

Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)

Hello everyone! :) I am here to connect with others and learn. I am happy that I found this place and will be able to talk with all of you! :) Facts about me: º Cosmically known as A-y-shin. º A Soul as old as the Universe. º Ascended Dolphin or Water energy carrier incarnated in a female body. º Energies: blend, combination of Crystal - Rainbow - Golden - Dolphin. º I come from another Universe (future) - Angelic Realm. º My Higher Self is anchored in 8th dimension of consciousness. º Specie: hybrid half-Arcturian half-Reptilian. º Main identity: Blueprinter designer. º Abilities: natural healer, astral travel, I sometimes can know what will happen and read the thoughts of people, psychic/witch, I see auras, Beings of Light, energy fields, wormholes, shadows, transparencies, I have infravision and I can hear infrasounds, telekinesis and other, levitation, channeling. º Nature - Animal - Mineral - 4 Elements - Stars lover. º I am quiet and shy girl. Of 'few words', I choose telepathy. º Oversensitive to everything and empathic. º I go through life like a lonely satellite, I stay away from crowds. People, usually, do not understand my way fo being and see me as an odd girl and, besides, is a blend of many energies that I can absorb. But it does not means that I do not love people, just the contrary! º I like to feel and be free. º Guardian of 4 Elements. º I often see and I am strongly connected with Elementals, Angelic Spheres,energies of Gaia, Animals, Nature, Minerals, God-dess and every living Being here and around of Universe. º I always think in acting by example, doing my best, but when situations are highly intense, I lock myself in my world. I am autistic. º I am a mirror and a portal. º Strict vegetarian. º Since child I always believed in UFOs and our Galactic Siblings, specially Zetas. I have been and I am in touch with them. º I feel attracted by Universe, God-dess, Angels, magic, esotericism, spiritism, paranormal phenomena. º Romantic creature, I like writing poems - songs and art, specially, abstract. I also like drawing mandalas, Crystals, fossils, sing, paint, read, write, crafts, alchemy, reiki and yoga, daydreaming, walking, music, movies, stargazing, community work. º Twin Flame: Seraphim Angel, Angelic officer. He is helping with the Divine Blueprint that is manifesting right now in the Universe. I have a Cosmic kid with him. º Spiritual Guides: my main Guide is AA Natanael, but I have a lot of wonderful Guides always with me. Divine Love and Gratitude. Hope and Bliss. Namaste.

What brought you here?

LOVE is the only key! : )

What can you contribute?

Healing, Love and help to connect to all Souls directly with Divinity.

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  • Hi I like your page. I was wondering if you would like to check out a site I created unitedstarseeds.com to help unite us together. You are welcome to be my friend here, much love elshara Silverheart.
  • Brightest Blessings of Love Light Harmony
  • WELCOME to The City of Shamballa
    Dear Light Storm!

    Nice to see you here - many thanks for your coming.

    I am honored and happy to have you here,
    and I look forward to getting to know you more.
    Much love to you, much light to you.

    Many blessings,

    Qan Dek
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