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Hi all,

i started to channel this healing system in 2007 and finishing it at 2012. Been keep it all this time but now i found it's time to share with those interested.

Its the 1st part of the content as i need to put all i' ve wrote in english from portuguese.

As i translate more parts ill insert them.



Emotional  and Mental Prismatic Healing from Sirius   -  Central Sun

A Multidimentional Healing System

Supervision : Sananda

Oriented by: Kuthumi; Jophiel; Hilarion; St. Germain ( under the Blue Fraternity of Sirius and the White Fraternity of the Earth )

Topics :


-       Emotional/Mental prismatic Healing.

-       Prisms charged with the 3rd, 5th, 2nd and 4th; 1st, 6th and 7th Rays ( from the respective rays necessary to the treatment process)

-       Use of visualization tecnics and scanning of the  subtle bodies accessing  to the akashic records of the particle of the being under treatment, using aura reading.

-       Cleanse of all the bodies

-       Raise of conscience using Christic Fire on this specific vibration




Cleaning tecnics to release concience from the control matrix by raising the vibration of the subtle bodies. (faster vibration meaning higher concience).

Contact with the divine particle accessing the higher Self

Deep relaxing and deeper christic conciousness


Light prisms charged/boosted with diverse energy vibrations attuned in the moment of the treatment  and specific.

The prisms keep within the energies/symbols necessary for the specific treatment. Therefore, a prims may contain several symbols and some other specific energy frequencies. (They are Merkabas of light)

Meditative tecnics and criative Visualization using all the support of other energy systems ( if intended as this system adapts and can be used with other systems).


Have in mind:

Emotional/Mental healing simultaniously

-       Sensations – emotional

-       Holograms – mental

-       Cristalizations, chips, etc subject to psychic surgery

-       Akashic records – Personal, grupal and universal.

-       Mother holograms – thought fractals derived from the base ( know how many arms the hologram do have)

-       DNA + GNA + memories

-       Water molecule + celular memory.


Some Considerations :


The structure of a hologram:

Un hologram or ilusion, is a parasite energy that does not belong to us and subsists by the strenght of all his structure to wich is agregated.

It can be set in a sequence wich means it can be connected in a ilusory line (thought) to a major structure, the mother hologram. Or can be considered as an self energy entity.

Un hologram mother contains fractal arms that are also ilusion lines and that can be easier identified, can induce in error the subject, revealing as the primordial cause of that ilusion.

The primordial cause of  an ilusion, resides in the nucleous (mother) of the ilusion were all arms of the hologram are connected and start with.

All the structure above described is self sufficient, dinamic, and feed from the emotions  produced by ego under the mental and emotional bodies.

Un arm, contains within a structure of thought that contains several holograms aligned followed by a primordial ilusion.

This is the terrain were ego navigates under the mental bodie assisted by the emotions that flow by the emotional and in this consist the ilusion.

What is the paper of ego in the ilusion:

Ego is parto f the human racional. In a way, ego is the Navigator of ilusions that we keep inside, but do have an important role in our surviving instinct. ( and this is primordial).

Obviously, this surviving instinct is also an ilusion. Assuming this, ego travel in a ilusion make us believe that it’s real, as it shouts in our mind images (ilusions) that resides in the pasto r in the future and seal that images normally with an emotion.

Therefore, an ilusion is built in with an image or  image sequences feed with emotions that stablilize the hologram. For exemple: a fear brought by certain thought.

What kind of ilusions exist:

-       internal :


              developed by ego but have other cause;

              all aspects of personality;

past lifes (paralell lives)


all kinds of registries that exists in the person, like celular memories, akashic records, water molecule, etc;


All the ilusion that resides in the individual and that caracterises His evolution path point at the moment. Here, concience, is the disruptor of the ilusion were by higher strenght, will heal the subject , provoking a new paradigm.


-       External:


 caused by traumatic events and also from third parties like obssessors, etc.


Engrams, miasms - dense thought-forms  with self structure that hooks to subtle bodies, usually the less subtle and when active, preceed deseases in worse cases in phisical body. Basicly these are energetic barriers that compromise the energetic channels, not aloud the vital energy to flow.

On other hand, releases strong desarmonic emotions that induce holograms  and reprogram all the matrix of ilusions present.

As they are highly nocive, its important to keep in mind that  in the reprogramations, that they produce, they spell new contracts in viral way and leave marks as it is in this case, the engrams, wich means they are double illusions by their nature as they are illusion within illusions.

When removing a miasm, should use specific merkabas, specific prisms just for that porpose. After detecting a miasm, it must be blocked and sealed within the prism of desegragation and simultaneosly use prisms to erase all the engrams followed by emotions and holograms created.


All these points of registry shall be eliminated in :


-       Akasha

-       DNA; GNA

-       Water molecule

-       Cellular memory

-       Subtle bodies + electromagnetic bodies

-       Phisical body with special attention on chackras

-       Ancestry (all the line)

-       Removal of contracts

-       Engrams in phisical body

-       Parallel reallities

-       Ilusory line of time/space

-       Points of connection with higher self and their registries


Miasms also do have the speciallity to attract obssessors and other entities that vampirises the victim. Sound will do Great co-adjuvant terapeutic effect.



In the end, we can caracterize the illusions as all the perceptions that surrounds us, brought by the control matrix and by the illusions limited and that limits subject’s personality.

Starting from a holographic reality were the Basic point is the error, all the substract is fruit and seed of illusions. Here, the Macro structures show up and house all other illusions wich all converge to the center.

In a specific moment, there is a happening that marks the individual, by pain or some other reason, that momentum will remain in the future in a dinamic sequence that caracterizes by a  behavor pattern, that hides  that single moment that is in the origin.

If there is a memory of the happening in a conscient way, she will make a bridge between past reviving it over and over again, projecting it to the future in a frequence of fear, anxiety or any other negative composition.

I tis in this projection between past and future that lives the gigantic hologram by who all the patterns repeat themselfs  ando f course not linked to the cause.

So, the subject lives alienated from the present time, in a fear state; being a hostage from all this dinamic illusion that absorbs His energies, developing a emotion/thoght parallel making the perfect victim for miasms, obsessors and other umbralline and astral entities.


How to treat and Heal the individual from illusion?

The illusion falls when one conscience stands and win over that cause.

Having conscience  obviosly as a consequence emerges a disruption destroying the illusion, by solving the cause. Knowing that all that energy (illusion) don’t belong to the subject, the disruption happens, erasing the pattern structures.

If there is a constant work, cleaning of  our bodies, a connection with our light families, by our higher self; if  we learn how to listen that voices that come from above,, our trine flame develops and wins mussle elevating our conscience that is centered in the trine flame deep within our hearts.

Naturally, we will observe that what surrounds us and make note that we don’t get hit as we know that don’t belong to us as we identify the illusions.

Forgive is fundamental and catalizes the healing process.

The acto f forgive is sublime act of love wich concience connects and getts stronger. When we forgive someone, we are releasing two dense charges; one linked to us; the other linked to other we forgive.

Forgiving and His energy opens the heart chackra wich sends an harmonic energy frequency for all other subtle bodies, wakening the conscience to a higher state that goes right to the illusion’s cause that so many times are miasms, and in that frequency of Love and conscience, all that illusion disapears.

However, residual memories may remain and need to be removed as much energy were applied for that the illusion lived all that time.

Only after the complete removal of the contact points of  the illusion, the subject is completly free from that energy.

Love is real and by consequence even the deepst strong illusion is destroyed.

This System, helps the subject to detect illusions and to destroy them with energetic tools, the prisms, polarized with loving energies from the Masters under supervision of Sananda.

Depending  of the situation, prisms do:

-       Detect

-       Mark

-       Caracterize the illusion.

-       Transmute

-       Erase

-       Deblock

-       Block

-       Potency

-       Blind

-       Rebuild

-       Etc...

So this is all about a healing co-creative system supported by the  Masters.

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