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In the video below, Shekina Rose Sings "A Love Song from Venus" for Healing the Heart Template through the Angelic Venusian Light Language of Love 

Listening to the Venusian Light Language of Love allows the Heart Body Temple to remember, to become a Heart healer of Love, activating Divine DNA, anchoring greater Love, Unity and Connection to the Universe and to the Stars. 

For Venus Pink Ships & Venus Heart DNA Love Codes Awakening the Galactic Star Human

These are the Venus light portals and pink ships bringing support to humanity of Love, beauty, healing and beautiful creations to the planet. The Venus light portals and ships come through the Solar Sun transmission from the Galactic Central Sun and have been unlocking your Crystalline Body Seals. These Crystalline Seals awaken the Christ template and dormant DNA connections to ancient sacred knowledge and spiritual potential of an advanced human.


Shekina Rose is working in collaboration with the Venus light ships of support in the Cathedral Rock Vortex in Sedona, Arizona, along with the Pleiadians of Peace who are bringing ancient sacred technologies and awakenings. The vortexes in Sedona are electromagnetically heightened spiritual ley lines. People from all the over the world are drawn to Sedona for the spiritual power emanating from the vortexes and majestic red rock mountains and panoramic views.

 Interaction with Solar Ray StarGate makes a symbol appear on Shekina's wrist


Your Twelve Chakras - The Gateway To Your Multidimensional Self & Twin Flame By MamaFoospirit1

Guys I am going to share just a little about the 12 CHAKRAS.. we have..this is important for energy workers today.. It has always been a 7 System Chakra in the body and that has not changed.. The Ancients knew it.. and so do we.. These remaining 5 Chakras build the Jacobs Ladder or the Tree of Life metaphor.. of your being..above the Anchor Portals of the 7 Chakras in the body.. it is the connection to your higher self.. I mean this is really simplistic.. but your going to see different variations.. it is new in a sense.. for some.. some have known it for years.. . It does not matter truly how you place or what color you assign the chakras.. They are working in cohesion with your DNA.. It is all of the ONE Quantum Field of you.. 12 layers of DNA, 12 Chakras.. etc.. These will work together!! when I say the Universe is inside you.. it really is.. The Chakras are the best pre-emptive knowledge of what we are now “remembering” within the Resonance of our Akash of the Amazing DNA re-activations..and its magnificence.. All this is working together.. Now the picture below is the only one I found that resonated with my sight of the 12 Auric Fields.. The Obsidian or black representation in the picture.. is more accurate for me.. This is the push and pull effect of the Dark Space Energy and the place where your Quantum Field meets all that is.. In my visions.. the Merkaba Vehicle is not linear.. it moves.. its flow.. its works.. it goes upside down, back and forth.. and it travels.. but the 7 do represent the Physical Body Anchors of Energy.. like a Bach Symphony creating harmonic light..and its played in C minor.. but not limited.. it is a multi-dimensional field.. or a spinning tetrahedron.. and thats just one shape..

Now to continue, each spiritual chakra, besides aiding in your own energy development and well being, helps you to touch a particular portion of this more vast Universe. Each Portal chakra opens up a corresponding doorway to another portion of the great vastness that is “The Creator”. There is a natural order to each chakra in that the opening of one leads very gently to the opening of the next. Because of this ordering, these centers will awaken one by one with each center becoming more alive as another, higher one, begins to kick in. Do you see the relevance in the DNA activations of the Layers also.. It is Magnetics at its finest.. This is the Magnetics we have today.. It is a Multi-Dimensional energy.. Linking us to the cosmos Within of the Connection of the ONE..

There is a kind of pattern to this opening, if you were to observe it from a perspective of time. Generally, the 8th center will open first, with a delay before another expansion occurs. Then, after this delay, the 9th will open and the 10th will show just a glimmer of activity. At this point, the 8th center will expand more. Then, when the 10th center actually starts to open, the 9th center will experience another expansion with the 8th center expanding even further. The next octave will have the 11th center expanding with the 12th center showing just a glimmer of activity. Then the process repeats into the lower spiritual chakra. It’s a kind of wave effect, with each center opening up and waving its energy down into the other centers forcing them to open up more. This is where you start with the Kundalini Force.. and Completion of Twin Flame.. the wholeness.. and how it just bursts from above and below.. Your head may feel its going to blow up when you have a true Kundalini Flow.. it is intense energy.. This is why many put Twin Flame with the Kundalini awakening.. but this is a love story of grand proportion appropriate for the times.. It can also be a spiritual solo experience of the one.. Not associated with Twin Flame..


..Twin Flame is a concept of wholeness.. and there is much more on this I need to share with you guys.. It is not limited.. it is not one person..but it can be an uninhibited.. love story..  There is no limitations to Soul LOVE.. more on that later.. The concept is limited in many of the teachings.. As we are omni-present and we tend to separate our twin from us and want it in another.. and think we can only find it in another..(but whatever way this works for you.. is perfectly beautiful) In my journey.. it is found within and can manifest in our physical relationship.. some are awakened by feeling this unbelievable pull to another person thus opening a bridge of awakening.. as to why it is.. its a beautiful movement.. so benevolent.. but don’t lose hope.. we do not have to limit this energy.. My twin has shown me this from the other side of the veil.. and his words.. (now know I call him a name.. Obsidian.. and that we talk as if we are separate but we are not.. that is what is meant when so many Metaphysical Teachers or Spiritualists say is the illusion.



My twin.. came in my life in the appropriate way to do so.. at the time.. He is part of me.. just like all my lives and pieces and parts are.. and I have that wholeness.. within)  NO rules or Limits in a Creation of Gods Love.. If anyone tells you the Twin Flame can only be one person.. that merging or existing in only ONE human being in a Universe of ONENESS..WHERE WE ARE CONNECTED TO ALL THAT IS.. IN A DIVINE WAY..  that is not true in my reality..I tell you this for so many feel heartbroken…  I have seen different.. If the Twin Flame is something you long for.. call this an energy.. not one person.. It truly is a love story of self.. of you.. feeling wholeness and a catalyst to the awakening for many.. For if they believe in this.. when they feel it.. WANT IT, CREATE IT.. MANIFEST IT.. OR IF IT JUST SLAPS THEM IN THE HEART TO WAKE THEM UP.. ITS ALL DIVINELY TIMED.. AND APPROPRIATE.. A BEAUTIFUL THING.. They start to study.. look.. open up their consciousness.. and many have amazing physical relationships with this Unity of Love.. birthed by the love of you, the fullness of Enlightenment.. etc..

The Twin Flame movement has been an enormous catalyst to awakening of many.. How beautiful is that?? It can be whatever you want it to be.. If you don’t want it spiritually based.. its your absolute free will..


Sending so much love to all who read this.. in the NOW time..


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