fill yourself, and then send this to all the Crystal Children on the Earth and those coming to Earth. This will create a connection between you and them and also assist them to open to who they are on the Earth.
2.      The Aquamarine Archangelic Ray, which births the Dolphin Children.
This ray supports all beings to co-create an atmosphere and group consciousness of the highest potential for all beings. This ray supports all beings to reconnect to their soul family and to place their energy in group projects and co-creations. This ray also supports the higher mind and telepathy to awaken within a being. Breathe as you receive this ray, supporting you to open to your soul family and group creation in a sacred way. Breathe as the Angels and Archangels pour this through your being, and intend with your breath to fill yourself fully. As you overflow with this, send this out to all the Dolphin Children on Earth and those birthing to Earth. These children hold the energy of new organisation through play, fun and group connection. They hold the ability to assist all to open to new forms of organisation and management of energies that are light and joyful and flow with ease and grace.
3.                  The Rainbow Archangelic Ray, which births the Rainbow Children.
The Rainbow Ray of the Archangels supports all beings on Earth to open their consciousness to the Divine within and the power that one holds within as a God Presence being or a Divine being on Earth. Breathe as you receive this ray, supporting you to open to your power and divinity in a sacred way. Each of the Rainbow Children has wonderful gifts to be able to embrace all beings as one and to see all beings through God’s eyes. These children have the role to assist all to see themselves as a Divine aspect of All That Is, and to see themselves through God’s eyes. As you receive this through a chalice pouring forth through you, support your soul to see yourself as Divine and receive this Divine elixir. Breathe and fill yourself with this until it overflows, and then send it out to all the Rainbow Children on Earth, and those that are birthing presently. This will support them to feel supported by those on Earth.
4.                  The Peach Archangelic Ray, which births the Alcyone Children.
This ray assists all beings to meet God’s truth that is held within them, and to align to the truth of their God Presence. The Alcyone Children come through the portal Alcyone of the Pleiades birthing through this ray to arrive on Earth. Breathe as you receive this ray, supporting you to open to your Divine truth in a sacred way. Breathe as the Angels and Archangels pour this through your being, and intend with your breath to fill yourself fully. As you overflow with this, send this out to all the Alcyone Children on Earth and those birthing to Earth. These children are divine record keepers that have a wonderful ability to know truth about others on a soul level, and to know what is the highest potential for that being.
5.      The Golden Archangelic Ray, which births theGolden Children.
This ray activates the Christ consciousness in all. These children come from realms beyond all the suns, including the Great Central Sun, and birth through all the suns to Earth. These children are the keepers of Christ consciousness and have a natural ability to emanate Christ consciousness and the three qualities of the Christ, which are Unconditional Love, Forgiveness and Transmutation. This ray brings these qualities and activates the Christ consciousness within all beings. As you breathe now, you will receive a pouring forth of this elixir and ray to allow the Christ consciousness within you to open more deeply. As you do this, fill yourself through every chakra and body and send out this elixir to all the Golden Children on the Earth, and those coming to the Earth.
6.                       The Silver Archangelic Ray, w hich births the Lunar Children
This ray supports all beings to be open to the divine journey through the unknown. As you breathe now, we will bring forth to you this ray in a golden chalice filled with silver essence and begin now to fill you with this. Breathe with us to receive this and allow it to overflow through you, allowing you to open to the unknown through the open heart. Breathing and filling thyself, and then sending this out to all the Lunar Children on Earth and those coming to Earth. These ones who are on Earth and are returning to Earth, come to support all beings to open to the unknown and the divine mystery of life.
These ones have great faith and carry their energy easily with no plan through their mind. These ones are very guided through an active intelligence that is one with their intuitive mind.
7.                      The Diamond Archangelic Ray, which births the Diamond Children.
This ray assists all beings to open themselves to the One Heart through a clear connection to the Divine Father’s energy. This ray assists all souls to open themselves to the divine masculine and to all men. These children are here for the men, and to support all souls to be able to embrace the men on Earth and the male energy within all. Each one of them holds the truth of the masculine within and their own divine masculine is already, on many levels, aligned as one with their Godhead. These divine children bring playful energies to the male and bring a new male energy to Earth – one of clarity, organisation and playfulness. Breathe as you now receive this divine elixir, as a chalice of this elixir is poured forth through you allowing your own male energies to align more deeply to the Godhead within you. As you breathe, intend to fill yourself completely with this, rejuvenating your male energy. Many beings come to support you as you fill and begin to send out this elixir to all the Diamond Children on the Earth and all those ones coming through to birth. As they receive this, they feel supported to be who they are on the Earth.
8.             The Emerald Archangelic Ray, which births the Emerald Children.
This ray supports all souls to embrace and receive the Divine Mother’s energy more fully. This ray co-creates one’s heavenly self to anchor more deeply through one’s Earth body. This ray supports the openness to new birthing and completion of old cycles in one’s life. Breathe as you receive this, filling your being deeply as the Archangels and Angels bring chalices of this elixir to you. Breathe and receive this and let it flow through you, allowing the alchemical alignment to assist you to complete all old cycles and open to the new. The Emerald Children also support you and all other beings on the Earth to enter new cycles and complete old cycles. They hold the Love within them naturally to allow others to be themselves and to recognise the cycles of life. Send your Love and this ray to them by letting it overflow through you, and pouring it forth out to them wherever they are in the world and out to the portals that birth those ones coming through to Earth.
9.                      The Pearlescent Archangelic Ray, which births the Pearl Children.
This ray brings the softness, innocence and pure heart to open a being. This ray is filled with Angelic whispers and soft nurturing touches. This ray assists all beings who are ultra sensitive to feel nurtured. Breathe as you receive this through your being and intend to fill yourself as the elixir pours forth to you now, and allow the most sensitive parts of yourself to be nurtured now. Breathing in and receiving now a filling of this elixir through your being. As you fill yourself, allow it to expand out and send this intentionally to the Pearl Children on Earth and those who are coming through to Earth. These children are ultra sensitive and are deeply affected by the psychic plane of Earth. Their role is to bring the Love and the safety to the psychic plane of the Earth. They are telepathy and have extraordinary abilities of connection to others on the Earth. This ray will assist them deeply to be who they are and may be called for at any time to assist them.
10.              The Pink Archangelic Ray, which births the Pink Children.
This ray supports all beings to experience self-love as well as Unconditional Love for others, and births the Love cocoon around a soul’s embodiment. If this love cocoon is broken in any way through their birthing experience or through trauma through their childhood, by working with this ray you may heal this cocoon. If this cocoon is not whole, it is virtually almost impossible for a soul to experience self-love and unconditional love simultaneously. The Pink Children have a very strong love cocoon and are born with this, and it is very difficult to break this.
As you breathe in now, we bring forth to you this ray now to fill you and overflow through you. Breathe in deeply and receive this and let it fill you, and rebuild and restrengthen your love cocoon. After filling thyself, send this ray out to all the Pink Children on Earth and all those coming to birth. As you do this, you will connect to them and you will be welcoming and recognising them.
11.  The Magenta Archangelic Ray, which births the Magenta Children.
This ray aligns and activates the spiritual focus and discipline of all beings. All souls birthed on this path walk strongly on the spiritual path and are often spiritual guides for others. This ray supports all beings to open their spirituality and their uniqueness with this, and to formalise their own path with God and empower this. Breathe as you receive this elixir to assist your own connection to your spiritual path, focus and discipline in life and your spiritual freedom and uniqueness. As this is poured forth to you and begins to overflow through you, open yourself completely to the power that is held within you and breathe this through you, allowing yourself to relax with your spirituality that is unique to you. Fill thyself and send it out to all the Magenta Children on Earth and those coming through. These children hold spiritual teachings and new inspirations to assist others to experience their spiritual freedom on Earth.
Our thanks goes out to:
All these loveable light children all over the world. Barbara Roth and Kees Visser for their permission in using there study material of the Tzolkin. 
Jaap van Velsen for the making of the Gratitude Ankh, which was beaming the whole time during the preparation of this wave.
Qala Serenia Phoenix for her Channelling. These Channelling awoken and inspired me, Carla, to let a dream come true and place it upon the Earth.
I especially would like to thank my personal guides The Ancient Ones of the Beginnings and Breathingr. From the heart I would also like to thank Jos Blokdijk for his support plus the music provided and the trust and love of daughter Jessica Bakker and grandson Diego Khan.

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