Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

1. Imagine a bubble of white light around you before leaving the house in the morning

2. If speaking with someone you know can leave energy behind - imagine extra white light and a cloak made of feathers around you before speaking with them (or emailing)

3. After contact, imagine a shower of water above your head is washing you clean and cleaning the bubble too (if you can't do this at the time, do it later)

4. At the end of the day have a real shower in zesty shower gel and imagine cleaning your bubble too

5. Imagine your body and see if you can tell if you have any energy cords (like rope or telephone wires) coming out of you into someone else. If you have these, imagine them being cut by a sword which is on fire (you can ask Arcangel Michael energy to assist with cord cutting)

6. If you keep thinking about someone when you are not with them it is a sign you have an energy link to them

7. If you have been drained, cut cords, wash out bubble with imaginary light/water and imagine the bubble being re-newed or mended, then imagine filling the bubble with gold light from the earth

8. Try to stay emotionally detached from others and their dramas

9. Try to stay focused on yourself rather than others

10. Try to not put your happiness in the hands of others

11. Try not to want something from someone else or to expect someone to do something to the extent that you can't let them go

12. Try to take a walk outside each day to "blow the cobwebs away"

Your bubble is your seat belt. Renew it every day and wear it around you.

White light allows you to interact with human beings without giving of your own personal energy source. The Dali Lama gives out white scarves as a sign of greeting people with white energy. When we use white light on an emotional level its frequency takes on a more tangible wave length and feels like soft material (like a hanky or a scarf). It allows connection and empathy without draining you. That is how he is able to meet so many people everyday! Some people do this naturally but you may have to practice staying in white light vibration.

When the Buddhist teachings talk about non-attachment, this is what they mean. Its not about not loving people its about loving people with white light not personal light. This is a very tall order for humans and is virtually impossible to do 100% of the time, especially when karma kicks in but it is possible to use this white light as a cushion against being drained or being attacked!

Try the white bubble for a week and see if you feel more energised - I bet you will!!!!


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