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Healing Past Wounds with Reiki

We all have things in our past that have caused us pain or trauma. Some of these things can be quite severe and leave lingering effects or keep us living in the past, either reliving the wound or wishing for what we believe should have happened instead. This keeps us stuck, unable to move forward and enjoy our lives in the moment or create the future we would like to live. These painful memories and stuck traumas also tend to manifest in physical ways in our lives through repeating patterns we create without realizing it and through our bodies as physical illnesses. We can make a big difference in our own lives and the lives of those around us by beginning to do conscious healing work on our past traumas. Each time you notice an emotion that repeatedly resurfaces around an old issue, you are wishing something could have turned out another way or feeling indignation or anger at the way something in the past went, you are likely stuck in an old painful memory. The same may be true if you find that something in the present makes you feel intense anxiety, fear or anger when there is no immediate threat of danger or loss to you. Pay attention to your body signals when these things happen. Do you feel tight in your chest, throat or belly? Is your jaw clenched and your forehead bunched? Use all of these signs to notice that healing work needs to be done around the issue at hand. If it has gone on a long time, you will likely feel that the emotions are “justified” and you “have a right” to feel that way. You may use this to fan the flames of the emotion and make it stronger. Your feelings are your own and they are telling you that you need to be healed. They are not wrong or right. They are simply a signal. When you have pinpointed the painful memory you are feeling stuck in, write it down on a piece of paper. Go into as much detail as you feel you need to, or simply use a few keywords that symbolize the memory for you. If you are also finding yourself stuck on playing out what you feel “should” have happened, write that down, too, preferably on a separate piece of paper. Again, use great detail, if that feels right, or a few symbolic keywords. Once you have these accounts written down, hold the memory of what actually happened in your hands and send it healing energy, love and gratitude. Send any healing symbols that feel intuitively appropriate to you. Hold it to your heart chakra as you extend gratitude to the person you are today for helping the person you were then to heal. Send deep love to all versions of yourself, at all ages. Next, hold the account of what you wish would have happened in your hands. Begin sending healing energy, love and gratitude to what actually is as you allow yourself to let go of this false past. Allow yourself to see that it is not a true past and to grieve it fully so you can release it. It is OK to feel whatever comes up. That is part of the release and the healing. It has been dear to you and it’s natural to grieve. Keep sending love to yourself and allowing what really is, knowing that what is now is OK. You can be in the present more fully without tending to a false past. Heal it completely and let it go. Once you are done, either bury or burn (in a safe place where nothing will catch fire!) the pieces of paper, allowing healing energy to release the memories completely as you symbolically give them up to the elements. Again, use CKR, SHK and/or HSZSN or any other symbols that you feel are appropriate. Spend a few additional minutes simply being aware of your breath, your body sensations and your energy field. You will likely feel a sense of lightness and freedom; however, you may feel somewhat drained and tired as well. Rest if you need to and drink plenty of water to help flush toxins. Do this process as often as necessary and recommend it to your clients, as well.

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