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Self-love is not so much the thought we hold about ourselves, although self-love can flow from our positive thoughts and be restricted by our painful ones. Self-love is not just about appreciating our positive qualities or liking ourselves, though these things can grow out of self-love.

Rather, it is a state of being. It is the inner experience of deep, profound safety, well-being, peace, acceptance, faith and a certainty that all is in order. It is the feeling of basking in golden sunlight on a perfect day, where the experience of the present moment supersedes all thought.

It is the feeling of faith that we are all right even in the midst of crisis. It is the experience of being completely present with other people, seeing, hearing and accepting who they are without judging or wondering if we are being judged. When we have self-love, we automatically become less self-absorbed. We have confidence, joy and a radiance that ripples out to the world around us. We are full and have much to share with others. We have a calm, even center that doesn’t get buffeted by the ups and downs of life. The experience of unconditional love and self-love are the same.

Yet this is not the whole story in cultivating our inner power of love. It is not necessary to pamper and indulge ourselves to have self-love. We don’t need to take ourselves to lunch, send ourselves a birthday card and talk to our inner child to practice self-love. We may find value in doing these things, but they will not guarantee the result of self-love.

Self-love happens in any moment that we surrender to the gift of the present. It can happen when we stop thinking about whether or not we are good enough, whether we are loved and accepted by others or how we have been wronged. It happens when we simply stop to enjoy a fragrant summer breeze feeling content and one with something greater than our “self” (small “s”).

Self-love happens when we forget our own needs, pain and imperfections long enough to truly see another person through eyes of acceptance and compassion. Self-love happens in moments of peace when we remember to put aside our own personal struggle and invite a Higher Power to intervene.

After enough of these peaceful moments of “self” forgetfulness, we suddenly discover that when we do think about ourselves we feel the same acceptance and well-being that we felt in other contexts. We find that we have come to like ourselves.

In other words, in coming to love ourselves, there is a certain amount of work we can do. Yes, it can help to state our self-loving affirmations out loud, and there is a place for loving our “inner child” or cultivating a relationship with our “self” as though we were relating to another person. And, yet, there comes a point when we need to simply get over our “self.”

You are the only one who can truly discern when “self” work is helpful, and when it becomes yet another distraction from your “Self.”

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  • Dear Amba,

    Self Love & Ego should be differentiated !!


  • Mother, Father God, God of My Being, I come before you and ask for
    this special healing of karmic, misqualified energies.

    I call before me this one_(name of person to heal karma with)___ and
    see her/him in my spiritual vision.(in minds eye, I "see" or imagine
    that person)

    I ask you_(name)___ to be willing to do this healing work with me.

    I call on the Law of Forgiveness for myself and all of mankind, I
    forgive everybody and everything and I ask forgiveness FROM everybody
    and everything. And I forgive myself.

    I See (in vision or minds eye, imagine) the one to do the work with
    standing before me, I Ask this one to forgive me saying; _(Name)__ I
    take full responsibility for all pain or harm that I have caused you
    in this life time and in All Lives and Times clear back to the very
    beginning of time, known and unknown; and I ask you to forgive me
    for this. I forgive you for All pain and harm that you have caused
    me in this life and in All Lives and Times clear back to the very
    beginning of time, known and unknown.

    And I forgive myself.

    (Imagine into your minds eye Archangel Michael and see all of these
    actions being done there)

    I Call forth Archangel Michael with YOUR Flaming Blue Sword and ask
    You to cut loose ALL cords which tie me to this one _(name)__.
    Above, below, on all sides, and in front and back. I release and Let
    go all cords connecting me to this individual. I "SEE" in my minds
    eye Archangel Michael coming forth with His Flaming Blue Sword and
    with it, severing all the cords connected to my body from this

    individual and all cords I have connecting to the individual.
    I "See" them ALL being cut loose and freed. Thank you Archangel
    Michael, Thank You, thank you, thank you.

    I Call forth Saint Germaine with YOUR Mighty Violet Transmuting Flame
    and ask You to blaze through these cords and transmute all
    misqualified energies clear back to the very beginning of time, to
    the Pure Love of God, (or whatever quality you choose to have the
    energies transmuted into) (do not eliminate this step, as the
    transmuting creates a vacuum and if we do not fill it the Universe
    will rush in and fill it with whatever comes along, very important

    I "SEE" in my minds eye the Violet Transmuting Flame blazing through
    ALL the cords clear back to the very beginning of time and
    transmuting the energies to the quality I desire. I Ask that the
    root, cause, core, effects and every hair and title of this energy be
    transmuted and removed from my being and aura forever.
    I "See" (imagine) the Violet Transmuting Flame blazing through ALL
    those cord, I "see" it consume and change the energies, I "see" this
    step being done. Thank you Saint Germaine Thank You, thank you,
    thank you.

    From My heart I send the Pure Love of God, I see it flowing from the
    Central Sun into my crown charka and out my heart, to this
    individual, surrounding them and filling them completely.

    I Ask Jesus to come and take this individual to their rightful place
    in their Divine Plan of Life. And I Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    I Ask the angels to remove all memory of these deeds from me and that
    if memory should resurface to help me turn it back over to God
    immediately, so as not to return this energy to myself and reattach

    the cords again. Thank you Angels, Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Thank You Archangel Michael, Saint Germaine, Jesus Christ, Angels of
    Light involved and thank You God of my being for this healing and
    clearing, Amen & Amen & Amen............AND SO IT IS, AND SO LET IT

    Sending blessings and love your way.......

    Namaste, Amba


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