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Lighted from Within

Lighted from Within Posted on October 31, 2010 by theosophywatch HALLOWEEN is an annual holiday observed on October 31, primarily in the United States, Canada, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. Known also as a harvest festival, called Samhain (“Summer’s End”), it is rooted in Celtic polytheism. The word is also the Irish and Scottish Gaelic name for November. It was the beginning of a “darker” season on Earth, with less sunlight and shorter days. In place of the usual psychic horrors and scary costumes, we chose instead to consider the symbol of an inner or spiritual sun, represented by a flaming candle placed inside the pumpkin. Samhain is similar to the Gothic samana, and the Sanskrit sámana. The Hindu God Krishna, symbol of the Higher Self, notably incarnates cyclically at mankind’s darkest times. In the Bhagavad-Gita (IV:31), Krishna affirms to Arjuna that he reincarnates “… from age to age for the preservation of the just, the destruction of the wicked, and the establishment of righteousness.” ξIn an ideal world, perfect harmony and balance between man and nature would be the norm. Thus, the keynote of Mme. Blavatsky’s worldview was the just and moral treatment of all the beings in nature, universal brotherhood. A foundational teaching of Theosophy may be best expressed in The Secret Doctrine, Summing Up #5, stating how “everything in the Universe, throughout all its kingdoms, is conscious,” and “…endowed with a consciousness of its own kind and on its own plane of perception.” On animal cruelty Mme. Blavatsky was adamant, and she spoke out forcefully against sport hunting, foxes, birds and big game, and most strongly against vivisection — animals in biological experiments. “If these humble lines could make a few readers seriously turn their thoughts to all the horrors of vivisection,” Blavatsky hoped, “the writer would be content.” Be Cruelty Free ø“Other permanent tortures, daily inflicted on the poor brutes, will,” Mme. Blavatsky predicted, “after calling forth an outburst from society generally, force all Governments to put an end to those barbarous and shameful practices.“ “Man is endowed with reason, the infant with instinct,” she wrote, “and the young animal shows more of both than the child.” This was nearly 70 years before the widespread animal testing in universities and commercial laboratories. Yet now, animal testing has been cited in impartial studies as being scientifically unnecessary. “By 1996, ‘cruelty-free’ shopping had become popular, but it was also confusing, sometimes misleading, and ultimately frustrating,” according to the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC) — eight national animal protection groups banded together. Leaping Bunny Program Inner qualities of light and love recognized in humankind, are also strongly expressed in Nature through many of her creatures, especially those of the canine kind! According to Wikipedia, the domestic dog has been “the most widely kept working, hunting and companion animal in human history.” The two oldest religions, Hinduism and Buddhism, Mme. Blavatsky said, “regard the animal world “… from the huge quadruped down to the infinitesimally small insect, as their ‘younger brothers.’” The true feelings in animals are attested to in this video documenting their emotions, especially those of man’s best friend: Animal Emotions We humans are surprised and confused often when we notice an animal behaving like us. We also tend to be especially reluctant to credit them with any human-like intelligence. Students of Theosophy marvel too, but they also recognize in the phenomena evidence of a far grander view of evolution from their studies, i.e. that true evolution is “triple” — physical, mental, and spiritual. There is also a familiar fundamental in Theosophy which states that: “There is no such thing as either ‘dead’ or ‘blind’ matter, as there is no ‘Blind’ or ‘Unconscious’ Law.” There is consciousness even in stones, Mme. Blavatsky wrote, and “we men must remember that because we do not perceive any signs, which we can recognize, of consciousness” in them, “we have no right to say that no consciousness exists there” Hero Dog Saves Kittens from Fire Check out the following clip of Leo the dog and ask yourself, how many of us could match the courage and caring of this pint-sized spiritual being? Leo, a Jack Russell cross, refused to leave the building during a fire. Believing one person unaccounted for, firemen entered the house, where they found him standing guard over the kittens despite the thick, acrid smoke. Outside, Leo, who had lost consciousness and stopped breathing, was revived, with rescuers giving him oxygen and a heart massage. The kittens, in a cardboard box in a bedroom, also needed treatment. In the end, all fully recovered, including the hero of the day, little Leo.

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