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Random Thoughts XXI: Vibrations of Life


Random Thoughts XXI: Vibrations of Life

Vibrations are very powerful because energy is directly affected. One vibration may cause pain, one may locate it, and another may end it. What kind of vibrations are you bringing into your energy field?

Vibrations are heard and felt. For humans, speech and other forms of sound create vibrations within and around us. The Bible speaks of The Word Being God and God Is (the) Word.

With this "word," all creation, including our reality, was formed.

In Yoga, this "word" is OM. It is pronounced AUM. Your mouth starts with the A shape and sound, leads into the U and ends with the hum that is produced with the sound of the M. In Yoga, OM is the universal sound vibration that creates a peaceful feeling and connects all matter within a certain space or environment.

Sanskrit is a very powerful language because the letters and words create a certain vibration within the spirit. The English language can affect the mind (in so many ways), however, when words are spoken in Sanksrit, such as "Hari Om" or "Om Shanti," a certain vibration is created that leaves a lasting and peaceful feeling - not only in the mind and body but in the spirit as well.

This does that mean that English does not carry that potency. It has the potential to do that as does any language that beings use to communicate. With the languages of today, especially English, you have to be specific in your speech and especially in your intention and awareness. You have to give a clear and specific signal to the "universe" - in heart, mind and soul - in order for "the universe" to properly provide.

I'm talking about this because I spoke to one of my oldest and dearest friends today. She told me that someone did some kind of bowl thing on her. The person put the bowl on her head and made a noise with it. The end result was that she was supposed to feel better.

She had pains in her back before this occurred but she was able to deal with it through arnica. After the bowl treatment, the pain is back. Her mother did it too and now feels a lot of pain in her hands.

I explained to my friend that this is not a bad thing. I figured that the bowl technique created a vibration that let you know what channels and passages are blocked. The vibration may not immediately treat that blockage but on first try, it certainly let them know what areas they have to work in.

The trick for them is to find out why they have this pain and then figure out how to treat it. Let me say that my friend is NOT a fan of pills and doctors. She had to deal with them on many occassions and had "not so great" encounters with them.

I told her that she should go to the doctor (especially in her mom's case) TO FIND OUT WHAT IS WRONG. Then, go to whichever practictioners she feels comfortable with to treat the case.

As for my friend, I know that she is very devotional to God. She is an Orthodox Christian and goes to church regularly. She is an Ethiopian Orthodox so in church, they speak Amharic. I remembered that in church (I used to go a lot myself), we used to chant in praise of the Lord.

Amharic is not as old as Sanskrit, however since it is considered an ancient language and used for devotional purposes, I knew that it would be a good thing to use as therapy.

So as I was talking to her about chanting in Amharic, Sanskrit, or English, she began to understand the power of vibration. She opened up and told me that Yoga was something she wasn't really into doing because of the chanting and the whole "religious" aspect of it.

From an Integral Yoga point of view, I explained to her that Yoga does not take ones faith away but adds to it. You don't have to say "Hari Om" or "Om Hrim" to be a Yogi. A Bhakti Yogi is someone who is devotional to God, the form of God you choose is inconsequential. If you go to church and do everything in service of God (or at least have that intent) then you are a Bhakti Yogi, no matter what faith or religion you are bound to.

If you're in a class and you don't want to say OM...that's cool. Say "AMEN" to yourself. AMEN, AMEEN, and SHALOM are all derivates of OM.

I asked my friend to chant every morning and every night. She is going to use one of her church chants. I told her that she must say the same chant at these times and then whenever she feels pain, she should chant again, thinking and breathing into that area of her back that is giving her pain. She agreed and I think she also felt a lot better about Yoga, especially in regards to opening her mind to the healing possibilites that Yogic reasoning provides.

This does NOT mean that chanting will cure her ailment. What this will do is facilitate the vibrations in her body to heal. She got the first vibration that pinpointed where she needs to work on. These new vibrations should enable her to relax her mind enough to realize what she needs to do in order to treat and heal her backache.

In a nutshell, I'm hoping the chanting will make her realize that she has to slow down. In the meantime, she'll try this out and take arnica pills (instead of the cream), starting at 200cc and gradually going to 30cc, if necessary.

For YOU, be mindful of the many vibrations that you take in and give out. Notice your speech. How does it affect others? How does their speech affect you? Notice your methods of communication. Think about how a different method (for you and them) would change the dynamic of your relationships.

Even if you try a different form of communication and it doesn't work out, learn the lesson from it and then you can move forward in your journey towards holistic health.

Another way to be aware of your vibrations and how you can enable them to empower you is by taking away that speech for a while. For one week, sit in silence (which is called Mauna).

If you can't sit down and be still (like in meditation), do your tasks but say nothing and try to think nothing else but what you are focusing on at the moment. You can do it for 5 minutes or for days on end.

Nada Yoga is the Yoga of sound. Notice if you keep still, the sounds you hear. Sooner than later, you will be able to hear the hum in even the most inanimate of objects. Sooner than later, you will hear the hmmmm (OM) within yourself.

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