Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

This is a group to help each other with our spiritual growth, upliftment, & ascension by sharing meditations, prayers, group activities, & loving support for each other in any way members suggest. And we ask that we be guided and over lighted in all of our thoughts, words, actions, prayers & meditations in every moment by our own mighty I AM Presence & Soul & any and all Ascended Masters, angels, Archangels, & Elohim we acknowledge to help bring forth into greater manifestation the Awakened Divine Human... the Ascended Angelic Human living always in Divine Love & Peace & Abundance. We offer our selves, thru our 'I Am Presence,' in service in helping manifest Father/Mother/God's Pure Divine Will on earth & in helping unfold the Divine Human Blueprint in every human being...

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Connect With The Celestial Healing Music With Archangel Sandalphon By Octavia Vasile

   ...Connect With The Celestial Healing Music With Archangel Sandalphon By Octavia Vasile..."You are all blessed with the divine energies of pure unconditional love.I am here with you to bring light to all those who seek it.I love you beyond your human form....My goal is to connect you with the celestial healing musicand to invite it to nourish your heart....In your reality, everything is possible,and that is because you are imagining your world.Would you imagine beauty, so you can live up to…

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Opportunities To Integrate More Light By Patricia Cota-Robles

  Opportunities To Integrate More Light By Patricia Cota-Robles At this time, we are all still deeply immersed in the process of integrating the incredible shifts of Vibration and Consciousness that have been Co-created through the unified efforts of Awakening Humanity and the Company of Heaven since the beginning of 2024....This is a very unique and individual process which our I AM Presence is guiding us through in alignment with our highest good. Our I AM Presence is being as gentle as…

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Super Full Moon & Eclipse - 3 Things You Need To Know 🌕💛✨By Melanie Beckler

...Melanie Beckler:September 17th/18th 2024 we have a powerful Super Full Moon Eclipse happening, and the Full Moon, known as the Harvest Moon is bringing a heightened energy of transformation and illumination as we harvest all we've learned from and grown through in this current cycle as we now prepare for the next cycle and something new.... This Full Moon is the perfect opportunity to cleanse and release what is no longer serving you so you can step into the new paradigm possibilities for…

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