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Rite of Purification by Archangel Metatron


The Love and Empowerment Foundation

Under the Auspices of the Archangel Metatron



Rite of Purification

by Archangel Metatron



All Beloved, let us enter now into the still space of the chambers of our heart where lies the door to the Temple of the Outer Light, the most holy space which exists between the nameless, formless void and the manifestation of material creation. Here

All Beloved, let us put aside now the cares and concerns of our earthly lives. Let us silence the chatter of our minds, open our hearts and be One with Mother-Father God. Let us now, in this stillness, accept Their unconditional love.

Let us now enter into the temple, welcomed and blessed by the Angel of the Presence. He bids us to enter into the innermost holy room of the Temple, Before us burns the Pillar of Rainbow Fire, the Fire which sustains Creation itself.

All Beloved, let us now cast off our garments of fear, shame, blame, guilt and regret. Know now, in the fullness of understanding, that these lower emotional frequencies are not a part of your true divine being. Know that they are illusion, false darkness cast upon us as we were born into human form upon the Earth.
All Beloved, let us now enter into the Pillar of Rainbow Fire and be consumed, in all of our bodies and through every atom of our physical being. Patterns of fear held in the DNA of our physical bodies are now consumed by the Rainbow Fires, Lower emotional patterns of frequency are dissolved in the flames. All that is not our own divine essence is burned away.

Let us step forth from the flames of the Pillar of Rainbow Fire, now purified through all of our bodies and every atom of our physical being.

All Beloved, now let us be purified also by the Waters of Eternal Love, which flow from the wellspring in the Heart of Mother-Father God. Let all that is not our own true and divine essence be washed away. We are worthy to stand in the very Presence of Mother-Father God, as One and Many, Many and One.

All Beloved, now purified by Fire and by Water, and by the Love and Light of Mother-Father God, let us now receive Their blessing and benediction. We are One and Many, Many and One, Now purified, blessed and surrounded in Grace, let us return to our human lives and our world as illuminated and divine beings. Let us remember, from this now moment forth into eternity, the birthright of our divinity and our worthiness before Mother-Father God and all Creation.

And so it is, now and forever in the Name of Mother-Father God.




The Love and Empowerment Foundation


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  • Dear Amba,

    Very good message of Love from master Metatron......he is our master helping for wisdom and Light of all knowledge....

    God Bless you....


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