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Méline Lafont ~ Twin Flame Union and triggers ~ My personal Quest

                                                                      April 7, 2014


So as I AM trying to put into words, which is nearly impossible, what I have been experiencing and seeing these last couple of weeks.. all is still being soaked into my being trying to comprehend it all. Simply amazed and dazzled as everything is falling into place but at the same time it is becoming more clear to me. Where to begin? Let's choose a certain point where the energies and my experiences have started to become amplified in their existence. As always I choose to share some of my personal experiences as it may benefit many others going through the same.. in my humble opinion and feeling, exchanging experiences can assist in our understanding and comprehension of this all.


Twin Flame Union and Conscious contact in this Reality


I AM being worked on like crazy these days, and it is not so much only my team but my own inner Self is doing some twitching and stretching on its own lately. What is strongly present these days is conscious contact with my Twin Flame and with the Pleiadians on a personal level in my reality. Not so much through telepathic interaction as I have been doing for some time now.. No, it is a real contact where you can sense and SEE their energy in the form of Presences standing next to you in YOUR reality.


The veils are simply dissolving and along with my personal state of consciousness I am allowing this to be possible within my reality. I must say I come to realize more and more it is an intense working process, where I have to adapt to every single step and to the magnitude that comes forth during every contact of coming closer into my heart field and my embodiment. It is truly a merging process on a whole other level with my own Self in expression through the Pleiadian aspect and my Twin Flame, the Masculine part of ME. I AM not only embracing the Feminine side but also my Masculine side , which is my twin flame reunion on that level, through this merging. I got some dreams of me standing at the altar to marry a man, which is a beautiful metaphor for the embracing of and merging with my masculine self. At one time I saw myself in my feminine body as I AM presented in this lifetime, and while speaking a very strong masculine voice came out of it.


All are indications of the merging with my Masculine Self and the reunion with my Twin Flame. A few times now Saint Germain has been standing in my bedroom as close as he could Be, through manifestation and that has given me a serious vibration in the heart space that was intense to hold in the inner heart. I experienced an energy coming straight at me and I felt this energy merging into oneness with me, from that merging my heart was lifted into a higher vibration and my body was buzzing from head to toe. It was all so strong and sensitive at the same time that I just could explode if I would not be balanced or if I were to go too fast. So much adaptation is required from the heart for this Twin Flame union on this Earthly level, it is underestimated by so many.


I infused myself with the Violet Flame as at first I was uncomfortable, even anxious towards this energy that came to me to merge, but because it did not go away and became one with me and started to feel so comfortable and love filled, I realized it was a part of me and so I allowed it to be. I opened my eyes and violet energy was vibrating next to me, I understood it was my Twin Flame coming closer like I have decreed it to be so. The way my heart reacted to his Presence being so close in my reality, is something I cannot describe. I understand and I am aware now that it just demands a lot of time and steps to be able to handle this or I would just blow up due to the power of our Twin Flame Love.


The body is dense and has only the capacity to hold a certain amount of Light and vibration, therefore we need a lot of grounding, self love, balance and a constant state of awareness and consciousness that is of the purest and highest level possible.


Pleiadians are visiting me as well lately and I enjoy these visits so much. Very carefully but strongly at the same time they are coming forward into my reality in a tangible way. The key here is to BE in a constant state of being in the Now, as lingering in all of our outside realities and past time-lines is not only bringing us triggers and distortions but to a certain degree an amplification of the old mindset; which is separation.




Triggers are most present lately, no matter how evolved you are, everyone can and will encounter those in their own personal reality as you pass the gate to transcendence. This can be because there are still things lingering in you that require your attention, or because you still feed something that is causing this trigger as it is unresolved, but those triggers can get your attention because you are simply passing this level where they have been feeding you for so long. Time to work yourself through this all now and to take the reigns in own hands.


I have encountered some triggers since March, although they are mild they still were very present and came up in a split of a second. As easy as they came, they were gone as soon as I payed attention to my inner being and my heart as to what they were trying to show me. I find myself in a constant awake mode where you may not close your eyes to rest but continuously need to work on yourself and be aware of all that you emanate and what comes into your reality.


I believe this is one of the most intense presentations we are receiving here at this time; all kinds of triggers and eruptions of the ego that feels strangled. I have decided to not be the enemy of my ego but to embrace it and to Love that part of ME. It is a part of us so what's the point in denying that? It does not mean that I become that part of me again but to respect and accept that part of me as a part of the whole. We just agree to not let that part take the reigns again and to collaborate in truth and love along with my heart, which is now the prosecutor of everything this embodiment brings forth.


So I say goodbye to feeling hurt and attacked and decided to bring even more time in my personal Sacred bubble to get to know myself on deeper levels. Therefore I do retract myself once in a while from the outside reality and from interactions to not be disturbed and distracted in order to be fully conscious of what comes from me and not from others putting on me. I see a lot of distortions and ego erupting everywhere, so I then distract from those to stay balanced in my own process. We don't want to take these over from others as well, we have enough to work with on our own.


After a while we meet again and share our experiences and that is always wonderful to be sharing at those moments and to connect. We learn and remember so much at this time that it is a true gift and a blessing.




Judgment is such a horrible energy. How can we be Unconditional Love if we judge? There is no judgment in Love and the more we embody Love the less we feel compelled to express judgment. Personally I have less and less issues to bite my tongue over so to say and to not judge which has become strange to me. Still we might see judgments being placed upon us. What to do with that?


In my personal journey this is definitely something I am sensitive to, because I never tend to judge so why do others judge me? I always respect everyone on their path and do not desire to express judgment on their journey or even share publicly about it, so why is that being mirrored to me if I do not do such actions?


Let it go! Is the message that always comes in. A strong impulse to Master this and to not engage nor defend yourself, because in truth; what is there to defend exactly? Yourself, your goals and perceptions? Why would you have to defend this all if ALL is truth, your truth, and since you ARE truth into embodiment..! Best to not re-ACT and let it BE. I respect this and move on, continue my journey in a non judgmental way. Lead by example as Jesus has said.


Choose to not participate in those games of who is wrong and who is right, we are already conscious enough to know that. Speak in terms of resonance and non resonance if you wish but there is never a wrong or a right; all IS! It exists.


I feel this is a big part of everything that is coming up now, to work on this in our personal and collective process. It is something that has been present so strongly, even in the Light worker community. It is clear and strongly felt to be in balance now during every step as much is coming our way and much more is going to be in our conscious awareness and reality.


Time-lines are merging and melting into one time-line: the now, the Being. Everything that falls outside of this box of the Now / the being, will be experienced as huge distortions and which can make it rough on you. To go with the flow, one must be in the Now in the inner heart space. Respect all and everything upon this plane for who and what they are, without speaking a word or having a thought or judgment of one another. Only Grace and unconditional Love is the emanating Source of our being.


With Love, Méline

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