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Here are three more articles to help us with our spiritual upliftment. Enjoy with Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light,


December 31, 2016 – Portal of Divine Manifestation – Melchizedek and The Company of Heaven BY Anna Merkaba

Greetings Everyone! Today I come to you with very interesting and exciting news from our benevolent counterparts. Once again we are not only given an opportunity to change the landscape of our reality, but are asked to fully participate in doing so! Therefore it is once again time for ACTION.

On December 31st, 2016 mere 10 days after the Twin Flame Union Portal of which I spoke about in my previous message to you. Massive energies and various little portals around the globe will open up fueled by the merger of said twin flames.

The merger of twin flames is going to be just one part of the equation as on that date  enormous energies will be generated by many on this planet. Energies which shall allow for fabulous transformation and transcendence to occur. Coupled with a direct signal from the center of our galaxy, which will have already arrived on our planet following the 12/21/16 portal we are going to be literally swimming in a sea of light, love and manifestation energies!

I will not go into details at this moment and simply allow you to fully immerse yourself into the channeling that I have received from Melchizedek and the company of Heaven. Following this channeling. I will go into details on what you are to do on December 31st, 2016 to help make incredible shifts happen not only for yourself but for many on this planet.

Dearly Beloved Masters of the Universe,

It is with the glorious accompaniments of the heavenly abodes that we rush to into inform you of the grand signal that is to come onto your earthly planes of existence. It is with excitement that we bring you the message of attunement to the energies of love, light, balance, peace, harmony, bliss and manifestation.

For the grand event that is to come your way in the weeks to come shall fully allow to manifest that which is unmenifest, fully allow to align those of you who have been feeling a bit “stuck “ in your journeys with the outmost brilliant plan that your own higher selves, and the collective of I AM presence have in store for you. For in the weeks to come, following the grand merger of the souls known on your earthly planes of existence as twin flames, a monumental time shift shall begin to rapidly sweep across your planet.



 And what do we mean by Monumental Time Shift. To what do we refer when we use such powerful words? We refer to the time shifts that shall be happening in the background of your everyday reality. The time shifts that shall catapult many of you into the uncharged waters, so to speak, the uncharted waters where your strengths and seeming weaknesses shall be presented to you, uncharted waters where you shall be tested, uncharted waters where all that you have created and manifested for yourselves shall be fully and cognitively examined, and where you shall be introduced to and presented with your new blueprints, the blueprints of your etheric selves, the blueprints of your journeys on this planet.

During said process you shall be able to yet again jump an octave or two, or on the contrary move down a few notes in order to continue the type of journey and experience that you wish to partake of. For the juncture in time, the shift, the portal if you will, where you shall be given an opportunity to shift onto another frequency is swiftly coming your way. And shall arrive on your shores by the thirty first of your month known as December of your year known as twenty sixteen (December 31st, 2016). For on the night of said juncture in time you shall be able to utilize the positive energies which shall be generated by the masses, the positive energies which your planet shall be immersed into, to allow for tremendous shifts to occur. Not only for your very own self, but for all who dwell on GAIA.

What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds, is that during the thirty first of your December, of the year known as twenty sixteen in your world (December 31st, 2016) on the night of the celebration of that which is known in your world as the New Year,  tremendous number of souls around your globe shall enter a frequency bandwidth which is understood as ecstasy, happiness, joy, the feeling of cheer and positivity which will allow many of you working with various timelines to once again utilize said energy in order to make a giant leap in consciousness happen again for so many on your planet. It is at that moment if you shall connect to he energetic pool of happiness and anticipation of new beginnings that you shall, as a collective consciousness be able to shift your present reality onto a new pathway.

To utilize said energies shall come natural for those of you working with various time lines and shifts, time frequencies and for those who are traveling alongside various dimensions and are able to jump through time and space. Said souls shall already be aware of how to utilize such energies, but for those of you who are novices to said information we propose two “juncture in time frequency modification attunements” if you will.

Following said attunement of the frequencies mentioned therein, we propose a grid line work in which you shall select various time shifts, by simply writing down that which you wish to occur in your personal and overall reality structure. On the night of said unity, you shall find yourselves in the meditative state, and when you do, you shall be asked to merge with the energetic frequency of all who are celebrating that which is known in your world as a New Year. You shall be granted an opportunity to connect with  all souls vibrating on frequencies of Happiness, Joy, Freedom, Peace, Harmony, Love, Lightness of Being, Abundance and Manifestation. You shall be able to connect to their energies to their massive frequencies of joy and love that they shall emanate and send through the matrix GAIA.

Once the invocation of your I AM presence and allowance into the frequencies of said octaves you shall be able to fully tune into your hearts presence, into the hearts space of your planet, into the very center of your matrix that has been created and weave a new reality from within said structure.

You shall be able to assist a magnificent number of souls who are finding themselves on a brink of true awakening to SELF. You shall be able to not only continue to co create a new reality structure, you shall also be able to make any and all adjustments to your very own energetic blueprint and energy matrix.

And so and thus, the times coming your way are instrumental in continuing to make shifts in consciousness, to continue to maneuver through the densities and debris which are floating and are being extracted from all around you, to be able to be in peace, balance and lightness of BEing. To be able to Shine your loving light of your creator selves for all to partake of.

All of these magnificent changes, opportunities for growth and expansion of consciousness are coming your way, not only on the night your Thirty First of December in the Year known in your world as twenty sixteen, but following said night into the new year ahead. A year that promises to bring many of you into the alignment with their true identities, to expose to many of you the true identities of all whom dwell on GAIA. The year ahead, as is understood in your world, shall truly be a year tremendous changes, radical movements, radical thinking, cooperation, conservancy, and gigantic awakening for so many on your shores.

It is with humble gratitude in our hearts, peace, love, harmony and bliss that we bow to you in anticipation of all that your way shall come, of all that your unified energy field shall manifest into your daily reality structure of BEing. It is with gratitude that we bow to you for all that you are. That we thank you for continuing to shine your light wherever you go.  That is all that we have for you now. WE love you. WE are with you. Goodbye for now.

THE HOW: Now that you have read this channeling and understand the significance of what is to come our way, following are the “HOW TO” steps.

Before all the steps that you are to take on the night of December 31st, the first thing is to sit down and ask yourself how do you see your life during the year ahead? What is it that you would like to see more of, or less of manifest in your everyday reality? What is it that you aspire to achieve in the coming year? Think about it, write it down if you need to, to have a clearer idea in your mind what you are asking for in the coming year for yourself and those around you. Now, hold this intention in your mind as you go through this very unique experience of connecting and utilizing all of these beautiful energies to help you shift onto another level where all that you intend can begin to manifest in your life.

As explained to me by our celestial counterparts the first step is to print out the grid that you see here, channeled by me and brought to life by a talented graphic artist by the name of Joshua. dec312016

THE GRID: This grid is composed of “compartments” if you will, which you see listed around the grid. Each compartment carries a word which answers to a specific frequency. As we have already learnt from out celestial counterparts “words are swords” and we are to use them with care.

The words that you see here, carry VERY HIGH vibrations and frequencies. Remember that famous experiment by Masaru Emoto where various words were written on a glass of water and then each drop examined under a microscope to see what has formed?

Well, this is a direct example in scientific terms that shows us that words have specific frequencies that they emanate. But why go that far, if we state various words aloud or internally to ourselves depending on what we are saying our whole body will be effected, you can go ahead and try this out right now and you will see what I mean, say something positive to yourself, see how good it feels, now say something negative and you experience a completely different reality. I can go on and on, and in fact I do in my Newly Released Online Course – Freedom Journey – Karmic Release, so if you are interested in learning more about how words effect our lives, and what to do about releasing those nagging negative thoughts and thoughtforms that we generate, I suggest you click here to learn more.

But going back to the grid. As you see in the picture each word represents specific frequency and emotion, and that is what you will want to attune to. Each of the words will energize your energy bodies and in turn your energy bodies will energize these words and the grid, helping you to connect to the actual frequency bandwidth, as mentioned in the channeling of each specific word, or vibration. So essentially, this grid then becomes a door through which you enter and connect with each of the frequencies represented here for you by words. Frequencies of MANIFESTATION.

Once you print out the grid, you will want to arrange it as best you can so that the top of it, where you see the symbols for the sun and the moon are facing towards the Leo Constellation in the Sky. When asked, I was told that there is very strong energy that will be coming from that constellation during this time, energy of courage, brilliance, timing of personal power, balance, protection. Everything that a Lion represents.

You would also then print out the invocation which you will see further below so that you can read it aloud as you connect with these energies. Or you can improvise and use the essence of this message and formulate it anyway that you feel from within. The idea is to focus your whole being on this moment and allow yourself to connect to these energies.

Once you’ve arranged your grid to face the Constellation of Leo, you would then place various gemstones all around yourself. I would suggest that you form a sort of grid within a grid, a large circle of various gemstones that you can sit in, placing the grid that you see in front of you on anything that you have that is copper. I was advised that it is important to place this grid on copper. Since copper conducts energy very well, it should assist you in connecting better. However, if you do not have anything at all that is made of copper and cannot get anything in time, you can still proceed with everything outlined here for you.

Finally, you would play the music that you see here, IF YOU FEEL THAT YOU NEED EXTRA ATTUNEMENT. If you feel that you do not need anything extra, you can skip this step. I understand that not everyone likes to listen to certain sounds and/or when we prepare to go into a meditative state, some of us don’t need music as it distracts us, whilst others need to hear something to have a better connection.

The way that this particular musical attunement has come about is as such. During the channeling I have received a set of different notes and chords. Because I am not a musician I was guided to a fantastic musician by the name of Richard Domina who was able to bring this channeled material to LIFE for all of you to use during this time. He has also connected directly to the divine and was able to adjust the tones to a specific frequency that our celestial counterparts wished to impart onto us.  These are the harmonious tones of ascension to actualize this invocation and assist you in tuning into yourself and all that is.


Once you listen to this piece the next step is to repeat the following words, or as I mentioned before improvise and say what is closest to your heart.

“With the power of the heavenly abodes. With the power of my I AM presence. I ask to be unified with all who find themselves in the state of joy, peace, harmony and bliss. I ask to utilize their energies to assist the whole of GAIA in releasing the vibratory energies of the MATRIX. I ask that their heart codices shall align with mine in unison for us to co-create a new energy matrix so that we can attune to one another, shall their heart desires to do so.

Love, Light, Abundance, Peace, Harmony and Bliss – these are the words to describe this magnificent angel. But Arch Angel Gabriel stands for so much more. Gabriel stands for a direct link to your own higher self, direct link to bring forth your subconscious connection to your divine plan, your earthly mission.

Love, Light, Abundance, Peace, Harmony and Bliss – these are the words to describe this magnificent angel. But Arch Angel Gabriel stands for so much more. Gabriel stands for a direct link to your own higher self, direct link to bring forth your subconscious connection to your divine plan, your earthly mission. To learn more please see 

Regardless of their present cognitive awareness of said happenings, it is through their Higher Selves that I ask to be allowed entry into their heart codices into the energetic template that is being co -created through the structure of their attunement to all that is. For the generated energies that they are manifesting at the present moment in time, the energy of bliss, joy, peace, harmony and love shall assist all of humanity in moving towards enlightenment, unity and understanding of BEing, shall assist all who wish to partake of said energies.

And as such I ask to be granted access to said frequencies, I ask to be unified and united with all whom are utilizing said energies of love and light in order that we co-create and manifest the very best blueprint for all of humanity, Gaia and of all that is.

For it is only through our I AM presence, through my I AM Presence that said changes can occur. I ask for balance, peace, harmony and bliss to embrace all who are finding themselves in the turbulent states, I ask for their being to be purified, I ask that they too are aligned with their own I AM presence. It is so and so it is. Amen. “

Once you follow all of these steps or only some of them, depending on what you choose to do, you will be fully attuned to these frequencies and from there will be able to use these energies that are being generated by everyone in order to assist all of them, all of humanity and yourself to jump an octave or two, frequency, or in simple terms, draw specific events into your life that will align you with your true life purpose and help you to manifest, make happen, all that you are intending to come your way during 2017. And add a little more of the peaceful, joyous, harmonious energies to our planet.

Please note, that it is important to INTEND instead of EXPECTING. When you are expecting you usually fall into a self-sabotaging frequency setting yourself up for disappointment, but when you intend you open yourself up to various opportunities and possibilities of receiving what you are asking for, and being open to it manifesting in ways you never even thought of. I talk more about this in my upcoming online seminar  – Freedom Journey – How to Attune to Abundance Energies and Manifest that which you desire, coming soon! To stay tuned, be sure to sign up to my newsletter by clicking here.

So there you have it, you are now fully equipped for the night of December 31st,  2016. I truly hope that this experience will be a fruitful one and bring you a sense of peace, harmony, love, light, brilliance, balance, harmony, abundance and love.

I love you all so much and am so thankful to be walking this earth with all of you! I wish you all the most magical year yet! May you be bathed in loving energies of light and love! Happy upcoming New Year! Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! :)

Video: "Expanding Your Consciousness While Manifestation Your Soul's Desires - By Steven Hutchinson" -


A Powerful Gift By David Dolberg

A season of holidays is upon us, which in each culture or faith means something a bit different, but in many cases it involves the exchange of gifts. While I’m inclined to agree that commerce and marketing have taken a stranglehold on the meaning behind such traditions, I don’t believe that all the power in the act of giving has somehow lost its meaning. In place of the typical storebought material possessions, I have seen people give beautiful gifts of service, like helping to clean homes and yards for those of limited abilty, sharing food with those who have but little, and inviting others into their homes to experience the kind of welcome with which they have not been familiar. I have seen families exchange priceless handmade treasures crafted with diligence and love, that become family heirlooms and long lasting reminders of togetherness.

While I have seen so many special examples of ways to keep the meaning in giving for the holidays, I would suggest a gift that could possibly transcend the perceived worth of nearly any material gift or a service given with a giftcard, something that only you can give in your own special way. It need not be in place of all material exchange, but would certainly add a greater degree of meaning and love to any of the holidays we plan to celebrate before the year’s end. I know so many people will also be spending holidays alone, some for the very first time due to tragedy, loss, relationships that have eroded or a change in circumstances, and could certainly use a boost to their morale. What often helps us to feel more close to others than anything else is to express our heartfelt feelings for them.

I challenge you to take the time to write a letter to each of the special people in your life, whether your personal family, your closest friends, or those who labor for or with you in a business capacity. I know that what will mean most to a parent, is to read the words of a dear child expressing love and appreciation for the sacrifices that have been made to put food on the table each day, to keep a roof overhead, and to provide basic necessities and a few luxuries, acknowledging that although no perfection exists at home, that all efforts still matter. While children all still hope for toys and treasures to fuel their entertainment, what may touch their little hearts most is for parents to express belief in their skills, talents and interests, to acknowledge their worth, and to place faith in their abilities to be successful and happy. An employee would certainly be touched to receive a heartfelt letter of gratitude from an employer who takes the time to share about the importance of roles that person plays in the success of the business.

Sometimes no matter the amount of money spent on gifts, they fail to reach others in the ways we would prefer. Other times the presentation of the smallest yet sincere token of appreciation will mean the world. One thing remains, in spite of whatever gifts are chosen or considered, and that is that we all have the need to feel valued. I hope that regardless of which holidays you choose to observe this season, you decide to share love and appreciation for others. It’s a powerful gift that only you can give.

Video: "I Am The Embodiment Of My Divine Self" -


Ascension of Your Inner Child by Mother Mary through Natalie Glasson 


In a period of ascension shifts, transformation, and new beginnings, when your soul is drawing closer into your being, your mental and emotional bodies are healing, and new perspectives connected to your inner truth are awakening, there is one area of your being we cannot overlook. Your physical body, auric field, and chakras are currently experiencing tremendous change because aspects of your ego are falling away to be replaced with enlightened aspects of your soul. Old limiting, destructive and negative perspectives are rising to the surface of your being to be recognised, healed and erased in order to make space for the new loving, life enhancing and enlightening perspectives of your soul.

There is one aspect of your being which is affected deeply by the transitions taking place within your being and yet this aspect may go unrecognised, transforming without you realising. I, Mother Mary, am speaking of your inner child.

Who is your inner child?

Your inner child is an aspect of your soul; you might liken it to an energetic body similar to your emotional or mental bodies within your auric field. Your inner child is the original consciousness that you choose to hold when you anchored into your physical body as it was forming in your mother’s womb and when you were born. As a spiritual being wishing to incarnate upon the Earth, you chose your parents, your birthplace, your birth time, your name, how you would appear and even what sort of personality you would have. You knew that these choices would support you in the life lessons you wished to experience as a child and an adult as well as the learning or growth you wished to partake in, in order to become a greater expression of the Creator. At your birth, you held within you all the understanding about your physical reality you required as well as a strong connection with and remembrance of the inner planes. The knowingness that you held at your birth could not be expressed by you, and even as a child, it may have been difficult to express with words, not due to your inability to communicate, simply because it is a part of you and therefore is synthesised with every aspect of your being.

It is important to remember you chose the surroundings you experienced as a child, even if you perceive them as negative, you chose them for a reason that would propel you forward as an adult. From your birth, your inner child develops in harmony with you as a physical child. Your inner child continues to hold the consciousness of knowingness you were born with which acts as a form of navigation through your early years.

As a child, you are connected with your soul. However, your chakras are still forming and developing, so it is in later years that fuller aspects of your soul embody physically. Your inner child is an aspect of your soul which is present to serve you through your early years.

From your birth, to around seven years old you absorb information from your surroundings and the people in your life, learning as much as you can. Your inner child supports the programming of your subconscious mind which later allows your conscious mind to develop. Once you become older, your inner child will remain as a child within you, often at the age of around seven years old so that it can continue to share the inner knowingness about yourself and reality it has carried since being in the womb. Your knowingness consciousness from your birth is very important as it acts as a grounding of your soul’s intentions for your life.

Trauma and Your Inner Child

If any form of trauma occurred during your childhood, it has the ability to stunt the growth of your inner child as well as create confusion for your inner child as your inner knowingness, and outer experiences are not harmonised. If the trauma is great and influences the inner child deeply during childhood, then it is likely that the inner child will remain the age it was when the trauma occurred. The pain or suffering experienced will be held onto by the inner child and begins to obscure the pure knowingness held at birth.

While the physical, emotional and mental body of the child continues to grow and develop the inner child is unable to develop into a fulfilled child who has reached the peak of its growth and can emanate the pure knowingness aspects of its soul. The purpose of your inner child is to reach maturity as an inner child, to exist as a fulfilled, loved and empowered child within you. Further aspects of the soul can then complete embodiment and incarnation with the physical form. If the inner child’s growth is stunted at two years old then higher and greater aspects of the soul cannot download until the inner child is healed and completes its growth. The adult would be influenced by the inner child at two years old, the pain it endured and its outlook upon the Earth.

It is important to understand that if your inner child was stunted by trauma, healing, and growth of your inner child can take place at an accelerated rate within your adult body, thus the purpose of your inner child can be completed with your support.

It is often that the inner child does complete its growth, however, has adopted blemishes which obscure its pure knowingness and aspect of the soul. You will be able to recognise the negative or destructive blemishes your inner child has embodied because of pain, suffering or disempowerment as they will appear as continuous patterns in your life. 

Examples of these are: inner child never feeling secure so as an adult may not be able to find a secure home, the inner child may have felt unloved so adult self may experience relationship problems, the inner child may have experienced a lack of money, so adult self is unable to manifest success. In truth, your most playful and creative nature and your patterns share a lot about your soul and the loving qualities of the Creator it wishes to embody. If the inner child feels unloved and this manifests as relationship problems as an adult , then it may be the soul’s wish to enhance its relationship with itself and the Creator and will achieve this through relationships with others.

Your Soul and Your Inner Child

The current ascension shift is supporting your soul in synthesising with your entire being, especially your mental body. To take full advantage of this and to allow your soul to be more fully embodied there is a need to bring any healing or growth that is necessary to your inner child. If your inner child has grown into a fulfilled child and all blemishes or confusion have been erased, then your inner child will emanate your soul’s pure knowingness for this lifetime which will synthesise with the new aspects of your soul downloading now creating harmony and a more complete presence of your soul.

Instigating Healing and Growth for Your Inner Child

The negative, limiting and destructive patterns which you recognise now in your reality which may manifest through your thoughts, feelings, physical experiences, actions, and reactions are born from your inner child. Notice these patterns, what messages do they bring forth to you? Often it is easiest to discover the negative message and then convert it into a positive message using your conscious mind. You will then be able to realise the growth that is required by your inner child and the energy you need to anchor from your soul and guides to support the healing.

An example: everything seems to be going wrong in your day. Therefore you say to yourself, ‘Nothing works out for me.’ This is a blemish or confusion the inner child has adopted which is obscuring its inner knowingness. This statement may be converted to, ‘The Creator provides for me all I need, and I willi ngly accept.’ You can affirm your statement asking your guides and soul to deliver healing and appropriate energy into your being, while also imagining the feeling of the statement. Then imagine yourself as a child experiencing the statement fully and observe energetically the growth your inner child creates.

Working with your inner child in this way will allow you to experience a great sense of fulfilment, contentment, and happiness which will make it easier for your soul to synthesis with you. You may also begin to be given beautiful realisations about your life and soul because the knowingness that your inner child carried into this world to support you in navigating with ease will awaken within your being for you to receive.

It is valuable with the energies presently anchoring into the Earth to take time to honour the healing and growth of your inner child as well as the knowingness and wisdom it has to share with you.

Love from my inner child to yours,

Mother Mary

Free audio download of Natalie's message:

Read More from Mother Mary

Video: "Activating Templates Of Oneness & Unity & Multi Level Heart Alignment" By Natalie Glasson

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