Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

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DailyOms – Evaluating Media + Universal Awakening + Empowered Storytelling + Unconscious Communication + Employing Presence + A Bridge To Acceptance + The Feeling Underneath + A Bad Habit + Actively P

DailyOm – Evaluating Media

February 21, 2011
Evaluating Media

Fresh Mind

It is up to us to seek out media that empowers and informs us, and to say no to media that drains energy and hope.

There is a lot of information available to us at this time i

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DailyOm – Full Release + Circling the Wagons + Dodging And Deflecting + Temporarily Out Of Balance + Gathering Intelligence + Taking Another Look + Spiritual Being--Physical Experience + Poetry in Mot

DailyOm – Full Release

January 25, 2011
Full Release

Water Meditation

Meditating with water can be a powerful way of aligning ourselves with an element that sustains us.

Our bodies are over fifty percent water, so it makes sense that human beings ha

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1.Dana – Giving

1.Dana – Giving

"Without abandoning these five qualities, one is incapable of entering & remaining in the first jhana... second jhana... the third jhana... the fourth jhana; incapable of realizing the fruit of stream-entry... the fruit of once-return

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