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By Serena Woods

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Have you ever wondered what “telepathy” really means? Have you ever experienced it? Have you ever wanted to experience it? Well you can, and you should.

Telepathy is commonly known as ”mind to mind” communication, without the sounds of linguistics or speaking, it is an instant form of transference of thoughts and senses. Some think it is merely ”language-less” – it is not. Telepathy alone may be, but Empathic Telepathy is a language full of silent communion and it is this form that is natural to us.

Some of us know that thought-forms can be transferred from person to person, and even some technologies have been developed which can do this. And there are spiritual beings and entities who can be telepathic with us. They can transfer either thoughts or feelings, or both. This is a mixed cornucopia of input.

But what I am talking about is Empathic Telepathy which is natural and organic to living beings, a way of being that is fulfilling, and we can Be this way with all Living Beings.

Nature has a language that communicates itself through its sounds, scents and colors, textures and more. It has both history and panoramic complexities of sentience we are at a loss to detect, much less describe, and its composition is communicated often so profoundly, beautifully. Countless poems throughout history have been written in humble attempts to write in words all that has been received.

Many readers of such poems sense the beauty of them, but it is mostly the writers response to their communion with Nature which is being conveyed through the poems, and often apologetically for an egregiously inept ability to capture in writing all that was received. The reader cannot experience what has been telepathically conveyed to the writer, only what the writer has sensed and is trying to convey. This is second hand but it is still rich.

Empathic Telepathy is more than transference of thought, this is a left brained (sans-sentience) explanation. It is communion, communion of the highest order. It is a ”language” of a multi complexity of feelings within and around the communicator, which includes the entire spectrum of experience of what is being communicated. A higher consciousness being, especially those of the Natural Kingdoms, have many senses, and many of these can be expressed. You not only get the thoughts around the communication, you get all the sentience that occurred at the moment of the experience being expressed, as well as the current feelings of the one communicating. Often what has been conveyed includes history. It is a sentient rich communion between those who are expressing, of feelings, thoughts, ideas, scents, and sounds all simultaneously, ambient with the communicators unique sensations, surpassing space and time, in an instant.

You may have noticed I am using the term communicator and not just ”person” as it is certainly not limited to people. Telepathy is achieved most successfully with not only people, but with animals, and the Green Kingdoms, and Mineral and Etheric Kingdoms.

This involves listening rather than merely hearing.

Listening and hearing are two different things. Hearing is the detection of audible sound being spoken whose words are open to infinite interpretation. Such communications when received with a tempered mind, is hearing only. You have often heard people say “I hear you” and yet you find yourself feeling a void, waiting for appropriate response and left unfulfilled.

Listening involves sentient rich receptivity and is deliciously complex and filling.

Empathic Telepathy is not just ”mind to mind” communication but consciousness to consciousness. This involves a greater use of the brain, a multi sensory complexity within the body with which we are naturally endowed.

The loss of telepathy and empathy comes from all institutionalized forms of ”education” and ”training”. These are processes that temper ones mind much like a steel blade is made. It is hammered and pounded, and heated, and hammered and pounded, over and over, on and on… until it becomes a blade. It has been tempered and molded by the black-smith. And so the steely mind has been indoctrinated and inculcated into being left brain dominant, being likened more to a computing processor. This is a form of mind control conducted by well funded and organized institutions whose goal is to make you learn what they want you to learn, most if not all of it lies, for at the very least it is incomplete. It is not education, is it fractionalized and desensitization.

Even those who consider themselves smart will hear a stream of words from a speaker and often formulate a response before one has even finished speaking. This is computing. It has a projectile nature of being a one way transaction. It is box like and of the intellect alone. It is the way of the black-word smithy to form minds into computized instruments. Information bits are chosen and pieced together and spun into deliberate creations with artistic license.

It is the way of the Empathic Telepath to commune openly and fully with the truth.

Empathic Telepathy listens with full brain and body capacity, and is able to receive infinitely much more information, wisdom and knowledge, sentient rich, in a nano second. Unlike the tempered steely mind which needs to acquire information and experience in a linear time/space continuum.

For Empathic Telepaths, communicating with such steely mind word smithys is entirely frustrating and fruitless. One is left with a bitter aftertaste, mixed with a complexity of discordance, a feeling of some kind of void, or being given ”spin” or manipulation.

With Empathic Telepathy there is a sweet taste left, one is left satisfied, respected and well received, filled with much more than itself, no matter the truth.

How can we become Empathic Telepaths? Where is the teacher?

Thought-forms can be conveyed by people and technologies now, it is a one way transaction projected unto another, often without our knowing, and these kinds of projectile transferences are usually of the regressive kind. I would find a more benevolent source.

To regain our natural abilities we need to first and foremost desire to be receptive, as this desire is itself receptivity,  and one begins to open and soften the tempered mind, make it malleable again. It is a deliberate act of will and discipline. Then we need to find a source of true telepaths, and the most benign and gregarious ones will be found in Nature. Trees especially are willing to be our sources of communion again and our friends. To find out the truth of that statement you will need to experience it for yourself. No tree will lead you astray nor lie to you, nor commune to you anything that has any ”spin” or ”distortion” within it. They are as incapable of this as an infant is capable of lying.

Nature in all its forms are our relatives in truth and in essence, in physicality and in origin.

All of Nature is us, people, trees, grasses, mountains, water, plants etc, we are all of the same essence….and so they are our relatives in another form, yet deeply informed of us.

Go to Nature to commune. Don’t just go to speak, but go to listen.

This may take some practice for those who are not used to being receivers, but it can be done when you become soft of mind and receptive. They will find you. You will need to spend more time with Nature especially trees, which are everywhere, and many are willing to communicate with you, though not all.

You will find only Truth.

You can nurture an opening of your mind which acts like a portal of connection with them and they will use this portal to commune with you. Sometimes this connection can happen quickly, surprisingly so, and some will need some time. A type of trust is needed to develop, not with the tree or whatever your source, but with your own mind….you must trust in your mind to become soft and vibrant with receptivity.

For everyone it will be different. But I can see a world of Empathic Telepaths coming into being, coming ”online” so to speak, and this is only the beginning of regaining our connection to Source, to our Divinity, our true Nature, and to feel at home both in our own skins and on this planet we were born on. We must commune with our relatives and love them, live with them. This is harmony. When all forms of communication and communion are open – flowing in all directions – and natural feelings and senses permeate our beingness, this is where we sense our Family and Love.

About the author:

Serena is a tenacious and dedicated researcher, who for 40 years has looked into the source of the insanity and violence controlling this planet. Rejecting educational brainwashing and refusing to have her natural abilities ridiculed out of her, she remained an independent thinker and a feeling intuitive empath.

Since age 21 Serena has lived organically and studied the natural life, being self-taught in everything from bodybuilding to personal trainer, to excelling as a florist, a student pilot, organic gardener, home chef, artist, seamstress, writer, jewellery maker, landscaper, and creator of all her own personal care and home care products. Serena calls herself an Esoteric Nutritionist.

You can connect with Serena at:

Images by Tomasz Alen Kopera.

Message From The Pleiadians 

August 2015 Monday, August 17, 2015

Beloved ones we greet you, The winds of change have entered your planet on another level. Through this Dimensional Split the energies on the earth plane are going through a rapid dimensional transformation. The sacred sun’s energies are flowing on to your planet, bringing to those of you who are awake, a part of the sacred sun’s consciousness that is truly a reflection of your own light. This consciousness of light is flowing through your heart center and is then transmitted outwards from your heart center to humanity. This action through your heart is aligning with the collective energies within the universe to bring this transition of consciousness to you. Simultaneously you are aligned to a Truth that is carried within this sacred time. As this newly birthed light is expanding on your planet know that you play an important role in this transformation by opening up to receive the reflected rays of light of the rising sun. We witness you! We honor your journey. Blessings, The Pleiadians

Christine's Message August 2015

Monday, August 17, 2015

This has been an exciting month..... 

as we have continued to build new dimensional layers in the 2nd Communication Portal on our land in Grand Marais. The interacting energies within the Portal continue to build in intensity. The energetic synergy continues to evolve between the Lemurian portal out in Lake Superior, the 1stCommunication portal and the 2nd Communication portal.

The Pleiadians are also showing me the impact that the 2nd communication portal is having on the earth plane during this time of the Dimensional split. The earth is going through major adjustments and the Portal’s role is to assist with stabilizing the energies on the planet. At the same time the Communication portal plays a role in supporting each one of us during our own individual energetic transition that has been created from the Dimensional Split giving us access to the multi-dimensional higher realm doorway.

The energy up here on our land in Grand Marais has been extreme. We have just anchored another dimensional layer within the Communication Portal on our land. There has been a total transformation within both portals. The energies from the portals are beginning to transmit a new dimensional frequency throughout the planet and are aligning to the Crop Circles creating a sacred matrix. This matrix carries the understanding of this time, and it holds the sacred texts that we will carry within us as the dimensional openings occur. It carries all that we need for a state of awakening.

I am going through some powerful transformations as I am anchoring many of these profound energies through my cells. These blueprint energies are being held within my energetic field creating a transformational and exhilarating light that is being absorbed within my energetic systems. 

I have not experienced anything like this before, it’s as though my awareness has aligned with some profound multi-dimensional states. My senses have been heightened within those states and I have birthed into a new awareness taking me beyond anything I have known previously. 

I have had to just let go on yet another level. I trust and open to this new state of Being. I am letting go because there simply is nothing left for me to do. This is a new experience and I am in deep gratitude for my journey


There continues to be dynamic energetic changes taking place ever since the Dimensional split took place in June creating a further rapid dimensional transformation on the planet. 

Just last week the dimensional split opened further creating a powerful opportunity for you to further align to the reflected rays of the sun, as you align into these reflected rays you will find that the light frequency held within the rays has expanded and changed. It’s as though there is a new element carried within the frequency of light within the rays of the sun. This has created a magnification of dimensional light moving through you and your energetic field. It is important to continue to meet and align further into this light frequency. 

Understand this reflected light carries a Truth. As you align and work within the energies of the Dimensional split you can more easily begin to anchor through your own heart space, which is a multi-dimensional framework to your higher self/ to your home space.

It is the time to step through the doorway of your heart, so that you can witness your Self, and then let go of these old perceptions of yourself held by the ego mind. It is important to just witness how the ego mind has created restrictions through fear based dialogue and self-criticism. All these projections from the ego have been undermining your ability to be free and to move forward into these new realms of experience within your self.

It is the time to allow a new vision of yourself to emerge and begin to align to who you are in this moment. You can do this now so simply. With the new frequencies of light coming onto the planet there are unlimited possibilities for each one of you to break out of your old boundaries of this perception of limitation and lack. Now is the time for the sacred promise to be revealed through the light that can be accessed within the reflections of light from the sun.

It is your time for your self-liberation and for your abundance to be restored to you. Reach with your consciousness into the reflected light that holds the reconnection to your source of your self. It’s through this powerful force of the sun’s energy that you can be held. Remember you can only access the 5th/6th dimensional light through your heart space and as you do this you can naturally begin to channel your own pure source reflected energy outwards into your world.

Know that these reflections of light carry a natural fluidity within them and that fluid light is weaving throughout the earth plane at this time and creating a womb like energy to be held around each one of you. This womb like energy that is surrounding you is supporting your rebirth. As you reach out to the light reflections of the sun with your consciousness your cells take in a nutritional aspect that is held within these reflected light rays.

New dimensional structures begin to form within your cells from this higher form of nutrition enabling them to hold a higher realm pure source energy consciousness.

This is a part of your rebirth that you have been waiting for. As this rebirth process anchors through you there is a new synergy of sacred realignments being formed with the higher dimensional aspects of your self that holds an aspect of a God Consciousness state.  Each time you open up to the sun’s reflections there is another level of this rebirthing taking place within you.

It is important to remember to take a moment to be connected into your physical place of your heart before you align to the reflected light rays of the sun. This way you are enabled to align and receive your full reconnection to that higher realm reflected energy held within the light rays and at the same time you continue to build and fortify your connection through the doorway of your heart space, your home space.

As this anchoring process takes place you will be able to perceive your life from a different viewpoint. You will suddenly be able to witness your self from a different perspective within your world and begin to be able to take your place by carrying this new frequency light aspect of Self within your energetic field and your heart. You will become a natural transmitter of the light within you and impact many people just by Being. 

Your own personal world will change because you will carry this peaceful anchored connection within you. You will feel a new stability and sense of strength as you continue working with the light rays. There will be a clarity of thought that will translate through your day-to-day living, bringing you a new perception of Truth and understanding of what your next step involves.

Only you can decide whether you choose to step up and allow your self to align to these reflections, and to claim your reflected light that is being offered to you at this time. You may have noticed that everything has become more intense and disorientating, that is to be expected and more is to come. The Pleiadians are asking all of us who are awake to stay very centered right now in our lives, no matter what is appearing to happen in the moment. They are calling out to each one of us to let go and trust, even if we cannot imagine how things can work out.

The Pleiadians have created a series of six initiations to be transmitted over six shows on my Blog talk radio to support you in this upcoming transformational next step that we are embarking on. These initiations are designed to redefine your energetic field and heart center so that you can manage and stabilize within these new waves that will be shortly entering our planet. 

The Pleiadians say that this “dimensional split” has created an acceleration of our own ability to birth, like an energetic womb that we finally are able to access. These energies are like no other to anchor on our earth plane. It is the time to consciously take our power back through a conscious choice participation of working with the elements of the suns rays reflected light and to begin to consciously receive ourselves as this light. I do know that this is why I am in this new aspect of myself. I want to encourage each one of you to take another step for your self. Work with the rays, the reflected light and through this you too will discover another aspect of you. 

Remember the dimensional split has opened a doorway of opportunity for us to step forward and receive a series of reflected rays of light from the sun in which we can align. This energy plays a major role in the coming months for you, a sacred design to re-orientate you to aspects of sacred pure light consciousness for you to align. I will continue to remind you to work with these transformation reflections from the sun as you navigate your way through this time. With the expansion and redefinition of your energetic field these light rays from the sun will act as an important catalyst for your transformational process within you.

Reminding you that we are all being held closely and you can call in the support at this time for your self as you transform, you are not meant to go through this process alone. You need to give your permission for your pre agreement energies to come in and help you in your stabilization process. We need to let go and allow ourselves this support each moment.

It is essential to let go of all that you think you know, let go of all that you perceive your self to be, let go and allow a redefined aspect of yourself to emerge, this is the time for transformation and transmutation. Let go.

REMEMBER each one of us need to be committed to each unfolding moment that is happening and to anchor the energy that is in the moment within us. In reality that is all there is, just the moment, that is all there is to do, to be at this time. Each one of us needs to keep letting go, allowing each moment to birth within us so that we can receive the frequency that is contained within the moment of our own multi-dimensionality.

We need to stay focused on the truth within our own heart center. This can support all humanity. Through your own unfolding a path is forged for others to follow.

I wish to honor each one of you and all that you are in this moment!



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