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Day 16- June 7, 2013

Beloved Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael and Archeia Faith of the Blue Ray represent the Divine Will and Truth of Mother-Father God. Michael is the Director of the entire Angelic Kingdom and has legions upon legions of angels standing by ready to respond to our calls. As angels of deliverance, Michael and Archeia Faith’s consciousness embodies the all-powerful Blue Flame to the Earth with focus to release Earth from all destructive forces including the alter ego and human held illusions of duality. When you call upon Michael and his sword of the Blue Flames into a situation of negativity, nothing can stand against it. We may ask for the Cloak of Invisibility, invincibility and the mighty blue armour as a shield of daily protection in our lives.

Beloved Archangel Michael’s Gifts

Cosmic Christ Sword of Blue Flame

My gift to you that you may open and receive my Cosmic Christ Sword of Blue Flame. I shall project an electronic pattern of it wherever you desire and I invite you to invite me into the garden of your consciousness where I can come and I can assist you in helping you to wield this sword and use it in your everyday lives so on your path of Resurrection and in all activities that you engage in, no person, no place, no thing can obstruct your pathway to your eternal freedom dear ones.

Oh Great Unfed Flame in each heart here allow me now to assist the physical garments that you abide within and the mighty temples, the multi-body system. Allow me in this moment to take and strike my Cosmic Christ Sword of Blue Flame through your temple, through your mind and through your feeling, and deep into the consciousness that you are in this moment currently dwelling within, that I may assist in the great rendering of a service that I have longed to perform. I love to silence the discord and the imperfection that has gotten into your lives. Oh Great Unfed Flame allow me now, I ask that it so be recorded in the ether that you give voice now and speak with all your heart two words, "I accept," and I say to you now speak as one voice, "I accept."

My Cosmic Christ Sword of Blue Flame that I use where I am granted the authority by the Cosmic Law to step in and intervene, and strike that sword into the destructive activities on your planet that releases the Cosmic Christ Blue Lightening that shatters to pieces the accumulated misqualified energy by destructive life streams. And as it shatters to pieces, may I remind you that, that Blue Flame has within it the Violet Flame that comes in after and silences the last of that energy, consumes it all, as it is dissolved purified and returned to the universal where there it is put into good and constructive activity.

Now for all of you having to move in this outer world and having to face and confront those individuals and those activities that are yet out there, not for the Light, not for the Love, but for the pure insanity dear ones I need not say any more. You know, you see it and its time to put an end to it. And with my Cosmic Christ Sword of Blue Flame you shall receive the protection, the purity, and the strength within yourselves, and that the atmosphere around you be so charged.

Well let me give you a visualization... that I can place just one replication of the electronic pattern of my Cosmic Christ Sword of Blue Flame, or I could project fifty around you if you so care to have it and visualize, see these swords, see them hovering in the atmosphere all around you so that when discordant energies that are just travelling throughout your Earth’s atmosphere, come and try to enter into your emotional or feeling body then see those swords releasing my Cosmic Blue Flame spinning faster and faster as they begin whirling, forming almost like a hurricane. Nothing can enter into it, and on impact, shoooo! Completely shattered.

And it is with you making this call and accepting this protection in your life that the more and more you build its momentum then I say to you, the less shall that discord dare to encroach upon you, because it shall not face the Light, it is terrified of it and it shall turn and, well, consume itself.

This is my gift to you this night that you may open and receive my Cosmic Christ Sword of Blue Flame. I shall project an electronic pattern of it wherever you desire and I invite you to invite me into the garden of your consciousness where I can come and I can assist you in helping you to wield this sword and use it in your everyday lives so on your path of Resurrection and in all activities that you engage in, no person, no place, no thing can obstruct your pathway to your eternal freedom dear ones.

★ °: Archangel Michael Powerful Message, Blessings and Mighty Gift ° . ★

A Gift of the Cosmic Blue Sun’s Presence to Enfold Us


A powerful message, blessing and Mighty Gift from Archangel Michael and his angels for protection, power, strength in this year of tremendous change 2012 and the Upcoming 7th Golden Age.

We are eternally grateful for this Mighty blessing in our lives and his unconditionally service to the I AM Star seed and this Planet ! God bless you and your angels Archangel Michael !

To Remain at Peace and be Still in Your Meditations

So dear hearts I am going to help you to keep it simple and that is the more you are able to consciously return your attention right here to your heart and because it is written on the crown of your I AM Presence the words "Command Ye Me," find the authority within yourselves, and if you need Michael to come and assist you, to give you the boost to feel that authority, that sovereignty, and that power to command your own I AM Presence to release now its avalanche of abundance, its outpouring of Divine Love, its great rivers of the Sacred Fires into your life and stream that out in all directions. Then, well, I will do it dear hearts; I shall come to each of you and assist with that.


Gift of the Electronic Pattern of the Heart of the Untouchables


Archangel Michael who came to continue to anchor the electronic pattern of the heart of the Untouchables and I will say to you at least one more time and most likely in the conclave in Montréal will Michael again come and anchor the electronic pattern of the heart of the Untouchables within the physical hearts of those attending who have not yet received it. ...I will assess whether enough of you have received the imprinting of the electronic pattern of the heart of the Untouchable created by the ascended Jesus Christ and resting up in your higher mental body. That If I feel enough have received it and I am watching this and by the way dear hearts, it has already been said and we are saying again, if you have received the electronic pattern from Michael of the heart of the Untouchable, remember to acknowledge & call upon that tiny flame of God in your heart to govern and begin to activate and blend the electronic pattern of the heart of the Untouchable until it takes over your physical heart and your physical heart is no longer governed by the atomic pattern which registers duality and is governed by the electronic pattern which never registers duality or discord.

All right dear hearts & those of you who have not received this. You may call to your higher mental body and to Archangel Michael that while you sleep that Michael comes to you or his Angel comes to you and over seven nights projects the electronic pattern of the heart of the Untouchable into your physical heart and the great blessing it will give you....


♥ Archangel Michael: Christ Consciousness & Resurrection ♥ ~The Untouchables

Gift of Expanded Protection Outside Our Tube of Light


"To the Great Archangel Michael whose great service of Cosmic Christ Blue Flames of Purity and Protection are entering into the world do we call upon you Michael for the gift you have offered us outside of our Tube of Light build a wall of Cosmic Christ Blue Flames as added protection until we are free in our Resurrection and Ascension. We thank you. And now we return our attention to that great spiritual centre within and we call upon the higher aspect of our I AM Presence, oh Beloved I AM expand thy life force into thy Great Unfed Flames within and cause those flames to expand their Golden Sun’s Presence within that makes me a great blessing to all life upon this Earth. I thank you."

Remember to call for your "Five Layers of Angelic and Ascended Master Purity and Protection!"

( on a daily basis. Two of the layers of protection are from Archangel Michael and his angels. One is a  Wall of Cosmic Blue Flames outside and around your Armor of Light and Cosmic Christ Blue Lightning Fire that extends out beyond the Dome of Light another three feet which is the fifth layer of protection.


Gift of Protection of our Feeling Bodies


By the time Conclave arrives, you will have released the last of core perception against the Heart and the Divine Mother. Pour your love to your ‘I AM Presence’, pour your love to the Ascended Master Ladies and especially those who maintain as Ascended Master Ladies, how shall I say, a motherly interest or expertise in the areas of motherhood. Call to Them and call to the Great Archangel Michael to assist you in letting go of all of the energies of core perception against the Mother.

"Beloved Archangel Michael I lay down my swords of judgment. I invite Michael to protect me from those who hate the Love of the Mother’s Presence, that which denies Life its fulfillment. I will use Michael’s Cosmic Christ Blue Flame Sword, I will take It up and wield it to remove anything that is not of absolute Perfection. I will use It to cut away lines of force of fear and doubt."

° ★ *Cosmic Christ Blue Flame Mantra , Archangel Michael Invocation * ★°

Beloved Archangel Michael my Beloved I AM Presence, I love you I bless you and I thank you...blaze your sword of Cosmic Blue Flame in through and around me and cut all destructive lines of forces and energies coming into me and my solar plexus and out from me !!!
And Cut me free! cut me free! cut me free!!!!

Feel me, flood me and saturate my being, world and Mother Earth, the atmosphere around my body up to 10 feet in all directions, this mind, body and feeling body with your Cosmic Blue Flame and Cosmic Christ-Blue lighting Power, your Sacred fire love, Purity and Power ,your Ascended Master's Heart flame and your Ascended Master's Consciousness that I may FREE !!!! my being and world from ALL that is limiting me .Almighty I AM (3x)

~ ♥~ Cosmic Christ Blue Flames, Pour In, through and around me ~ ♥~

(Alternate Line)

Blaze through me all your power

Doubled each instant, each hour

Now by my Presence own Hand

Give your all Christ Command


Forever more control

Christ Victory in me hold


Make me as pure as the sun

Till my Ascension’s won


Come in The Flame step through

Till my hands heal all too


Compel God’s Purity here

Set free all we hold dear


Here and around us descend

Now all our loved ones defend


All here on Earth redeem

Blaze all God’s Love Supreme


Purify as naught else can

Blaze always through my hand


Your Mastery all can be

So your Miracles all can see



The Cosmic Gift of Home Clearing

Full PDF at this link:

...Now I know precious ones, do you not love your homes, do you not respect your homes, do you not take the time and have within yourselves a great consideration to keep your homes clean and purified and harmonized and as peaceful and beautiful as possible? Do you? (Yes) Dear hearts you cannot fool Michael, I know there are a few that do not yet do this, and I also know that there are many of you who do do this to the best of your ability, and that is all that we ask, that is all that your own life asks of you is that you do it to the best of your ability, and yet there is always room for improvement.


I would love to come into your homes and so would Raphael. He would love to come with me into your homes that you be willing to invite us. And to help each and every one of you through your Higher Mental Bodies to draw forth my Cosmic Blue Flame, to draw forth Raphael’s Emerald Green Flame that I may, working with your higher mental body blaze the Cosmic Blue Flame through your homes that has within it the Violet Consuming Flame and it is my purpose dear hearts to shatter to annihilate and to remove the last of any latent discordant energies that have been within your homes. Before you awakened to your Beloved I AM Presence and every individual that came into your home dear ones, some of their radiation, some of their consciousness has been left within your homes like a residue. Were you ever aware of this? Have you ever thought of this?

Now precious ones I say to you it is my intention and when I Michael set an intention I see to it that that intention is fulfilled and there is nothing that can stop its fulfillment for I too am the Archangel of Victory and I will see to it that I have my victory with each of you, that I will stand in your homes and I will draw through the power of concentration, through the focus of the unfed flame in my heart, I will draw forth through my Sword of Blue Flame of a billion suns, and Mighty Victory’s Victory manifest, that Cosmic Blue Flame that drives through all the energy that has been misused and misqualified within your homes., and I will shatter it to pieces with that Cosmic Blue Flame. Then the Violet Consuming Flame within that Cosmic Blue Flame will rush forth and will silence dissolve and consume all of that energy, and by the power that iswithin the Violet Consuming Flame transmute it and return it to the universal the greatstorehouse of infinite energy.


Then my precious brother Raphael will come and he will blaze the Emerald Green Flames from his own Unfed Flame and pass it throughout your homes that it leaves the eternal feeling and Presence of Peace, indestructible invincible immortal within your homes, and never again can it be re-qualified; any individual precious hearts that passes through the door the entrance into your home will pass, for I will place within the entrance unto your home and perhaps you have many entrances into your homes, I will place at the door of each one the Cross of Blue Flame that upon entering, every individual will pass through that Cross of Blue Flame and any qualities that are acting within them of the human will be stripped from them that moment, and this dear hearts will allow that individual to come into your home, and I take it that you are wise in who you allow into your homes. That individual cannot release any of their human qualities into your home. Wow! (Yes – applause) My God!


Blessed hearts and then they may themselves notice when they walk through the entrance that they feel something, and if I have enough of your call, enough of your energy to establish that there, to maintain it sustain it and expand it with your Higher Mental Bodies, then I say dear hearts certainly they will feel a Presence an energy when they pass through thy door into thy home, and will you be brave enough to say to them what it is that they just felt? Will you bebrave enough to tell them that,


"You just passed through the Cross of Blue Flame of Archangel Michael and it has silenced all the qualities of the human within you, and now that you stand in my home in this sacred space in this Sanctuary of Divine Love, of my Mighty I AM Presence, of the Ascended Masters’ Radiance of Eternal Love and Light and Sacred Fire, that you beloved heart are now enfolded in his brother’s Love of Eternal Indestructible Invincible Peace, and you stand now in this moment feeling that which you have not felt in this lifetime."

...I have a gift for each of you beyond those that I have shared with you. I have created withthe Elemental Beings within my retreat, I have asked them to draw forth from the crystalkingdom a blue crystal that has within it projected from my heart flame a tiny Unfed Flame ofCosmic Blue, the Blue Flame; within this blue crystal abides this blue flame. And why is thiscrystal blue? Because of the Blue Flame I have placed within it. I ask you dear hearts if you willfind a place in your home that you would desire this crystal to be placed, then I as you commune through your Unfed Flame to your Mighty I AM Presence and to myself, and to the Elemental Being that created the crystal because I say to you precious ones I can call upon any of the Elemental Beings to come forth and assist me, they love to respond to love and when that love is pure and divine they come. This is the place that we are doing our very best to get all of you to.

So ask from the Unfed Flame in your heart, pouring thy Love to thy Beloved I AM Presence, pouring thy Love to myself and to the Elemental Being that created the Blue Crystal to come into your home and they will carry that crystal to your home, and wherever the perfect place is they will place that crystal and whenever dear hearts you feel a lack of power, a lack ofpurification, a lack of protection, either around your home or around yourselves, then you go tothat place where you have asked the Blue Crystal to be placed and you pour the Love from the Unfed Flame of your heart to the tiny Unfed Flame, the Cosmic Blue Flame within this BlueCrystal and you command and you demand in the fullness of your I AM Presence to receive itsfeeling of purification, protection and power surging through your feeling side of life, rushingthrough the central nerve system of your physical garment that it registers within every cell and you feel that purity that protection and that power that I have charged into that Blue Crystal. Do you understand? (Yes) You’re going to have great fun with it because you’re going to use it aren’t you? (Yes)


May our Beloved Mighty I AM Presence bless Archangel Michael for his Presence with us this day in his releasing of his Sword of Blue Flame of a billion suns, and Mighty Victory’s Victory manifest throughout our homes, through all the energy all the substance in our homes, with Archangel Raphael and his great Emerald Green Flame and it peace-compelling Presence anchored into all the energy and substance of our homes to be maintain sustained and ever-expanded, felt by each of us and all those who come into our living space, and the Great Blue Crystal of Power Protection and Purity.

May we acknowledge accept and invite the precious Elemental Being to deliver this into that sacred space in our homes and use it, use it, use it until it becomes visible and tangible in our midst, that all may feel its radiance pouring throughout the atmosphere of our homes, and the Great Cross of Blue Flame anchored within every entrance into our home, an absolute protecting purifying and perfecting activity of The Blue Flame that blesses all who enter into our homes.

And the Great Electronic Currents that Beloved God Tabor by the request of Archangel Michael be anchored now through the mental and feeling world of all the North American people and all who have discovered their I AM Presence, Akasha’s family, Saint Germain’s family and Emanuel’s family. Let this be done now in the fullness of the I AM Presence, all things considered, sealed in The Light of God that never fails and charged with Mighty Victory’s Victory and Mother Akasha’s Will that brings about its instantaneous eternal God manifestation.


We are so grateful and so blessed and will continue to remain living in the fullness of our I AM Presence every moment of every day and nothing can take us out of that Great God place space and centre within our being and world which we truly are.

I AM so grateful and blessed, I AM so grateful and so blessed, I AM so grateful and so blessed. I AM, I AM, I AM, by all God’s Love I know I AM.

Invocation to Beloved Archangel Michael


My Beloved Great God Presence, Beloved Archangel Michael and your Legions of Angels, fill me, fill my Self, fill my Being and my world, with all manifestations of your Sacred Fire that compel the dissolution, the consumption, of all density from my being and world; that compels the purifying of every impurity.

Archangel Michael and Your Legions of Angels, release your Sacred Fire Love through my being and world, that will purify my mind, my body, my feelings and my world. And place a focus of all the manifestations of your Sacred Fire, your Cosmic Blue Flame, the Cosmic Christ Blue Lightning of Indestructible Purity and Power, and the Cosmic Action of the Cosmic Christ Violet Consuming Flames into every area of trust and influence of power, seats of government, hospital, churches, academies, universities, and all places that are Sacred to the Earth.

And to bring forth your Sacred Fire Love and Protection around the new-borns, the new Lifestreams, and all that must be protected for the incoming Golden Age.

Beloved Archangel Michael’s  Retreat

The Temple of Faith and Protection, Lake Louise in Canada

Archangel Michael is known as the Prince of the Archangels and serves on the blue ray of God's will, protection and faith. His retreat and that of his complement, Archeai Faith, is the Temple of Faith and Protection located over Lake Louise in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada. Here, legions of angels of blue lightning and protection assemble to serve mankind and a planet in peril.  Bands of angels serving under the archangels of the other six rays also gather here, where great conclaves of the angelic hosts are held under the sponsorship of Michael, the Prince of the Archangels. The retreat is a round, gold, diamonds and sapphire-studded temple, surrounded by beautiful gardens. An entrance at each of the four cardinal points marking the twelve, three, six and nine o'clock lines of the focus, forming a square platform beneath the temple. Each entrance has a forty foot golden door, approached by forty-nine steps. Blue sapphires adorn the golden

doors and the golden dome in a radial pattern. Inside the temple are concentric rows of seats and two balconies for standing room only, that accommodate thousands of angels at a time. The blue flame of God’s will pulses on the altar beneath a dome ceiling formed of diamonds. The pyramid-shaped altar is made of white and blue diamonds; the color of the flame ranges from a deep sapphire blue to a pastel, almost white shade.  Archangel Michael encourages us to come to his retreat to learn how to reclaim the consciousness of the Father that was usurped through the fall of Lucifer. He seeks to charge our beings with the flame of God’s will, power, protection, and faith so we can overcome the human tendency towards criticism, condemnation and judgment.

After the coming of the first root race to the planet, when the archangels acted as chohans of the rays until these were appointed from among mankind, the retreat was hewn out of the mountain, a physical focus to which all might come to renew their energies, their faith in the divine plan for their lifestreams and their enthusiasm to serve the will of God.

After the descent of mankind's consciousness into duality and the coming of the Luciferians and the laggards, the physical temple was destroyed, but the etheric focus lived on, as tangible as a physical temple ever was to those who travel there in their finer bodies.

When men departed from their original state of innocence and perfection, they lost their own innate protection. Archangel Michael tells us that when his angels enter the atmosphere of earth, when they descend into the dimensions of time and space, they "wear a crystalline helmet of light substance that is harder than the diamond."

He says, "We do this because we wish no penetration to ensue that would bring into our world the power of darkness and shadow or misqualified substance. Yet, you have heard the statement made, 'Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.' And therefore, mankind today often go without their tube of light, without any form of protection whatsoever into…those places of iniquity where the dark spirits assemble to vampirize mankind, [where] individuals pick up in their feeling world those negatives that then linger long afterward as the seeds of disease and produce those unhallowed states of consciousness and unhappiness that sometimes produce a terrible manifestation of the suicide entity."

Archangel Michael and Faith invite unascended lifestreams to come to this retreat while their bodies sleep to recharge and repolarize their lifestreams with the battery of the flame of faith. Angels and elementals do likewise, for all know what an invigorating experience it is to meditate in the flame room in the center of the temple and draw in the essence of the power of the will of God.

At a certain time every evening, the legions of Archangel Michael's guardian angels who have been recharged in the flame go forth in formation from this retreat to assist souls of light to the retreats and to battle the forces of the night that would seek to entrap souls and steal the light they receive from the retreats. Legions of angels perpetually go forth from the retreat in their service of protecting mankind and the overcoming of discarnates and entities from the astral plane who would attempt to interfere with the fulfillment of the plan of God. After their day's service, they return to the retreat and recharge in the flame.

Archangel Michael tells us that he charges us with the faith to complete our inner vows, our divine mission. He says,

    Each and every one of you has stood before the Lords of Karma before coming into embodiment, promising to render a service for the Christ. And I have stood with you, and I have also pledged my energies and those of my legions in the defence of your faith.

   And so, in our temple of light at Banff, our angels do come to receive the fires of protection. There they dip in and they are recharged for the service to mankind that they perform twenty-four hours a day. Angels of Archangel Michael's band would never go forth to do battle without the armour of light and the full protection of the Law. I charge you then to learn a lesson from your angel of faith: to put on that armour, the whole armour of God, as you have been taught, and then to go forth as you shall go forth with the legions of fearlessness flame."

We can take a sword or blunted knife made of stainless steel and consecrate that object to him. Then, when we wield it around our physical body, he will cut us free from attached entities and discarnates. We can also wield Archangel Michael's sword it into any environment that has a negative energies and that we wish to clear.

    In a 1961 dictation published by The Summit Lighthouse, Archangel Michael gave a very special dispensation. He said, "Some of you are of advancing years, and it will not be long before you vacate your body temples....I will make you one promise. If you will call to me secretly within your heart and ask me to come to you at that hour, I, Michael, will materialize to you at the hour of your passing and you will see me as I AM. And I will promise you that I will help to cut you free from the remaining portions of your karma and will help you enter the realms of light with less of the attendant pain that results from human fear in their passing. This is a privilege and a gift I give you from my heart."

Archangel Michael serves on the first ray, the vibration of that ray appears as the color blue .The blue ray correlates to our throat chakra. The throat chakra is the power center. Through the sacred science of sound we can create through the speaking of the word. Through your voice you can speak truth or lies. When we speak in truth, we live in truth. When we speak in lies, we live in lies...

Call to attend the retreat of Archangel Michael and Faith

      In the name of the Christ, My Own Real Self, I call to the Heart of my Mighty I AM Presence, to the Angel of the Presence, to Beloved Archangel Michael, Kuan Yin and the Maha Chohan, to take me to the etheric retreat of Beloved Archangel Michael and Faith over Lake Louise, Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada, according to the will of my Holy Christ Self and the direction of the Maha Chohan. I ask to be taught the law of faith for the victory of the flame of God’s Will within my heart and throat chakra, especially as it pertains to anchoring the consciousness of the Father on the twelve o'clock line of my cosmic clock.


Again Blessings to Radiant Rose Academy for this information, calls, videos, Lightbearers Worldwide for the pictures and information on the Retreats and finally the Rainbow Scribe for the Invocations.


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