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Heavenletters #4050 Get into Your Truth

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #4050 Get into Your Truth, December 27, 2011

God said:
There is nothing you have to do but to be true to Me. Yet what does this mean, you wonder, and you really aren't sure, not exactly sure or clearly unsure.

It means that you are in your Truth, yet what that means you are also not exactly clear on either.

Beloveds, it means that you follow your star. To thine own self be true. Do not tell lies to yourself. Do not sell yourself short. Be loyal to yourself. Do not mistake tin for gold. This is being in your Truth.

To kid yourself is lack of integrity. To cover up yourself is lack of integrity. Denying your own Self and your own Truth is lack of integrity. Denial or disregard do not ground you. They unground you. The world may tell you that compromise keeps your feet on the ground.

There are things to compromise about, yet your integrity is not one of them.

Every time you deny yourself, deny yourself your own Truth, you nip away at your heart, and you feel it. You can ignore this, you can push this away from your awareness, and yet your sense of heart is diminished.

When you cheat in some way, no matter how little, no matter how much everyone is doing it, you cut away a piece of your heart. Your heart knows Truth.

Nor is my advice here to make you critical of what others do. You are not to point a finger in accusation at other's actions nor are you to model after others as if their misdemeanors are justification for yours. That everyone does whatever it is they do is not justification for you.

What is right for you? What does your heart want and yearn for?

To pretend you love something or someone is not right for you. To become something for the money alone is not right for you. Better to find your course in life. Better to be a happy craftsman than a learned statesman. Better to follow your heart.

Of course, first you have to know your heart. It's all right to have some first starts and then divert from them. You are finding out. You are discovering who you are. You are not being irresponsible. You are being responsible to your Truth. You keep coming closer to it.

It is not that you become a paragon of virtue. You don't care about that. You are a simple human being trying to find his way in the world and in Heaven. In a sense, you are on a dual path while you are on Earth. While you are on Earth, you cannot forsake one for the other. If you must add up numbers to support your family, you add up numbers. And if you must climb a mountain, you climb it. And if you find yourself desiring to spend more time with Me, you can do it even while you are adding up numbers or climbing a mountain.

You can befriend yourself whatever you are involved in. And you can befriend others.

It is a simple divine thing to be in your integrity, beloveds, even when you are not sure of all that it entails. It is a simple divine thing to walk down the road and serve Me in simple ways.
You are never without your Divinity. You are never without your humanness so long as you are in a human body. It is not true that the twain will never meet. The twain are meeting all the time. This is what you deal with in life in the world.

But do not think that the Divine is all abstract. Not at all. You are living it every day.

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Heavenletters #4053 If God Could Weep

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #4053 If God Could Weep , December 30, 2011

God said:
In terms of the relative world, there are varieties of people, and there are varieties of languages, and, yet, they are all One. You are all One.

Languages grew from the land they arose in, and, yet, all languages are also One, one common denominator, from one common sound.

Languages are not bedlam. Languages grew from the Earth. Certain flowers grow in Alaska, and other flowers grow in Florida, and this is as it is meant to be.

Languages also grew according to the climate, and as people grow according to the climate - by climate I mean all aspects -- the land, the air, the foliage, the mountains, the deserts, the streams - the personality of the land, so to speak - and the language of the land are perfect, just as the people of the land are perfect, just as the land itself is perfect.

At the beginning of the inception of language, regardless of the special characteristics of the land, all languages started with a sound from My throat, the same sound from My throat, so all languages grew from Me just as everything grows from Me. The lands grew, countries grew, people grew, language grew. They sprouted.

Only love came full-grown, full-blown, at its height, for on every scale of My Voice, from every cadence from My throat, love from Heaven poured forth upon the Earth.

Dimensionless, love permeated every dimension. Do not for one moment think that love does not thrive even when you cannot see it. Life would not exist at all without the existence of love. Nothing would exist without love. There is no existence without love.

No country, no people, no nothing would exist without love. Love may be battened down, and, yet, even battened down, love exists. Torn apart, blasted, love cannot be vanquished, life cannot be vanquished. And all languages are languages of love.

How many sounds are there, and how many languages can there be? Infinite. And languages made themselves. No one invented them. They arose from the land and the people of the land, and they arose from My heart.

No one is to scoff at any language or any people, for all are Mine.

If I could weep, and I cannot for I have no tears and no need for them, I would weep when My children do not love one another, respect one another. I would weep at this with individuals, and I would weep with this with nationalities and so on. There is nothing on the planet that is not to be loved and cherished and regarded with great respect.

Which flower is not lovely? Which apple from My garden is not lovely? And which flower or fruit is not Mine, given to you to enjoy? And which animal is not My treasure that I have bestowed upon you? And which human being is not the heart of My soul and given to you to be honored as I do honor each one of My children who are indeed made in the image of Myself and strewn upon the world to be loved as I do love them and as I do love you. Even when you set yourself apart, I love you.

Of course, I do. I am made of love, and I made you of the selfsame love. And when you do not love all, had I the capability of weeping, I would weep tears, not for the one unloved, but for you who did not give My love when I gave it to you to give.

What you give, you give to Me. What you do not give, you do not give to Me. There is no least of Me to give to. There is simply Me to give to. There is no less than I to give to. And so I ask you to love now, and now love all.

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Heavenletters #4056 The Magnificence and Beauty of You

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #4056 The Magnificence and Beauty of You, January 2, 2012

God said:
You want All of Me, don't you? You don't want just some of God, a little bit here and a little bit there. The fact is that you do have All of Me. You have All of Me right now. You do not miss even one particle of Me. Of course, there are no particles of Me, so how could you miss them? And yet you feel longing. It is yourself you desire to know. It is yourself you are seeking. Not this propped-up picture of yourself, the one who struggles, who fails, who succeeds. You know you are something more than how you present yourself as you twirl around on Earth.

You know very well that you are something more, and it is this something more that you know you must have. It's right here, right here under the surface, and, yet, you haven't been quite able to reach the core of you, that which is above your searching self. How you long to know yourself in the glory in which I know you. How you long to look out through My eyes and see as I do see, encompass what I encompass. How you long to be your True Self without all the flim-flam that presently enfolds you. How you long to stand before Me in My light and know that My light is yours.

Yet, presently, you have inkling, and yet that inkling is almost too much for you to accept, almost too much for you to bear, for, if you are wholly what I say you are, if you are truly the Pure Spirit I say you are, you don't fathom how you can be it. You would like to be it, and yet it seems like a fairy tale.

It seems like a fairy tale, for fairy tales are like that too. Cinderella wasn't really Cinderella. She was a princess. In fairy tales, many things are not as they seem.

And, in real life on Earth, you are not as you seem. Why has no one on Earth told you of your magnificence? You may have been told of the magnificence of others, but for yourself, you have primarily been told how far you are from ideal.

Those in the world have used fallible measuring sticks, beloveds. They didn't know what they were doing when they denied your Essence. They denied your Essence because they had not found their own. No one who knows his own Greatness would ever grumble about you, or rail at you, or see less than the Magnificence and Beauty that you are.

It is also incumbent upon you to know your own value so you can also value others.

How far away is ego from the Glory I speak of. I do not speak of momentary Glory. I do not speak of a flash in the pan. I speak of what can hardly be spoken because your Magnificence is so great, so magnificent that it takes the breath away. Oh, to know the Truth of you. The Truth of you is beyond the horizon, and, yet, you can get a glimpse of the horizon. You can pull the horizon to you. You can do anything.

You can come to experience the Truth of you and what you are about on Earth. You can be ablaze with the Truth, and you can light up the world in half a second. You. Yes, you. I am speaking of you. I am speaking of Myself within you, for I AM the Truth of you, if only you could know. You keep coming closer, and then will come the day when you do not find your little self any longer, for very soon, you will have embraced Oneness in its Entirety, and it will be your little self that you no longer know.

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Heavenletters #4061 Love Is Like a Kiss from God

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #4061 Love Is Like a Kiss from God , January 7, 2012

God said:
It is true. Everything unto its season. And, yet, love is always in season. Love is never out of season. Love in your heart is already given, you understand. Love has its own rules, and one is that it gives of itself without effort. Love is there in your heart. If you haven't squished the love in your heart, it is ready to go. The more you let love issue from your heart, the more your heart gets a refill.

If you feel that love is absent from your heart, you are mistaken. Love arbitrated, discussed, argued, love squashed, that is another story. Love held back waiting for a better opportunity, that may well be the case. Yet love is not meant to be an opportunist.

Love has one purpose, and that is to give of itself. Even in the dark hallways of life, love is to give itself. I've said before that love is like the sun. It comes out for all, and all are under the sun. Love is not meant to be sequestered. It not meant to be chosen. Love is simply meant to be, and love is, My dear children, the heart of you.

Love is not meant to come in and out. And yet the mind may have been slapping love with a ruler and telling it to stay hidden. Worst of all, the mind may keep your love hidden from yourself.

When you give love away, when love bursts from you like a song, like a waterfall, like a kiss from God, you are happy. If there is a condition for happiness, that is the condition: Give love out. Love, and your love needs no specified object. Love is not dependent upon objects. Love does not wait for an object to appear. Love comes first. Love is brilliant and shines out first. Love is the first to greet.

Love is not a drink you take. It is a drink you give. Yours is not the only heart thirsty for love, yet yours is the heart to give love first. You are not meant to be a reactor to love. You are meant to be the activator of it, the sign of it, the ambassador of it.

It is said that love makes the world go round. Love goes around. Love travels and always returns home. It has been said that love is where the heart is. Where is your heart, beloveds? What makes your heart tick?

The only answer to everything is love. Whatever you perceive as a difficulty, the cure is love. There is only one cure to the troubles of the world, and that is love. Not sanctimonious love, but love, pure and simple love that issues in a stream from the oasis of your heart.

Would anyone ever vote against love? Of course not, and yet you have. Presumably, you have. Time and time again, you have voted for varying opposites of love. You may have voted for holding love tightly to you when love is meant to go out and expand and pulse throughout the Universe. Love is the pocket you dip into. Love is your very Being. You are steeped in love. The love in your heart just needs your go-ahead. Divine love is in your heart and is never to be locked up. Absolutely not.

Love is meant to be free to travel the world. Love will always come back to you. Actually, love never leaves. Love in your heart sort of leads two lives, one in, one out. Your heart has two streams. Love fulsomely, beloveds. Love. Just love. That is My bidding. That is My Will.

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Heavenletters #4063 Look Through a Wider Window
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #4063 Look Through a Wider Window , January 9, 2012

God said:
My words are beautiful, and you are beautiful. Beauty is surrounding you. Even in bleakness, there is beauty. Look for it. Even in the most awful situations, there is something of beauty.

It could be the sound of a nurse's voice. It could be the glass of water on a table. It could be the sun streaming in the window. It could be a cloud outside the window. It could be a nurse's shoes squeaking on the linoleum. It could be the spattering of rain. It could be you.

When you feel bleak, you are focusing on yourself. All of life is not about you, beloveds, and you fall back into that slant on life or never get up from it, a slant on life that doesn't really serve even you. You like your eggs this way, your toast like that, and your orange juice in a special glass. You like one thing this way and another thing another way and back and forth with attention on what pleases you or displeases you. Hmm, you may focus more on what displeases you than what pleases you.

Other people annoy you when they seem to think that everything is about them. Meanwhile, you may be thinking that everything is about you or your convenience or your preference or your mood of the day.

I could tell you to stop putting your preferences first until I'm blue in the face, and you don't know how to stop doing it, or you stop for a while and then slip back into it.

So here's how to do it:
Have a bigger picture in mind. Step out of the little circle you have encased life in. There is more to consider than what appeals to you or doesn't appeal to you. There are other fish to fry, beloveds. Draw a bigger circle around yourself that includes others as much as it includes you. What about everybody else? You may be absolutely right in preferring something as you do, and yet there is a bigger picture in which what you favor is simply not the priority. What you favor is simply not so important as you have thought. Enjoy that which you do not enjoy! Enjoy that someone served you toast too dark or too light.

And when it comes to more public matters, such as a website, a bus ride, a traffic sign, there are reasons why something is done as it is done, and you might as well consider them. If you thought beyond yourself, you might look from a greater vantage than your own, and you will see a wider window to look out from, and maybe you won't be complaining so much. That would be a change, wouldn't it?

Whereas you might be the first to choose a big beautiful window to look out of, yet, when it comes to your viewpoint, you may well have a tendency to see from a little slot, a little slice of life that doesn't go beyond your nose.

It has been said: What if you walked in someone else's shoes, how might you appraise matters then?

This is about compassion. This is about understanding. And this is about something more than these. It is about your growing up.

Self-centeredness is immaturity. It is not a crime. It is immaturity. Don't be a two-year old in an adult body. You wouldn't, would you? And yet some are. All of My children are kids inside. There is good to this as well, and yet there is also good in looking at a bigger picture.

Will you? Will you look to see further? Will you look to see beyond yourself?

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Heavenletters #4067 A Dream You Haven’t Quite Awakened From
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

HEAVEN #4067 A Dream You Haven’t Quite Awakened From, January 13, 2012

God said:
Beloveds, you see big things in life and you see little things in life. You have even been known to make little things big and big things little.

You transform events into space, and so call them big or little. You categorize. You put events in a slot. Some occurrences that you call big make you happy. Some occurrences you call big make you unhappy. And yet you have designated them as big causes for unhappiness. You categorize. Furthermore, you say B must follow A. What if you did not?

What if life in the relative world were simply made of occurrences? What if your experiences that render you helpless are nothing more than trains going by, and you stand by the tracks waiting for the trains to go by?

Or, perhaps, you are on the train and you see people waiting, and you are also one of the people who is waiting and watching the trains roaring by. You are on the train, and you are outside the train at the same time, the same non-existent time that exists in non-existent space. The idea of waiting is also a concept of time.

The concepts of time and space are self-imposed - and group-imposed -- and, yet, these very concepts add enrichment to life. You do love all the ins and outs of life. Furthermore, you love the idea of venturing into outer space where there are fewer encumbrances and all seems new and vast and borderless.

Outer space is closer to the Truth, isn't it? There is Vastness. There are no borders. You are souls wandering around in bodies in an imagined land. Often life on Earth doesn't feel real to you, does it? You sense the unreality and artificiality of life on Earth. You observe yourself participating in life on Earth and sense emptiness of it even as you experience the richness of it. What a play on a play of nothing at all but huge Vastness.

You want to belong to the Vastness, and you also want to play in the field of life that seems very real and is not real at all.

I am real, and your soul is real. There is no Humpty Dumpty. There is no shell that can break, for there is, in Truth, no shell at all to break.

Your heart is the tie-in between Heaven and the fictional Earth. Heaven is true, and yet it is not a place. It is spacelessness, and your heart desires the best of both worlds when, in reality, there is no world as such. There is Being, and Being is all.

Earth life predominates when you discover yourself in a body roaming on Earth. A part of you knows that you are based in Heaven. Part of you knows Truth and cannot quite believe it.

So, in all of life on Earth, you are traveling and so finding yourself. Life on Earth is a discovery of the Wholeness you never departed from. What makes you tick when there is no ticking?

And how can you find Wholeness when you are in the midst of it, so to speak, when you are fully whole? You are all of it. You are having a dream that you can't quite wake up from. You shake yourself, and you say, "Wake up, wake up. It's a dream. None of it is real."

And, yet, you fall back asleep into that dream again and again, and you hold it to you, and you don't want to let it go.

That dream is precious, and yet it is only a dream. All of life on Earth is a dream that goes on and on until you wake up from it, and you know the Great Being that you and I are in Oneness.

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