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Energy Forecast - The Bells of Freedom Ring

What a profound honor it is for me to connect with you in this way again. On behalf of all humanity, thank you for choosing to be here at this time, to help elevate the consciousness of the planet by simply being you.

After recently moving through some of the most highly charged energy we’ve ever experienced, many of us are noticing the old patterns of survival come up to the surface in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

There’s just no sweeping these patterns aside anymore. It’s time to address every single one of them once and for all, so that eternal peace and freedom become the default of our reality, and the reality of all humanity.

This resurfacing of the old survival patterns is actually coming up to give us the opportunity to let go of them completely.

Have you noticed how uncomfortable it has become to be in survival energy? It can immediately be felt somewhere in our body, as a clear signal that it’s time to release it. Some of us may be feeling it in the pit of our stomachs, or in our shoulders, temples, neck, lower back, knees, or feet.

The discomfort itself is a clear indicator that we’ve expanded to such a degree that anything that is not in alignment with our Highest Self will not be able to be housed in our energy anymore.

Survival patterns include anything from insecurity, doubt, and fear to lack, worry, or any other energy vibrating on a similar wavelength. If you are finding yourself in patterns of survival for any reason, give yourself permission to move through them.

An important thing to note is to make sure to not project these patterns onto others, or they will return back to us intensified, almost instantaneously. A healthy outlet such as exercise, journaling, an act of service, or walk in nature are always excellent options that can provide a much more beneficial release.

The Freedom Revolution

In the recent weeks, with the support of the celestial heavens within and all around us, a massive inner freedom revolution has been making its way to the forefront of lives. This quiet yet powerful rise has been leaving many of us feeling different from who we were even just a few weeks ago. That’s how quickly things are changing right now!

This is showing up in several ways. Before I share what these are, I’d like to invite you to contemplate on the following questions.

Has your tolerance for anything not coming from a loving and kind space lessened?

Has your desire or need to please others, in order to receive their love and approval, diminished more in the past few months?

Are you finding it easier to speak up for yourself and say what you really desire to say, instead of what you think people want to hear from you? Meaning, basically, are you finding that you are censoring yourself less now?

If you answered “Yes” to at least two of those three questions, then you, my friend, are moving out of the old survival patterns, and into a richer, fuller, and more abundant new reality.

This can feel uncomfortable at times (especially for our minds). You may be feeling as if you’re not your usual self. However, know that this is absolutely OK, and that you are exactly where you’re supposed to be in this whole process.

As the authentic you continues to emerge and integrate, things will settle, and an extraordinary new reality will begin to reveal itself to you.

A Formula for Freedom

With the amount of changes going on right now, it can be very helpful to create a special map for ourselves that can help us navigate through it all.

I’ve found that the following three things can greatly support us in anchoring greater freedom.

The first thing we can do to anchor greater freedom is to be crystal clear on what we truly desire to experience most in life. Then, once we have clarity, we actually add to it by following through by asking for what we truly want and desire.

I know that as empaths, many of us tend to shy away from asking for what we really want, because we just don’t like ‘rocking the boat’ or placing any burdens on anyone. What this does, is leave many empaths settling for the bare necessities, so that they have just enough to get by. Nothing more.

This usually happens because we think people might judge us if we ask for what we truly want, or that having what we want makes us less spiritual in some way.

Although I truly believe it is in the simplest of things that the greatest fulfillment and blessings reside, it’s OK to experience ALL that life has to offer us. That includes the rainbow of feelings, the healing and beautiful qualities of nature, and the amazing materialization of the Universe through the human imagination.

In reality, asking for what we desire gives the Universe the opportunity to rise up and actually give it to us! The guessing and mixed signals that delay manifestation instantly go out the door.

Another way to awaken to greater freedom in our lives is to get clear on what freedom actually means to us. For me, freedom transcends linear (also known as structured) time, and instantly places us in eternal time.

When I originally befriended the energy of freedom, I began reflecting on the times in my life when I’d felt the most free.

Every time I felt free, it included me being in my heart, less in my mind, and fully in the present moment. It could have been while I was listening to a song that gave me goosebumps, or while sitting under a tree looking out over the ocean. But the common theme was always that I was in that moment fully, living in the present.

I have a feeling that if you reflect on the times you felt the freest, you will find you have probably had similar types of experiences. If that’s the case, then freedom resides in the present moment.

When I realized this, my only job each day was to remember to be fully present with every experience I was having, as often as I could remember to do so. When I made this my daily intention, freedom and abundance became the main energies that guided my life. This practice of living in the present moment showed me that our inner infinity can become completely materialized in our exterior reality as well.

One other way we can anchor freedom is to take more risks.

Because of how sensitive empaths are, having the gift of being able to feel everything around them, taking risks sometimes isn’t the first choice we might gravitate towards (although for some, that may be due to that being part of their personality makeup.)

Although it can sometimes seem a bit uncomfortable to take risks, risk-taking actually has the gift of being able to help us expand beyond any old limitations we may have created for ourselves.

A productive way of taking a risk can be simply to invest in ourselves, our well-being, our gifts, talents, and contributions to the world. This can take expression through actions that further our health and well-being, spiritual development, and creative ventures.

These three processes together can help us expand into and anchor greater freedom in our lives. They can also help us be more prepared for times of great change.

We are living in the times our ancient ancestors talked about for thousands of years! It’s happening all around us here and now.

As always, know that you are not alone. I am so grateful that we get to share this journey together, and I look forward to connecting with you again soon.

Till next time,



The Energies of May By Jamye Price

April Review
April had the energy of ‘the strength to create.’  It felt more like ‘the strength to get through the day!’  Has fatigue ever been so prevalent?!  It wasn’t easy to get extra sleep and it didn’t matter anyway!  It was a profound month of physical inner change.  I was shown that the fatigue was due to brain adjustments that are creating better access to a waking meditative state.  We will have more ease accessing an Alpha state in general, and for many even a Theta state.  These are brain waves that are much more in tune with the frequency of a creative, Loving, calm state.  It is a subtle shift, but over the course of time you may begin to notice more calm.  If you are already noticing more calm, lucky you!  Many are still experiencing a LOT of shift and movement from the eclipse/equinox/Pluto-Uranus-Square catalyst.  

April also brought some deep release, especially around shame.  Just like the brainwave adjustments, these shifts can sometimes seem subtle at first.  However, another side effect of so much release of discordant vibration is a new track of creation in your life.  So it may have also seemed like things that were moving forward either stalled or became unclear.  At first this can be pretty frustrating, but ultimately it becomes more beneficial.  You’ll readjust to a new path of creation that is better aligned with your new, freer energy.  The April challenges and benefits feed right into the energy of May.
May Energies – Choice and Focus
May and June both are going to call you to more focus.  Focus is an important one.  The brain changes and the deep release of April provide us with more availability of our focus.  I’m excited to see these brain changes.   That focused, calmer, waking meditative state can help you begin taking more empowered action in life – choice.  

Choice is both internal and external action. As you begin creating more of your reality rather than reacting, it anchors Loving Light here on Earth for others to observe and choose as well.  The exponential effects, the fractal expansion, are a natural part of the system of Life.  As you choose, life changes.  First subtly, then you get clues of impending manifestation. Change keeps building momentum and manifests.  And the cycle continues.  

Creation always begins internally.  What does that look like in your life?  First, it requires relaxing into your present moment (not as easy lately). As you become well with what-is, your energy field opens and connects in a way that gives you access to helpful thoughts, feelings and synchronicities that begin to build a new future.  Relaxing into the moment is a matter of focusing yourself away from any fear, impatience, resentment or any other challenging vibration that is inhibiting you from peace.  Once you can focus yourself into a better feeling state of being, you now have access to new choice that wasn’t available from a chaotic vibration.   This was the beauty of releasing shame in April (or anytime!); you are shifting away from a harmful vibration running in the background - like a virus that slows down your computer. 

What if You Can't Focus?
Choice always begins within.  You choose to focus in a direction, you choose to shift your thoughts, you choose to find a new perspective.  If you find that you can not focus no matter how you try, then there is an internal vibration that is inhibiting your easier flow.  Practice mediating more - short meditations are fine.  You need to exercise the mental focus muscle.  

Also, do you have some go-tos for healthy release of emotions?  The same thing won’t always work, so have some backups.  Need to release some anger, frustration, resentment or some other fiery emotion?  Get moving!  Exercise, dance, play fast music, yell at a wall (then apologize!).  Feeling sorrow, depression or unworthiness?  Play sad music, watch a sad movie, soak in a salt bath, walk out in nature, especially by water.  Get the water moving.  Don’t keep it in and let it stagnate or saturate.  Free yourself!  Sometimes after you release these emotions you feel immediately better.  Sometimes you feel better the next day.  Sometimes you have to repeat the exercise and repeat again and again.  If you find yourself feeling resentful that you’ve already done it and you’re not completely blissful and fulfilled in life, that’s fire energy of impatience.  Get moving again, and you’re probably ready for some more tears.

Not feeling any of these?  Maybe you’re feeling great?  Yay!  Relax, play and focus!  Choice and focus are a natural creative progression in this state. 

Lightworkers (which can be anyone, we all have the ability) are here to ‘work’ in the realm of ‘Light,’ which is merely subtle energy.  Humanity has a long history of some working in those subtle realms and everyone else either not knowing about it or being suppressed from it.  That time is over.  Now we are relearning to control our own minds and connect them with our hearts.  That takes a level of awareness as to the intention behind all things.  It’s not always obvious or easy, but it’s so worthwhile to cultivate that skill.  May will be pressing you to observe the true intent behind your own motivations and others.  When you find a motivation you don’t like, forgive and focus toward one that is a win/win.  When you find a motivation you do like, focus toward the win/win.  That empowers and connects humanity, starting with you.  What an amazing time we are living in!

In summary
May is preparing us for an empowerment that creates meaningful change on Earth.  Sometimes life is challenging, yet ultimately we are to be moving in a direction that no longer creates battle consciousness with Life.  Relax into your moment.  Forgive easily and hold boundaries wisely.  Perceive and focus in a compassionate way that exemplifies choice that empowers all involved, including yourself.  Speak and think words of Love to yourself and others, even if the truth hurts at first as a wound is dressed for healing.  Be realistic with life on Earth, and open the gateway to a new experience of Love on Earth.  Transmit that possibility through the gleam in your eyes, the gateway to your soul.  Shine brightly, even in a glance.  May your focus and choice shift your internal Love into an external evolution of Life.   That is the power of a true spiritual warrior.  We’ll talk more about that in June.

Happy May!

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