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11:11 Gateway

11:11 Gateway Into Full Embodiment

A Message from Archangel Gabriel

Dear Ones,
From the beginning of time there have been clear moments when the Portals of Awakening open for those who are called. The 11:11 Gateway is a collective, high-vibrational opening to assist the evolution of consciousness on the Earth at this time. The new Light frequencies are enabling this 11:11 Gateway to open for you to move into your original blueprint, your most divine essence, represented through your Light Body, in oneness with All That Is.
We will offer suggestions and visualizations at the end of the message so your own guidance system can empower a Light-filled 11:11 Ceremony if you are unable to join with others. It is highly encouraged that you work with at least one other person in sacred ceremony to honor the 11:11 Portal in Time.
You have been coded within for this awakening moment. It is another step in your evolution, one with great power and support. The Archangels stand at the 11:11 Gateway to hold you in strength and courage. Those who are attracted to this time of Grace, can avail themselves of the opportunity to soar, greatly empowered by the Angelic Realms. This conscious dedicated action, in harmony with Divine Light, will accelerate the evolution of consciousness within your own life and on the planet now.
The powerful energies you have been experiencing in your lives and on the Earth since August have led to activations within your Light Body Field. The Archangels have been diligently involved and are creating greater awareness within you of the field of Light around your heart. As you know, there is a magnetic field around your heart that is in the shape of a Torus.
This sacred geometry creates a regenerating field of energy which you can purposely integrate into your heart chakra. Because of the auspicious nature of the frequencies the Earth is moving into, we have activated your Torus regeneration field to include Divine Love as the main tool of awakening your new life.
This field is the beginning point for your new Merkaba – the light body field that works for your spiritual growth and ascension. This activation strengthens your awareness of the freedom that is possible when you expand your heart energy and open these new high frequencies into the cells of your body.

Divine Union

The 11:11 Gateway opens the way to Divine Union within yourself. The Archangels stand ready to welcome you into the new creative power of exalted awareness. Retraining and guiding the fearful thoughts that may plague your days are only a prayer away. Each prayer raises your vibrational frequencies and could be the one that unleashes the critical mass for Spontaneous Evolution within your life and on the planet. Imagine that your prayer is the turning point – the key that fits the codes for your newly evolved Self.
For the past few months, the downloads of Light have been working to empower your light body. With the 11:11 gateway the integration of that Light Body will now be fully possible. The intentions you hold for this time of your life are paramount.
Remember that at your true core, you are a radiant being of Divinity. This connection is key for your new life unfolding. It is the expanding field that activates the corresponding codes which allow your light body to come into manifest form.
Regardless of the energetic manifestations you have witnessed in your own life or in the world, this field has been developing. You are literally growing your divine human body from the inside out.

Anchor Love

Before walking through the 11:11 Gateway, know that the love you anchor in your heart is key to the activation of the light body field. Fully integrating Divine Love within your being is creating the resonance that opens the way to fully activating your Divine Human Form.
As you walk through the Archangel’s 11:11 Portal, you will be synchronizing both the higher and lower expressions of yourself to bring forth your most authentic, blended and empowered Divine Self. This is a connection to your Soul that will allow you to more fully access and express yourself with Grace and Ease, to bring forth your highest Soul’s Destiny.
Call in your Angelic support and know that you are being inspired, guided and led through the 11:11 Gateway with full honor and respect for all the work you have given to the world during this time of massive change.


A ritual prayer offering for your own personal ceremony of the 11:11

Divine Presence and the Archangels of Light:
As I prepare to be guided through this 11:11 portal of time, I ask that the Light of Divine Love clear any disharmony within my energy field. I willingly let go of the burdens of old beliefs so I may stand tall and move freely through the gateways to Unity Consciousness and into my new Light Body Field.
Within the spaciousness of my cleared energy field, I ask that it be filled with the power of Divine Love, Harmony and Unity Consciousness. I ask to receive and radiate the strength and courage to embody this Divine Light and ground the presence of Love and Healing energy into the Earth to assist its evolution.
I join with the Angelic forces and the millions of those who work in the Light of God, as we are led through the 11:11 Gateway. I know that as one is lifted up, all are uplifted. I allow new patterns of exalted Light frequencies to engage my human structure in the completion of my crystalline light body  Union within my being with the Divine.
I dance through the Light-filled gateways, feeling your guidance and knowing that loving awareness for new possibilities in my life is being provided in every moment, with every heartbeat. I awaken in your Light and embrace my Soul’s gifts being offered to me now with supreme gratitude. You are giving me the Divine Connection to greater life and I gratefully receive this. I am honored to anchor this Light into the Earth as the presence of Nature awaits my awareness.
Hold me with Love and guide me as I step through this gateway into the higher dimensions, where my most Divine Self awaits me. May I bring greater Life, Peace and Joy through my being and be a blessing for the Earth.
For these and all your blessings, I say Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
So be it, Be it so. Amen

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
November 3, 2017
Video: "Judy Satori's Joy Transmissions" -



Announcement from Shanta

On November 11, at the exalted moment of 11:11, the Archangels hold the Celestial Gateway open so you can walk through the dimensional doorway between the 3D world and the new awakening 5D world of Harmony and Well-being.

As you step through the Ascension Gateway, you leave behind all patterns you have outgrown and naturally shift into the highest frequencies of Divinity to anchor them in your human form so you become whole and manifest your Light Body Field.

Since digital clocks have come into widespread usage, the image of 11:11 has become more familiar. The representation behind the symbol is less widely known. 11 has long been the number of the Angelic Realms offering assistance to those on Earth. When the 11's are seen together, the 11:11 become the pillars to the gateway symbolizing an opening between Heaven and Earth.

This Gateway is a Portal to Higher Consciousness, a moment when the Angels of Light receive your prayers and intentions, assisting their manifestation. Whenever the 11:11 presents itself, it acts as a daily reminder to take that one minute to hold your dreams in your heart, acknowledge the support available from the Angelic Dimensions, and step into new life awakening within you.

Joining me for the 11:11 teleconference will be Shamanic Astrologer Kelly M. Beardof KarmicTools, who will speak to the additional portals in the shamanic tradition that are supporting us in this powerful time. We can let go of the old and powerfully embrace new life awakening for the planet!

Our initiation

Every year at the 11:11 Portal, you receive a special empowerment. This year we will experience an Initiation into Master frequencies of Love, Harmony and Unity. These codes will be anchored on this auspicious day to bring forth a greater level of Unity within you so you can stay aligned with your divinity in the midst of the storms of change.

I attended your 11:11 teleconference and was profoundly affected by your channeling! It was my first time bearing witness to a channeling event and also my first interaction with the archangels. I would like to thank you! It felt like my entire body was tingling with radiating energy spewing out of my chakras. Amazing. 

That was a wonderful prayer and activation! Thanks for bringing it forward for all of us. I could feel the high light vibration coming in and I loved the upgrades. Great job!


Join us for our 11:11 Gateway Teleconference!





About Shanta

Shanta GabrielShanta Gabriel is an author, teacher and healer,whose life is devoted to Bridging Heaven and Earth. She began her studies with an Indian Shaktipat master of the ancient Science of Sound in 1977.  It is from this beginning point at the ashram, with the inspired ancient practices she received and has used in 40 years of training, that she offers to others in her programs.

Her work with the Archangels began in 1988. She shares this work through alignment, immersion, and transmissions from the Archangels through her classes, membership groups and private sessions. Her mission is to facilitate and invite people into a direct experience of Infinite Intelligence and Divine Love.

Video: "Expand Your Divine Self With Melanie Beckler"

Inspiration for the Week from Shanta Gabriel

Fasting from Negative Thoughts About You By Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel suggests a useful practice that allows us to create a time frame in which we cease judging ourselves.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week


Give Yourself A Fast From Negative Thoughts About Yourself

This card always shows up at opportune moments when I notice I am being less than compassionate with myself. This attitude is a very old habit.
Over the years, it appeared as if I thought being relentless in my criticism about myself would somehow make me better. My ego must have wanted to ensure that I was doing "it all correctly." This made me live in a very contracted state, and of course I attracted people that would step right in and add more judgments in case I relaxed my vigilance.
It was during the millennium shift when I received a brilliant gift from the Universe, disguised as the loss of everything I held dear. At that critical juncture, I realized that if ever I needed compassion, that was the time. I also started giving myself more permission to be authentic and live in my truth. I noticed that when I would back off from my critical mind, my heart would open, and I felt more love for all things — including myself. It was a new experience.
It is clear that if being very critical and hard on myself could create my enlightenment, it would have happened long ago. What my spirit needs is tenderness and support. It takes a different kind of vigilance to be aware of my habitual thoughts about myself and my world. My feelings let me know. When I'm hard on myself, I feel awful. There's the first clue. I go out of my way now to be as kind to myself as I am with others. Usually, I am very kind to other people and give them the benefit of my love and compassion. This is what I need as well.
Sometimes I just put my hand on my heart when I notice my thinking has gone off the love track. (This is the Quick Coherence Technique from That simple gesture brings me back into a loving place with myself and helps me attune to the One Heart within all beings. Just touching myself kindly in this way is also very soothing to my inner self, as well as my mammalian body.
Synchronicity was demonstrated beautifully after I wrote the above paragraph. I went to my email, and there from HeartMath was an article about the importance of self-love. When this happens, I love it. It helps me to know that I am in tune. Here is a portion of the article:
Self-love means being more compassionate, patient and accepting of ourselves. It means choosing to make self-care a priority. The idea of self-love might feel a bit awkward, but it is not selfish. It is necessary. As we get better at self-love, we feel more confident and understand that self-love and loving others is simply a reflection of our deepest essence.
A little child thrives when she is adored and encouraged. The same is true of our inner spirit. We need to be our greatest cheerleader and supporter in life. The steps we take to give ourselves the benefit of our love and reassurance will lift our vibrational frequency, making it safer and even easier to feel love about ourselves and the world.
It begins with our thoughts and our intention to stay in a loving, accepting place with ourselves, honoring the tender innocence within us. Often all it takes is the willingness to give to us the compassion and kindness that we truly deserve.

Know that you are totally lovable and worthy of all that is good. If that does not resonate with you, here is an easy three-step process to change your thinking:

1. Place your hand on your heart and breathe.
2. Now into your heart, on the in-breath, receive Love from the Source of all Life, from the Angels, and most of all, from yourself.
3. Exhale, then check inside and notice how much better you feel.
Divine Presence,
May I always remember how much I deserve love. Help me to bring that love into my heart and use it to care for myself in new and empowering ways. May I be as patient with myself as I am with a kitten and take care of myself in the same way.

Inspire within me compassion and respect for all life and especially help me to be accepting and compassionate with me. May I remember that as I give more love to myself, the way opens so that all of humanity will have the ability to give themselves more love.

From that place of Love in our hearts, all of life benefits. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
The Gabriel Messages Book #38

Trust in yourself, and trust in the Angelic energy
working through you.

AA Gabriel:
Dear One,
As the light within you grows stronger and brighter, you will find yourself bringing more wisdom and love to your world. You will begin to trust more deeply in yourself and know you are divinely guided at every moment.
Trust is an energy that grows the more you use it. Like a muscle that strengthens with exercise, so it is with trust. It comes not from the power of your doing, as much as it is an allowing of energy to flow through your being.
Trust comes from a deep level of faith. At the core of your being you know there is a Higher Power at work. You can turn your life over to this Divine Presence and things will begin to move in positive directions. Learn to listen more to your intuition than to what society tells you is true. Learn to listen to the voice of your higher self, which is your connecting link to the Divine Source. Remember that you know, deep within, what is best for you. Your higher self knows the answers to all the questions you ask.
Trust the Angels to help you with this process of connecting to God within you. They are an incredible resource awaiting your invitation. Begin to ask your guardian Angel for help in small ways. Follow the guidance you receive and you will find yourself trusting ever more deeply in this wondrous energy working through you. You will notice your life becoming simpler, and everyday activities becoming easier, due to an ever-increasing compassion and clarity within, and due to the grace of the Angels. This grace blesses every step you take and every word you say. This grace also becomes stronger the more you allow it to work in your life. It is a gift for you, but first you must ask, and then you must allow yourself to be open to receiving the good available to you.
These simple acts of trust can transform your world. Remember, your direct link to Divine Grace strengthens when you...

Trust in yourself and trust in the Angelic energy working through you.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
October 29, 2017
Video: "Gateway Of Light Transmission By Anrita Melchizedek"

The Infinite Diamond Fire Invocation By Tej

I am here now in the place of stillness . I invoke and dream awake my I AM Presence. I am complete within God's flame of eternal light. I rise and become all powerfull, all wisdom, with all love encircling my eternal Being. I prism my Diamond Self as I Am One with I AM THAT I Am.

I AM the heartbeat throughout the cosmos. 
I AM present throughout this universe. 
I arise releasing all karmic ties to Mother Earth staying in grounded connection. 
I arise and burn away all ties of past to be released from me now.

Melt away the ties that bind my body. Melt away and be recycled within the Violet Flame. 
I release all binding contracts from which I have agreed to. Violet Flame burn and vanish these contracts of which I have held. Now they are no more with me. All darkness has been banished. 

This pure divine loving light remains for eternity. This is where I remain. It is here I breathe life, love, and light. It is here I stay and stand with my everlasting divine infinite blazing Diamond Fire.

I invoke and call upon Higher Self,  Ascended Masters, All Archangels and the Legions of Heaven, Soul Family and Galactic Beings of Light. 

I invoke and call upon all Beings of all worlds, galaxies, and universes.
I invoke and call upon MotherFather God, Metatron, Prime Creator who creates the governs all things.

I invoke and call upon all Cosmic Universal Wisdom with all my mind, body, and spirit of my Heart Soul. I open ALL That I AM to ALL THAT IS within and throughout this Eternal Ultimate Dimension. Bring to me the energies of Power, Wisdom, and Love. 

This Divine Infinite Diamond Fire, which burns within the core of my immortal Diamond Heart, is eternal and without end. Expand in me and be forevermore.

I ask to receive all light codes. To have the keys to unlock door portals to be open for me. 
I open and connection to all earth elementals, crystals, minerals,  and metals. 
I open in connection to human, animal, plant, and earth grids now to send and receive the electriomagnetic energies forming and transmitting throughout this entire web of consciousness.

Divine Infinite Diamond Fire. 



I Smoothly Flow In An Ocean Of Golden Christ Consciousness Light With My Every Breath - By Steven Hutchinson

What I was divinely guided to share with you very much focuses on using your breathing together with the prayer affirmations & visualizations to help you experience & embody Your Divine Self & your Soul and expand your experience of God's Presence within you and 'All that you are'.
Doing your daily meditations & affirmations will help you greatly in living every moment established in the Divine Peace & Love & Stillness of your Divine Self, and smoothly flow in an ocean of the Creator's Golden Christ Consciousness - for the more you experience & embody your Divine Self with your Soul, the more these Divine Vibrations will naturally reach out to others through you to help bring Peace on Earth & help uplift others as well !
So you can use this as a guided meditation, calling upon your Divine Self & the Heavenly Host to lead you in the meditation, and consciously breathing in the Divine Energy in each affirmation.
And when you are divinely led to do so - you may also want to pause for a few moments with some of the affirmations & visualizations and just be fully conscious in the moment & breathe in the divine energy & receive any Divine Guidance that comes to you.
And remember - what you consciously think & affirm every day is what you become and experience in your life....and the Divine Light & Love in you reflects the Divine Light & Love in every human being - helping uplift us all !
Infinite Blessings of Love & Light to all,



With my every breath, my mind & my Whole Being are united in Oneness & Unity With Gaia. And with my every breath, I Am continually sending the Highest Divine Love & Light to Gaia & to Mother/Father/God ... and I continually breathe in & lovingly accept the Highest Divine Love & Light from Gaia & Mother/Father/God.

With my every breath through my Golden Grounding Cord, my Whole Being is now & always grounded on Gaia & anchored in the heart chakra of Gaia & God & my own heart chakra. 

My Golden, Platinum, & Magenta Nets of Protection always keep my Whole Being protected from all vibrations & activity not of God's Love & Light, & also protects my Whole Being from all parasites. Thank You God! And So It All Manifests with my every breath ! 

My Mind & my Whole Being are centered & anchored in the Divine Stillness & Love & Peace of My Divine Self in my Higher Heart Chakra with my every breath. And with my every breath I Am experiencing Divine Peace & Harmony on all levels of my Being. 

Anchored in this Divine Stillness & Peace of My Divine Self, I Am continually & smoothly flowing with my every breath in an Ocean of The Creator's Golden Christ Consciousness Light & Infinite Transfiguring Divine Love. My Whole Being is perfectly aligned in every moment with the Energies & Light of Divine Stillness & Love, & Peace, & Christ Consciousness, and I embody these Divine Energies with my every breath.

I Am always manifesting the Creator's Love, Will, Creativity, & Power in me & through me for the highest good of all with my every breath. 

I Am the perfection of the Creator embodied & manifesting as an Angelic Divine Human in a healthy 5th dimensional body.

I Am the Miracle Energy of the Creator embodied & manifesting fully in my Whole Being & thru me in all of Gaia & in every person on earth with each breath of Gaia & each breath of every human being!

I Am a Divine Portal for the Creator's Light & Christ Consciousness.  I Am a Divine Architect of the Creator, and with the Christ Consciousness of my Divine Self, I Am bringing the Creator's Supreme Light into physical form in the Creator's Perfection in my Whole Being & in all aspects of my life & in all of Gaia with each breath of Gaia & with each breath of every human being!

I live every moment in a lifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations & everything flows in Divine Order & Peace with my blessings. I trust the Divine Plan for my life, & Bless it and the Divine Order that is continually working in me & in every person and every situation in my life. And So It All ManifestsThank You God! And So It All Manifests!

Video: "Let's Ascend Together & Create Healing & Peace On Earth By Steven Hutchinson"

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