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Holding onto pain from emotional wounding can make you sick over the long term. Your physical body needs you to let go of these things in order for it to flow and be healthy. Sometimes it helps to have a ritual, or a ceremony, to mark a place in time so you can let go of something. Be serious about this, make time and space for ritual, light a candle, switch off the phone, be fully present in your intention to let go.

If you want to invite new things into your life, you have to let go of the old, so that you can make some space for them. Focus on what it is that you wish to let go of, and on a piece of paper write down three sentences about how you are with this still in your life. On another piece of paper, write down how you are, when this is no longer in your life. Go deeply into this exercise so that you can truly clear it.

Now, visualise your future self without the impediment – whether it be a fear, a grudge, a resentment. If you have to forgive someone speak it out loud "I forgive you".
See your future self, head held high, free of this burden, shoulders down, relaxed and smiling. Now imagine that version of you is in the room right now, standing in front of you, smiling in the wisdom that comes with actually letting go. Ask yourself this question = "What would it take for me to be that person, right now?" wait and listen if there is an answer, pay attention to it, make a note of it.

And now, with grace and determination, imagine that you are stepping into the energy of the you who has already let go. Step into the space where that new you is, turn full face around and see where you were just standing what you let go of is left behind - the fear, resentment, grudge, all of this now is outside of your physical body on the floor where you were just standing. What does it look like? It's not yours anymore, ask the Universe to gently transform it/take it away. Stay and wait until it's gone. If some of it refuses to leave, you need to ask yourself what it is that you are having trouble letting go of – how does holding onto this pain serve you? You may need to repeat this exercise a few times in order to clear it completely.

Breathe. Believe you are clear, to the very bone, feel and know that you have let go of what was holding you back. Breathe the rest of it out through your body, breathing in the clarity, the newness. Focus on the candle and let the flame take the rest of it away. Burn the papers, both of them.

Change your vibration, feel better.


Circle of divine light

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