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Don't Mess Up The Movement of Love

All of nature understands the balance between giving and receiving. The heart pumps in and out. You breathe in and out. The waves roll up and back upon the shore. The trees receive sun, water, and soil then give their fruits. The entire universe is designed to allow the breath of God, the love of the Divine to flow freely through it in endless cycles of giving and receiving.

Humanity struggles with the balance there because it is human nature to over think things, rather than allowing yourselves to simply act in a guided and natural manner. If you were able to listen to your hearts, you would give when guided, and receive when it resonates. Neither would be valued more than another because both would be seen as simply a dance and movement of love.

So why are you afraid to give at times dear ones? Sometimes you are not motivated to do so, or inspired. Sometimes you do not have the resources. In these case, don't give! It is not holy to give out of a sense of duty, out of pity, out of a fear that if you don't no one else will. The Creator cares about all souls and if you are not motivated to give, you can trust someone else will be.

However there are times when you want to give and you do not. You fear that you will be misunderstood. You fear that the other may not be worthy of the gift. You fear you will be "used." Dear ones if you give when guided, the giving itself is a joy and a blessing... to you too! Relax, release it. When it is a joy to give, do so for the sheer joy of giving, with no strings attached. You are keeping love moving through the universe and through your own life.

More of you are afraid to receive. There are times when it truly does not feel right to receive. You don't need or can't use the gift offered. Receive the love with appreciation and define the thing or service. Sometimes you sense unspoken agreements or "strings attached." By all means, in these cases, feel free to decline the gift.

But sometimes there are times when people offer to give you something you want, need, or could use and yet you are afraid to receive. Most often you are afraid they will want more of you later. In that case, make up your mind that receiving with a gracious heart is all you owe, and ask if there are any expectations in return.

Some of you are afraid it is weak to receive. You fear it will put you at the mercy of others upon whom you cannot depend. That is like being hungry and saying to someone, "No I cannot accept your meal now because you may not feed me tomorrow." It makes no sense. Receive now and trust the Creator will provide later. Some of you are simply taught that it is greedy to receiving, but we contend that greedy "taking" and "receiving" are two different things. Receiving blesses the giver with graciousness and gratitude. Taking comes from an insecure sense of entitlement. Receive by all means and allow others the joy of blessing you!

Keep the love moving throughout the universe, dear ones, by giving and receiving as guided. Don't allow fear to stop you from either when you are authentically motivated. Then, enjoy the beautiful feelings of love flowing through your life and your heart. You have just allowed God to breathe.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

-- The Angels

Message From Ann 

I have an easy time giving. I had to learn to receive. Years ago someone offered to help me with something I really needed. I "politely" refused as I had been conditioned to do. I didn't expect this response! "Don't screw up my blessing! Let me feel good about helping you! I know you need the help!" I was busted! They were right. "Don't screw up my blessing!" I think of that now every time I am habitually conditioned to decline.

I still decline many of the things offered me. My house is happily full and I can't really use more stuff. I don't eat sugar or flour anymore. I spend my time enjoying close friends, family, time with God, and working in service so I truly do have to decline invitations all the time. However when someone offers me something I can genuinely use or enjoy, I have learned not to screw up their blessings! And in any case, when anyone offers anything, I truly receive their lovingintent and hope to bless them back with my appreciation.

A few weeks ago after hiking in Sedona I stopped by to visit my friend Robin Miller. He was outside playing his beautiful music. A very sweet lady was meditating nearby. I felt her very beautiful and powerful energy rippling out into the world, blessing the land and everyone in the near vicinity. I suddenly felt motivated to get her one of Robin's CDs. And so I went up and simply said, "My angels told me to give you this." It was guided, felt right, and that was that... or so Ithought.

We ended up chatting. Ends up she is a pretty amazing healer and she offered me a treatment. I couldn't think of anything I needed because I heal myself all the time, but because she was so sweet, and spirit was nudging me I told her I'd call. I sat in meditation the next day and asked what this was about. Clearly I was getting guidance to receive. My back felt like it went up in flames as waves of heat rose up it. Ah ha! I am constantly working to stay in alignment - both spiritually andphysically! And so this very dear woman did a phone session with me, shared some beautiful energy, and wonderful yoga poses that truly have helped. As always, God knew better than me what I needed!

So this week, when it feels right, try to keep the love moving through the universe by both giving and receiving – of course, only and always when and where it feels right and joyous! Here are a few easy ways you can do this.

1. When you think something nice about someone, say it

If you admire something about someone, say it. While this sounds obvious, we hold back all the time... because we don't know the person, worry about what they'll think believe they already know, etc. I've had more loving interchanges, little interactions that added joy and light to my entire day simply by speaking up.

2. When you need help, ask.

I know this is a tough one for many, but realize that most people like to be useful and good to one another. You like helping people when its genuine. Many others do too. Whether its asking someone to hold a door, babysit your child, or help you brainstorm a few ideas, make a request. They may say no, and that's OK. Trust. Ask someone else. For every need, there is someone who needs to assist.

3. Drop into your heart once in awhile. Pray, "Dear God how would you have me give or receive today?"

Let the Divine guide you. You'll get an answer. Trust the very first thought or feeling that pops into your mind. I did this just now and heard the angels, "Sit with us, let us give to you." As soon as I finish, I'm going to sit still and let the angels love on me with their sweet energy!

Keep the love flowing. Like a river nourishes the grasses and trees along its banks, cycles of authentic giving and receiving nourish everyone involved.

Love you all!

Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers,

Blessed Being, freedom is your choice flowing into your life. As you balance what you create with the co-creation of others, you discover the boundaries of your freedom. This is based on the conditions of the physical world. It is based on your perceptions of possibility and the resonance of your vibration with your desires.

The conditions of the physical world indicate separation. Indeed, it is part of the functionality and form of the Earth experience. As you observe and accept the conditions around you, you soothe your vibration into connection—technically into resonance, for connection is an invisible truth that is constant, though not initially obvious.

At this time, you are learning the rules of the law of resonance in great detail.

This requires that you apply it into your life and observe the response and information flow that you are receiving. Are you feeling differently? Do you notice flow or stagnation? Is it a time of rest, action, focus, or play? Life will call you to interaction continuously, but it looks different in each moment.

As you work with the law of resonance, it is not that you are controlling your outer experience, it is that you are shifting your inner experience to connect with and become one with your desires—Life itself.

It may seem contrary to accept the separation to enhance the connection, yet it is the core understanding of your empowerment. It supports your ability to Love that which you disagree with or don’t desire. It supports your ability to take action for change and bring your desires into physical form.

It is this acceptance of the physical separation that allows you to find the invisible connection with others that are so unlike you.

It gives you the strength to hold your Love in the midst of fear, anger, or chaos around you. It gives you the fortitude and patience (peace in action) to allow form its time to ripen. It gives you the knowing of who you are within the collective of humanity, and to reflect that Love to those that have not yet heard the whisper within.

Empowered Sovereign Connected by Jamye Price

In essence, you are becoming a connected one, an empowered sovereign that understands the functionality of separation on Earth, and integrates the invisible connection of All Life. You are allowing the Will of Love to create a new humanity, instead of the separation that creates fear and domination. You are a force of change that is passive in nature, but powerful in its core. But it is invisible. To embody this empowerment, you can not rely on circumstance changing to feel satisfaction.

You are learning to rely on your understanding of your power within Life, for you are Life. In this way, you are becoming one being that is holding a true resonance of Love within Life on Earth. Not a resonance of separation from humanity as walls are maintained to create a feeling of bliss, but a true resonance of empowered Love, whether walls are present or not.

As we sit to Blast Being One, we are maintaining a powerful flow of Love, as we observe life on Earth and see the potential of Love within each being. We are understanding the value of separation as it creates a call to connection that fulfills as it grows. We are aligning our internal resonance with our outer desires, magnetizing synchronicity with those of like heart. We are patient, powerful, and boldly Loving; allowing the fear of humanity to discover its strength within. We are connected to the potential of Love, for we have already discovered it within and are emanating it out consciously, unabashedly, and eternally. Blast on!

Jamye Price

Jamye Price

Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience. She also channels Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, with information focused on the mental and emotional balance of Ascension. Jamye’s work is practical and profound; she mixes highly esoteric subjects into applicable usage for empowered living.

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