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Doing the Work - WE Create Our Ascension

Doing the Work - We Create Our Ascension

Our Ascension begins with us. No one can do it for you.   


Ascended Master Sananda has told us, "You must do the work."  Divine Truth & Light are within you ready for you to call them forth for your Awakening. Working daily with affirmations & meditation are important tools to help you expand your Awakening."


The quoted affirmations are readilly available; their source document is also linked 
for easy reference.

Lord Ashtar and his Twin Flame, Pallas Athena, have spent numerous hours transcribing valuable Teachings of Universal Law ... teachings we should have learned as children.  

July 11 2013
Speak to your own God Presence in love, as you would speak to a father:  

"Beloved I AM Presence, (project and establish)... intensify Your protective Pillar of pure substance of light in, through and around me.  Charge with Your invincible protection, all powerful and impenetrable, which keeps me absolutely insulated from everything not of the light, and keep it sustained.  Make and keep me ever sensitive to You and Your direction, and immune to all imperfect vibratory rates." 

Then visualize it through and around your physical body for about three feet or as far as your outstretched arms will reach, seeing the edge crystallized. (When you feel it has been established, you can then use "intensify" in place of "project and establish.") 

"My I AM Presence, charge, charge, charge me with your Herculean strength and energy, and perfect health." 

In privacy, you can raise your hands to the Presence, and as you take the substance from the Presence, charge it into your world by charging and drawing your hands down at your sides.  Since it is the feeling that really brings results, it is well to do whatever will give one the feeling of it being done. When you feel replenished, see again the Pillar of Light open at the bottom.
 For strength, visualize the ray of light from the Presence and in it a touch of blue.  When contemplating the Presence... and feeling yourself expanding, be sure the Pillar of Light is open at the bottom.
 Aside from your call for protection... your attention held on the Presence, which is perfection, is a protection in itself because there is no quality or imperfection to attach to or draw in.
 This Pillar can become invincible protection against everything of a discordant quality in the outer world, Dear Ones; thereby you can be disconnected from the mass pressure, from the discord of mankind that is in the atmosphere.
In the morning, charge the Pillar of Light with Cosmic, Divine Love.  You can charge it to dissolve every particle of discord you contact that day.  Also charge it with acceptance and confidence of the power of light. 


Channel: Ashtar/Athena


It is well to call on the Law of Forgiveness just before calling forth the Violet Flame. By calling for all of humanity, we also receive greater forgiveness for ourselves. We can say:


Beloved I Am Presence, I call on the Laws of Forgiveness for myself and all of humanity for all mistakes, misqualified energy, & everything not of the Light.




Beloved I Am Presence, Blaze, Blaze, Blaze the Intensified 5th Dimensional Violet Flame in thru and around all misqualified energy & everything not of the Light in all timelines, cause, core, records memories, & effect. Transmute, Transmute, Transmute by Violet Flame until everything not of the Light is returned to the Diamond Heart Presence of Mother/Father/God's Perfection.

Thank you God, And So It Is!


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